Ai....agree with you~
If base on the team yesterday's performance...I can c that Argentina over 70% will lose in the game away 對烏拉圭.
Just like b4 team's attack is fast, pretty and complicate, Messi ,Higuain, Aimar, etc both have great tech. pace and finishing.
However, the team's attack are very ineffective...everytime I can c is pretty hard to get an goal...but very easy to lose one...
The team def. is very very very weak...作者: 212 時間: 2009-10-12 01:14 AM
老馬踢就掂...教就真係....作者: 奇 時間: 2009-10-12 03:18 AM
下場和都得,不過肥馬唔好死守呀!唔係個天都唔幫你作者: amigofans 時間: 2009-10-12 11:21 AM
仲有直接出局既危機, 下場輸波既話, 而第6既厄瓜多爾作客贏到智利的話....
阿根廷好似係第5都無, 直接出局....
下場作客烏拉圭大有輸波機會, 皆因阿軍主場連贏榜尾得10分既秘魯都要靠運....
我相信阿根廷足總千錯萬錯, 最錯都係搵左肥馬黎攪, 佢老哥, 根本唔識教波....作者: 0665 時間: 2009-10-12 11:26 AM