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標題: 「通頂」最長時間 [樂:有故事分享+] [打印本頁]

作者: 天馬    時間: 2005-6-8 07:57 PM     標題: 「通頂」最長時間 [樂:有故事分享+]

小弟以前最多三日通頂,各位大哥有冇呢d經驗4 y. M' m2 ^. R' h; p; _' L
, D9 Z+ Q% x- ~" Z
[ Last edited by 樂壇渣Fit人 on 2005-6-8 at 08:23 PM ]
作者: 大家樂1234    時間: 2005-6-8 07:59 PM

7 D5 X+ a, _" ^* L: J遲d聞到棺材香
作者: kaixinren    時間: 2005-6-8 08:10 PM

三日通頂?!?! 我都試過,不過到第三日就開始想嘔!
作者: 秋葉林    時間: 2005-6-8 08:38 PM

作者: 腳指o    時間: 2005-6-8 09:19 PM

6 e  ~8 @4 m" D2 B7 Y係咪好少呢
作者: sfxc0000    時間: 2005-6-8 09:21 PM

Originally posted by 腳指o at 2005-6-8 09:19 PM:
% G2 t* w1 p1 U- J一日咋  r9 [- U" {. E* k
# }: f- \+ ~! U# x% j
同佢o地俾就算囉 =.="
作者: joebar    時間: 2005-6-8 09:43 PM

- P0 w6 c- _8 L7 W$ ?真係72小時以上......無"烚"過,到第三日都唔知自己果時做緊咩....剩係知道點返屋企
0 G5 O! q6 s7 C5 s6 }8 A6 P之後大昏迷左21個鐘,如果唔係阿媽要我起身食飯,真係訓超過24個鐘都似
作者: Tim_Himalayan    時間: 2005-6-8 10:14 PM

I can stay awake 24 hours !
作者: Gretzky    時間: 2005-6-9 02:20 AM

I once did a 5 day all nighter when I was 18.
! O  d3 M6 }/ U# l$ V$ {9 a7 s) W2 D, X- e+ K% ]
We had 4 final exams in a 5 day period so I crammed so hard to get good marks. By the end of the 4th day the exams were done. But we were so happy and no one wanted to go home and sleep (even though we were so tired) so we went out and party for anothe day! (we lived overseas and had no family)% ^$ q9 B7 X: t# e& {
8 ~4 M, j+ n4 X1 j5 @
Total non-sleep days: 5days (4 study days + 1 party days)2 h8 O! P! O) r9 o9 ^9 G

! V3 z; F! @. ]; i: O( y6 WTo be honest, I didn't enjoy the party day too much...cuz I was so tired...we had to lie down on tables during lunch and dinners to eat....we started this game of whoever can stay up the longest will not have to pay for anything on that party day....
4 f- f$ D1 T" D9 e/ B* E2 {
9 y. S$ w2 M2 Pi got home after 5 days of living in the library and street without sleep....and crashed....I was sick for the next 2 weeks at congee and soup most of the time......I almost couldn't make it to my graduation ceremony.
0 Y' y# ~" v* Q5 }: j- ~. \' |/ @# b
5 {& u( X# r; J+ t8 y
作者: bikini    時間: 2005-6-9 09:51 AM

我都試過..: p2 E! ~  U, @/ D

& d& f# _  Z* F8 b4 o事原係我姑姐要結婚,我諗o左好耐都唔知買乜送俾佢好,就o係佢結婚前3日,5 X- D& \: L: j
我先諗到,就係買o左一幅 5000 塊o既砌圖送俾佢....
# Z! f; ]& T$ r# s' w' M就係咁....我足足砌o左3日2夜...真係通頂咁砌.......之後真係有o的又想食、又想嘔o既感覺﹗
作者: singgeihot    時間: 2005-6-9 10:04 AM

undergrad 年代考試, 三日考 n 科嗰隻, 連續五晚通頂, 諗住考完嗰晚訓番覺好, 點知可能緊張過頭, 失眠, 結果成晚通頂上網睇咸 site 減壓, 變相六晚通頂, 第七晚訓吓醒吓, 一掙醒就諗住要起身讀書.... 好恐佈

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