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標題: Something to sell [打印本頁]

作者: emilio.L    時間: 2010-9-18 10:58 PM     標題: Something to sell

Hello , I bought a notebook for my wife for her birthday gift. But she doesn't like the screen small for watching movie . Now I would like to sell it and buy another one for her. The computer I bought at Boardway (21-Aug) $58xx, I just tried internet that's all then I put it back into the box and never touch.  
The computer 99.99% new接近全新仲有11個多月保養, 有盒,有單,有保用證,行貨,冇花痕and100%無問題
With original packing + Samsung case + USB speaker $4800
please email [email protected] if interested.
三星 Samsung / Q230-JS02 (Win7 new model)
屏幕尺寸: 12.1寸
顯存容量: 512M
硬盤容量: 320G
內存容量: 2G
CPU平台: 酷睿2雙核
酷睿2雙核: I3-350M
光驅類型: DVD刻錄
卡類型: 獨立
獨顯: NVIDIA GeForce 310M
CPU頻率量級: 2.26GHz
CPU電壓規格: 標准版電壓
屏幕比例: 寬屏16:9
重量: 1.5-2公斤
顏色分類: 黑色
藍牙功能: 有
3G上網功能: 無
電池類型: 6芯鋰電池
攝像頭功能: 有

圖片附件: _!!238123349_jpg_310x310.jpg (2010-9-18 10:58 PM, 25.5 KB) / 下載次數 0

圖片附件: 238123349_jpg_310x310.jpg (2010-9-18 10:58 PM, 15.2 KB) / 下載次數 0

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