.....after reading this....I don't think this article is that good....
firstly, I think the comparison is not good ("清潔工, 上網 and 億萬富翁).
In reality....I don't think a billionaire in nowadays would still not know how to go on Internet....
even normal old people would try to learn how to get on Internet.....
secondly....if the person in the story really became a cleaner(清潔工), since he worked hard and he continued to learn new things (like computer and internet). He might also have a chance to become a billionaire.
and this part of the story:
these 3 points are totally stupid and unnecessary to the main point of the story.
I know that the main point of the story is this "機會跟命運都是掌握在自己的手上的,如果這男子不把逆境轉化成機會扭轉自己的命運,今天的他就不會是個億萬富翁了。"
however, in the story which is really stupid...the person earned money by selling potatoes and even built up his business.....
if that could happen in real world, then I totally don't think it was a 逆境 for that person......