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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » 有冇人可以教我睇 3D 圖?
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有冇人可以教我睇 3D 圖?

睇左成晚, 乜都睇吾到


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the orange one is birthday cake wo, [1 @, N4 _' g: U* W/ ~3 w$ ~
blue one have a circle then saying 你好嗎?
8 t' L9 S; ]4 j1 z' a( n) n' E; K; i2 s" ]- b+ M
u can go this site
" H# w, E  m, U% bhttp://three.flash-gear.com/ster ... 5276&k=23402373
! b. a- m! Y( c% B" U, e, u9 Xone the right bottom they teach u how to view 3D pictures  _' c& S7 f3 s# o
hope help
The blue - 2 Circle w/ chi" How are U". ?4 q, G( |  e3 v: m* n% e

2 Y8 }6 `2 `5 Q* d/ G# @it is abit hard say how to watch...1 p* V) S8 ]% h
if u have a liitle training on seeing thing w/ 2 images
, a7 a. V+ Z' \3 X/ x( A) A; M. \- g! ?
or if u can find the different when u only "watch" thing w/ single eye8 j" P  w0 s" t
u'll see the same image "moves"or disperate very sightly
1 G0 F7 L, S7 i. Y$ J7 y4 B# D3 B' N( i+ e# E1 p
so if u treat the pic is the two same image , 2 q6 O( C3 X3 M3 `
then force ur eyes to foucs as one single image..( @8 m% X. l$ \+ i# d7 `) I
u can see then
5 e  @- ?$ k7 w& p; K
, g( e9 r* r& d# N# Bpls accpet my poor english coz I can't type chi in officePC
但我打開係平面圖= =# H6 Q2 V! c% I% s! l
>< 都係睇唔到~~
9 V, Q7 X0 o. ]0 Q- o1 [6 d雖然圖文並茂咁教點睇.....但係都唔係好明點做.....
7 z' o. \- k8 b  a+ ~圖2.三歲生日蛋糕


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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » 有冇人可以教我睇 3D 圖?

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