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標題: Iveron's Future... [打印本頁]

作者: Xtravagant    時間: 2009-11-19 04:07 AM     標題: Iveron's Future...

After waived by the Memphis Grizzlies, where do you think he'd end up?
作者: skyhookii    時間: 2009-11-19 06:38 AM

In my opinion, he doesn't really care about playing for a contender right now, which is why he signed for the Grizzlies to begin with. So it's still a possibility that he'll play in the NBA, but the key is that he wants playing time. Looking at the rosters of the teams, there's no way he'll join Denver since Denver is doing so well right now they don't want to change the roster. Charlotte and New York are possibilities, since it really can't get any worse for them, but I would personally go with New York just because it's a big city.
作者: tlkwan    時間: 2009-11-19 10:52 AM

作者: Xtravagant    時間: 2009-11-19 01:13 PM

「AI」正式麻煩友!艾佛遜唔肯面對現實,指明要打正選,所以大部分球隊都無意簽入呢位臭名遠播嘅老將,一代MVP隨時就此黯然退休。今次一代戰神被裁掉,亦成為NBA成立MVP(最有價值球員)獎項五十五年以來,首位賽季 ...
tlkwan 發表於 2009-11-19 10:52 AM
Hey I like the stuff you wrote there!! Very well covered what's going on with AI's life atm.
AI is too selfish, he can't just think about himself if he still wants to play in the NBA...
作者: wilsham716    時間: 2009-11-22 03:48 PM



作者: skyhookii    時間: 2009-11-22 04:10 PM

If he wants to stay in the league, he'll have to learn to lower his ego and lead young guys in a bad team. There's no way a contender is willing to sign him right now.
作者: brightlee    時間: 2009-11-22 06:50 PM

「AI」正式麻煩友!艾佛遜唔肯面對現實,指明要打正選,所以大部分球隊都無意簽入呢位臭名遠播嘅老將,一代MVP隨時就此黯然退休。今次一代戰神被裁掉,亦成為NBA成立MVP(最有價值球員)獎項五十五年以來,首位賽季 ...
tlkwan 發表於 2009-11-19 12:52 PM
I see that's EXACTLY same article in other forum (but different user name), do you copy his one, or actually you get another account in that forum?!!!
作者: tlkwan    時間: 2009-11-23 05:17 PM

I see that's EXACTLY same article in other forum (but different user name), do you copy his one, or actually you get another account in that forum?!!!
brightlee 發表於 2009-11-22 06:50 PM
The article is wrote by me and I have no other name in other forum. I check that forum and found that they copy my article from here (you can check the time when I post this article and compare the time when the "copy" forum post the article. By the way, the forum already said that they are "copy forum". Therefore, they will copy anythings from others).
作者: brightlee    時間: 2009-11-23 07:28 PM

The article is wrote by me and I have no other name in other forum. I check that forum and found that they copy my article from here (you can check the time when I post this article and compare the ...
tlkwan 發表於 2009-11-23 07:17 PM
Thanks!!! Cos I want to add you points, that's why I want to confirm that's your article
作者: Paul71    時間: 2009-11-23 08:43 PM

European leagues
作者: Rated-R    時間: 2009-11-23 09:03 PM

問題系強如Gino,Ben Gordon,J.terry,Ak-47甚至當日4大Powerforward既Ra.wall都能放下尊嚴打後備,點解你堂堂一個未日戰神就唔得???你又唔系Kidd,Nash呢D識用氣又唔貪功既球手,咁不如唔好打la
作者: feuosma    時間: 2009-11-24 12:33 AM

問題系強如Gino,Ben Gordon,J.terry,Ak-47甚至當日4大Powerforward既Ra.wall都能放下尊嚴打後備,點解你堂堂一個未日戰神就唔得???你又唔系Kidd,Nash呢D識用氣又唔貪功既球手,咁不如唔好打la ...
Rated-R 發表於 2009-11-23 09:03 PM





作者: feuosma    時間: 2009-11-24 12:38 AM

「AI」正式麻煩友!艾佛遜唔肯面對現實,指明要打正選,所以大部分球隊都無意簽入呢位臭名遠播嘅老將,一代MVP隨時就此黯然退休。今次一代戰神被裁掉,亦成為NBA成立MVP(最有價值球員)獎項五十五年以來,首位賽季 ...
tlkwan 發表於 2009-11-19 10:52 AM

作者: tlkwan    時間: 2009-11-24 01:31 PM

Thanks!!! Cos I want to add you points, that's why I want to confirm that's your article
brightlee 發表於 2009-11-23 07:28 PM
Thank you!!!!!
作者: wilsham716    時間: 2009-11-26 07:32 PM





第六人? AI所以為AI, 就係因為佢有自己原則,唔妥協,就算係灰熊,CONLEY的表現我都唔係覺得佢係一個好合格的先發

作者: tlkwan    時間: 2009-11-30 11:57 AM

「答案」艾佛遜終於都提供答案,呢位○一年MVP早前(26/11/2009)終於發表聲明宣布退役,正式結束十三年職業生涯。艾佛遜早前離開灰熊後,先後傳出過以自由身加盟紐約人或塞爾特人,但「AI」最終卻出人意表地發表退役宣言,令NBA史上再多一個無冕MVP。佢26/11/2009透過友人發表退役聲明,正式結束十三年NBA生涯。艾佛遜在聲明中表示,要感謝一直支持佢嘅球迷,尤其係効力76人嘅時間,佢形容在費城嘅日子係難以忘懷,永遠都唔會忘記76人球迷嘅歡呼聲。此外,佢亦感謝多位名宿如米高佐敦、魔術手莊遜及巴克利等,因為全靠佢哋,艾佛遜先有打籃球嘅動力。More About艾佛遜
Allen Iverson
年齡:34歲 外號:答案、AI 身高:6呎
總助攻:5,522次  總搶截:1,956個
作者: Xtravagant    時間: 2009-11-30 06:26 PM

「答案」艾佛遜終於都提供答案,呢位○一年MVP早前(26/11/2009)終於發表聲明宣布退役,正式結束十三年職業生涯。艾佛遜早前離開灰熊後,先後傳出過以自由身加盟紐約人或塞爾特人,但「AI」最終卻出人意表地發表退役 ...
tlkwan 發表於 2009-11-30 11:57 AM
Recently, there's rumour that Iverson might land in Philadelphia. 76ers has no good PG as L.William is injured...

A lot of ppl say Iverson can still attack and score but has no power to defend. What's the point if u can score points on the offense end but allow the same or even more points on the other?
作者: skyhookii    時間: 2009-12-2 07:25 PM

本帖最後由 skyhookii 於 2009-12-2 10:17 PM 編輯

Honestly, he weakens your defense and degenerates offense. There really is no sense in having AI on your team. One team that might make sense to sign him is actually New Jersey. I mean, can they get any worse? You might as well give it a try...

With Philly, Eddie Jordan's Princeton Offense doesn't work well with AI. The Princeton Offense is based on passing and AI isn't going to fit in, being who he is...

EDIT: Iverson has agreed to a deal with the Sixers:
作者: eqhigh    時間: 2009-12-2 11:30 PM

即管睇下AI 仲可唔可以有個完美d 既球員生涯結局啦

Allen Iverson signs with 76ers

PHILADELPHIA (AP)—Allen Iverson is rejoining the Philadelphia 76ers
Sixers president Ed Stefanski announced the signing Wednesday on the team’s Web site. Iverson is expected to make his debut Monday against the Denver Nuggets.

Stefanski says in a news release that the team felt “Allen was the best available free agent guard to help” after the injury to Lou Williams, who will miss up to eight weeks.
Iverson, his agent and business manager met with Stefanski, coach Eddie Jordan and two other members of the organization Monday.

The 34-year-old Iverson announced his retirement last week after an ill-fated stint with the Memphis Grizzlies. The 10-time All-Star was NBA MVP in 2001 when he led the Sixers to the NBA finals.
作者: 12d3    時間: 2009-12-3 10:43 AM

以他這種已經在「籃球名人堂」預約一個席位的球員來說,這跟侮辱沒有什麼兩樣。不過人家也不是存心去侮辱他:你就不能先委屈點嗎?我只能說,這就是Iverson。他就是那個依然故我的調調,如果說「不為五斗米折腰」算 ...
wilsham716 發表於 2009-11-26 07:32 PM
什麼有個性 / 堅持等等.
發揮合作精神, 為球隊負出貢獻.

最有問題的, 是做後備就是侮辱? 那 Kevin McHale 算什麼?
作者: smmen3    時間: 2009-12-3 12:45 PM


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