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Originally posted by shaqkobe at 2005-11-27 22:49:) E" N; z+ w. F2 Y& G( X6 i
個post del左啦。。
" X/ L& w+ w( Y: r我想問張相係你周圍既係你貴親??
# A% v4 D4 D/ ]& [9 _' ?5 C* Q
$ n8 Y; K1 V3 y2 @, R0 [0 @and finally, you know what's my looking.. hehehehehhehe
We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
so be happy!
Originally posted by brightlee at 2005-11-27 20:49:  r- `& W& o, i+ h

! `& f+ |3 B0 ^6 Z. y- q
; j" Z6 o- e0 Qchurch friends in Sydney
1 {# M, a# l- x0 }: C6 X

仲有Sport板飛機區 索女運動員、PE學生妹等緊你(新圖非附件~免分~)
Originally posted by brightlee at 2005-11-27 08:49 PM:6 J5 L7 l8 P- L9 P
7 w" s7 q6 v, y' b
4 r# j/ u/ `& ?1 E8 Y; m. w
you can read it now,* K" U  i7 z- |- K; [# x
special for u
/ {4 T4 }1 g+ H! `% I- C" Z+ Y( [睇到啦~thx~
6 C8 ~/ N! G: @8 F& U; @5 e果然係阿仙奴忠實fans.........生日都著住
Originally posted by brightlee at 2005-11-27 20:50:# D# l; T4 y) ]" t  }, j7 u
; s  b9 y  T* R! e5 r7 a& P+ X
9 t$ w" B4 d) @+ o$ f
and finally, you know what's my looking.. hehehehehhehe
! w0 ?. Z' z1 ?第一次見。。。好高興可以見到你個樣。

仲有Sport板飛機區 索女運動員、PE學生妹等緊你(新圖非附件~免分~)
Originally posted by shaqkobe at 2005-11-27 08:51 PM:7 y9 q5 i7 w7 f2 P

! O0 y6 ]: p+ q( o( _第一次見。。。好高興可以見到你個樣。
  w5 F; G# n/ ]  }+ I$ p7 Q& ?0 L* }
me too
Originally posted by shaqkobe at 2005-11-27 22:50:& J1 a5 C' g5 V! B3 f6 }0 m

* |: Q4 S0 U2 N, P9 O; ?5 s4 ?0 Io~原來係教友。我以為係親威tim
  o$ x$ x+ H) ~9 Z  m7 i& a8 U
4 C% D. I1 Y9 X+ u- _
wai.. if I have so many relatives around my ages.. I should be really happy.. hehehehhehehe
2 v" @3 y& }  b  s1 P6 ~most of my relatives, they are much older than me....
: N. w; c0 s4 g1 K! Zand also........
2 Y" _& ~% m% [3 U" W6 K  ^0 tmost of my relatives are in HK now, I am in Sydney
We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
so be happy!
Originally posted by pakho at 2005-11-27 22:51:
: m" ^0 O; }& K. C& }; e) L5 @) D9 {$ s( @" Z4 w
- O, I) P. ?3 z: ^. ^果然係阿仙奴忠實fans.........生日都著住
1 @8 a6 _9 O5 m! `4 U
$ y' d) ]0 k, d( @4 s: @; L
Well, a special day should wear special things... hehehehe
We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
so be happy!
Originally posted by brightlee at 2005-11-27 20:55:4 c' Z" M8 T, _- q  e

& K! }! M0 G1 Q  G
. O  U, H3 m& H3 ~3 p0 u; Pwai.. if I have so many relativ...
0 [8 k! P! I3 t9 D8 e5 H7 s; \+ p* S" B

仲有Sport板飛機區 索女運動員、PE學生妹等緊你(新圖非附件~免分~)
Originally posted by shaqkobe at 2005-11-27 22:59:; @/ a, z7 j* J$ a
# A, }3 @. l* P- u  Z" j4 {
5 [( z* z( S- s5 e: B( H) b2 H
7 K1 H+ M; y, T
No.. I am living alone........% H3 C9 ~1 S2 g+ \( |
well my place ...... is about 950 sq fleet.........8 L- n6 C. c! x8 I( f6 o( {5 i/ U
and my suburb.... who have a lot of Chinese...
  u; N3 {; f# z  ^0 C0 Z' jyou can survive even you don't know English....
! s* o8 u8 C' h8 b  s5 F" v+ O# W& H& Y2 Z* D# B% V' L$ W. Z
But I don't like my suburb nowadays as there are too many Chinese in here......
We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
so be happy!
Originally posted by brightlee at 2005-11-27 22:28:' Z' s& k" w. l6 r" r0 Y; @5 A
the photo which was taken in my birthday this year.; Q0 o$ e$ z9 h' \" `1 e

7 D, S2 }" B8 P$ r[ Last edited by brightlee on 2005-11-27 at 10:41 PM ]
3 @3 I' f/ g8 l, u1 N

3 r# }4 D. b5 W; mset到甘高分,都開唔到
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