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標題: 【飲食天地】 - 討論區 [打印本頁]

作者: singgeihot    時間: 2005-6-22 12:15 PM     標題: 【飲食天地】 - 討論區


1) 提供一個俾【飲食天地】co-hosts 開会嘅地方
2) 提供一個俾 members 向 co-hosts 提供意見嘅地方

[ Last edited by 左輪仔 on 2005-7-8 at 04:41 AM ]
作者: singgeihot    時間: 2005-6-22 12:48 PM

Originally posted by RahXephon at 2005-6-22 02:37 AM:

sorry as I am on tri...
RahXephon 兄,

好多謝你嘅 reply,  唔好講 sorry 啦, 你嚟得幫手已經當正你係自己人.

關於 link 嘅問題 -

當你開新 topic 嘅時候, 只要你 click 呢個 icon
, 跟住 follow instructions 就 ok. 如下:

Link: 【飲食天地】分區 - 免費飲食指南 (肯分享實加分)

我一陣会開個 topic 俾你參考吓, 其實你唔駛照我方法嚟做, 總之呢個分區你想點搞就點搞, 你寫 d 料咁正, 呢個分區唔俾你 host 真係嘥咗你, 我有信心我哋会搞得掂, 一齊努力啦.

[ Last edited by singgeihot on 2005-6-22 at 12:51 PM ]
作者: singgeihot    時間: 2005-6-22 12:54 PM

如果你想搵我, 可以响呢個 topic 留個 message, 見字即覆
作者: singgeihot    時間: 2005-6-22 01:26 PM

開咗個 topic 俾你參考, 得閒寫 d 正料同大家分享, 多謝
Link: 【飲食天地】 - 圍菜 & 盤菜
作者: singgeihot    時間: 2005-7-3 08:34 AM

十仔, first of all, thank you very much for joining as the co-host of 【飲食天地】, I hope we'll be able to make this topic better and better. I must emphasize that this shouldn't be a stressful job for you. Just spend time and effort on this whenever you feel like doing it, alright

However, I'll rely on you to take care of 【飲食天地】 when I'm not around (e.g. when I'm busy at work). Therefore, I think I should list a few things that I generally do with this topic.

We have a 【飲食天地】本區, which is the one that has been 置頂 at 吹水版. The following is a list of responsibilities for the 本區:

1) Updating the "Thread No. / 標題內容" - This is thread #2 in 【飲食天地】. I have a ms-word file for this, and I'll be taking care of this every weekend.

2) Linking the topics from 吹水版 to 【飲食天地】 - Whenever a member posts a recipe or food information in 吹水版, you can link it back up to 【飲食天地】. For examples, see thread #67, #68. #73, #74. To set up the link, just click the
icon, and follow the instructions.

3) Request points for members who have contributed to 【飲食天地】 if points are not being rewarded over a long period of time - Please see thread #482 in 【本板反映區】.

4) As co-host, you might wanna try finding new information about food and recipes; and have the information posted in 【飲食天地】. For examples, please see thread #69 - 71. As you might have noticed, many members here are not very fluent in English. It doesn't mean much to post things in English. Chinese material is always preferred.

We also have a 【飲食天地】分區 - 免費飲食指南 . This is a free restaurant guide. There isn't much that you'd have to do about this topic. Just request points for members in 【本板反映區】 if points have not been rewarded for a long period of time. Another thing is to link related topics in 吹水版 to this 分區. For example, see thread #23 of the 分區 and thread #2 in this topic 你住/工作個頭有冇值得推薦既食肆 ?

如果你想搵我, 可以留個 message 响呢個 topic 或 校園版 English chat room, 見字即覆

Thank you very much once again. If you have any question, just ask

[ Last edited by singgeihot on 2005-7-3 at 08:58 AM ]
作者: tenmadio    時間: 2005-7-3 11:16 AM

ok  十仔 is crap soldier,   i will type my chinese
作者: singgeihot    時間: 2005-7-3 11:34 AM

Originally posted by tenmadio at 2005-7-3 11:16 AM:
ok  十仔 is crap soldier,   i will type my chinese
Hope my above message didn't scare you. Like I said, this is for fun. Therefore, don't treat this like an obligation. Just come help and update whenever you have time, ok
作者: tenmadio    時間: 2005-7-3 11:34 AM

【飲食天地】分區 - 免費飲食指南 .
have problem... i don't know hk places
作者: singgeihot    時間: 2005-7-3 11:43 AM

Originally posted by tenmadio at 2005-7-3 11:34 AM:
【飲食天地】分區 - 免費飲食指南 .
have problem... i don't know hk places
no worries, i'll take care of this one
作者: singgeihot    時間: 2005-7-3 11:44 AM

Originally posted by singgeihot at 2005-7-3 11:43 AM:

no worries, i'll take care of this one
if not, I'll ask vivi 姐姐 to drop by once in a while
作者: tenmadio    時間: 2005-7-3 11:45 AM

thx thx sing sing
作者: tenmadio    時間: 2005-7-3 12:28 PM

sing sing,, here is another one
作者: tenmadio    時間: 2005-7-3 12:52 PM

sing sing, that member add jor fun mei ar?
作者: singgeihot    時間: 2005-7-3 12:59 PM

Originally posted by tenmadio at 2005-7-3 12:52 PM:
sing sing, that member add jor fun mei ar?
見到 icon 即係加咗分
作者: tenmadio    時間: 2005-7-3 01:04 PM

作者: tenmadio    時間: 2005-7-5 06:32 AM

sing sing, plz go to ... ight=&page=1433
here, read my message, i really need ur help when u come back
作者: tenmadio    時間: 2005-7-5 10:38 AM

Originally posted by tenmadio at 2005-02-01 17:32:
sing sing, plz go to ... ight=&page=1433
here, read my message, i really need ur help when u come back
sing sing, what is this?
【飲食天地】private message
作者: tenmadio    時間: 2005-7-5 10:41 AM

should i answer this?

【飲食天地】 潮州菜 - 打冷你鍾意叫 d 乜
作者: singgeihot    時間: 2005-7-5 10:43 AM

Originally posted by tenmadio at 2005-7-5 10:41 AM:
should i answer this?

why not
作者: fatfatdragon    時間: 2005-7-6 09:49 AM

sing sing,

希望你看見這 post.  好多謝你在 燕窩 post (附上 link, 在下面) 的邀請作為[飲食天地]的 co-host.  暫時小弟可能唔可以 join [飲食天地] 的大家庭.
- 小弟生性閒散, 好怕有公職在身 (雖然 26fun 是大家分享地方, 理論冇太大壓力, 但如果我參加, 一定會好"訓"身.)
- 小弟對飲食文化雖有一定興趣, 但所知其實好小, 主要由朋友+以前睇婦女節目聽回來, 而且鍾意"食"多過"做"和"講". 真的江郎才盡, 而唔喺小弟收料在櫃底. 小弟之前多口講的中藥, 五花茶, 燕窩 是剛巧懂得 (因為以前食很多 =.=" ).

雖然, 唔 formal join  [飲食天地], 但只要小弟知的, 一定會全力參與+支持.
其實, 十仔好勤快, 有他幫手, 我覺得[飲食天地]將來會好ok.

發財埋面 - 請進

[ Last edited by fatfatdragon on 2005-7-6 at 09:52 AM ]
作者: singgeihot    時間: 2005-7-6 10:55 AM

Originally posted by fatfatdragon at 2005-7-6 01:49 PM:
sing sing,

希望你看見這 post.  ... 生性閒散, 好怕有公職在身
發仔你呢句正係我嘅心聲, 【飲食天地】上咗軌道, 有多 d 人幫手, 我都想功成身退.
不過有咗十仔, 【飲食天地】 真係好似起死回生咁
作者: tenmadio    時間: 2005-7-6 03:52 PM

Originally posted by singgeihot at 2005-02-01 21:55:

發仔你呢句正係我嘅心聲, 【飲食天地】上咗軌道, 有多 d 人幫手, 我都想功成身退.
不過有咗十仔, 【飲食天地】 真係好似起死回生咁
無D gum geh 事

能起死回生全是大家和sing sing的功勞!!!!!!!!!!!
無sing sing 冇今日geh 十仔

十仔 大概 會還在版務區
作者: fatfatdragon    時間: 2005-7-7 05:40 AM

十仔, 下面一段說話可能好唔啱聽, 希望你唔好介意.

十仔, 近來我見吹水區出現了一種特別的現象. 就是突然多了很多 食療資訊 (即喺 透過食物 改善身體和甚至治病).
好多內文都很豐富, 但是我更見到有些內容是十分"奇怪" (唔識形容我既感覺), 有些只是標榜神奇的功效, 但沒有一些原理的簡單介紹. 唔好意思說一句, 有些可能是從網上轉貼 (如果我說錯, 請原諒), 但並未標示, 而且可能只是一部份內容.
我自己覺得, 飲食如果單是講如何滿足味覺和飽肚, 可能會簡單和除意一些, 但如果是關係到身體和治病, 我覺得就要小心很多. 對內容的要求要要求高一些. 如果唔喺就人人做專家. 其實好多謝上次 sing sing指出我血燕的問題, 如果唔喺就會誤導很多人. 亦因為這原因所以先出中藥要有醫師指引的備註post.

十仔, 知道你很想攪好 [飲食天地] 和 想好快攪"旺"他, 我覺得有時應刻定下適當的原則和規則, 等內容更有內涵. 以下是一些提議:

1. 如果是從網上copy (部份也好, 全文也好), 應標明 - 這個其實是板規.
2. 如果講食療, 最好有簡單原理. 就算唔清楚都要寫唔清楚, 等其他人參考 (如小弟唔知 鈣點做成容易結石, 我會寫唔知)
3. 好擔心會因為+fun而自己吹水 (看一下吹水板舊加分題全跑出來就feel倒我想講乜)
4. 另外, 十仔有時一個topic唔一定要下下一出post就馬上多謝回應或加上自己意見(尤其是 host/cohost). 有時比時間其他兄弟姊妹發表一下可能效果更好. 純粹個人意見(比1-3主觀), 有時你開了聲讚好, 其他人就很難討論下去.

以上都是些個人睇法, 希望覺得有用 (冇用可以忘記掉, 如果覺得太直接請原諒)

[ Last edited by fatfatdragon on 2005-7-7 at 05:44 AM ]
作者: tenmadio    時間: 2005-7-7 06:01 AM

ok fatfatdragon
作者: tenmadio    時間: 2005-7-7 06:47 AM

sing sing, need help?  
i am starting to get confuse too, don't know how to reply other members, plz help me..
作者: singgeihot    時間: 2005-7-7 06:50 AM

Originally posted by fatfatdragon at 2005-7-7 09:40 AM:
十仔, 下面一段說話可能好唔啱聽, 希...
Fat Fat, the following is my response to Sohozhk 前輩.

I have also given it some thoughts. This is why I added the following message in the 加分守則 of 【飲食天地】 - "可以嘅話, 請提供資料嘅來源, 以增加資料嘅可信性", and I also suggested members to post the following statement along with their postings - "以上資料只供參考, 詳情請咨詢醫生, 註冊營養師, 或其他相關嘅專業人仕".

I have actually thought of removing 健康飲食資訊 as one of the 加分題 of 【飲食天地】. But this won't solve the problem as members have been posting the so-called "健康資訊" long before the establishment of 【飲食天地】.

Here are my suggestions:

1) We can suggest the moderators not to give points to (or even deduct points from) members who are posting 健康飲食資訊 without giving the source of the information.

2) We can also suggest members to consult their doctors or registered nutritionist before they practice anything that is being posted here.

In 【飲食天地】, I have previously posted the following comments:

講開又講, 早排响度睇到一 d 健康資訊轉貼, 有d 我真係不敢苟同, 大家要明白, 好多記者對科学一知半解, 憑一兩個研究報告就响報紙度斷章取義, 嘩眾取寵, 信與唔信就要用吓閣下嘅智慧喇

再者睇研究報告唔係淨係睇 result, 仲要睇埋個 experimental design, 個 design 有問題, d result 點可靠?? 好多時個設計係会 biased, 或者 sample size 太細, 總之呢 d 問題係存在, 我都見唔少.

你会問, 有問題嘅話, 點公佈呀? 呢個就係 how the science community work. 公佈出嚟俾其他科学家參考, 自然就会有另一 group 科学家寫另一份報告去支持或反對, 然後再去研究.

有一篇叫 “癌細胞最愛吃用微波爐煮熱的食物” 嘅文章裡面提到用微波爐嘅害處, 有 d 真係幾離譜.

舉個例, Nitrosamine 係致癌, 但係放塊肉入微波爐会產生幾多 nitrosamine 呢? 第一, 有冇都成問題, 第二, 就算有, 份量比起一塊煙肉或香腸嚟講就一定会少得多, 如果你敢食煙肉香腸, 咁就唔好丟咗屋企部微波爐喇.
作者: singgeihot    時間: 2005-7-7 06:53 AM

Originally posted by tenmadio at 2005-7-7 10:47 AM:
sing sing, need help?  
i am starting to get confuse too, don't know how to reply other members, plz help me..
don't respond to the 健康飲食資訊 topics, only respond to the recipe and cooking topics.
作者: tenmadio    時間: 2005-7-7 06:54 AM

Originally posted by singgeihot at 2005-02-01 17:53:

don't respond to the 健康飲食資訊 topics, only respond to the recipe and cooking topics.
i am such a bad co-host but i will...
i will try harder to gain more experiences to become a better co host

[ Last edited by tenmadio on 2005-7-6 at 05:56 PM ]
作者: singgeihot    時間: 2005-7-7 07:01 AM

Originally posted by sohozhk at 2005-7-7 10:07 AM:
近日發現有若干的網友在飲食健康欄內... 無論是作者所依據的資訊有誤、失實也好,或甚至是作者的惡作劇,或純粹無惡意的吹水,本版為免日後發生同類事件,應儘快採取行動,因為不能依靠網友去界定吹水版的內容,那些是吹水,那些是認真,在吹水版內的就應作最壞打算,全部屬於吹水一類,以確保不會有人在吹水版內,因為不一定真實而認真的資訊蒙受傷害。
Another thing that I would like to point out is that these things do happen in real life too, but not only in 吹水版. For example, my aunt was hearing some false nutritional information, and she was passing them to my mother. Fortunately, my mother informed me about them, and I was able to correct her and my aunt. The best that we could do is not to encourage people from distributing information that cannot be verified. We can't really stop them however........ which is sad, but this is life.......

[ Last edited by singgeihot on 2005-7-7 at 11:08 AM ]
作者: tenmadio    時間: 2005-7-7 07:07 AM

Originally posted by singgeihot at 2005-02-01 18:01:

Another thing that I would like...
agree with you sing sing    
I have recently encourage too much false info,
給了大家那麼多問題, 十仔極端抱歉!!!
sorry sing sing
作者: singgeihot    時間: 2005-7-7 07:10 AM

Originally posted by tenmadio at 2005-7-7 11:07 AM:

agree with you sing sing    
I have recently encourage too much false info,
給了大家那麼多問題, 十仔極端抱歉!!!
sorry sing sing
No worries, 十仔. This is totally not your fault. No need to blame yourself
On the other hand, I'm very glad that Sohozhk 前輩 had brought up the issue though
作者: tenmadio    時間: 2005-7-7 07:12 AM

Originally posted by singgeihot at 2005-02-01 18:10:

No worries, 十仔. This is totally not your fault. No need to blame yourself
On the other hand, I'm very glad that Sohozhk 前輩 had brought up the issue though
so is fatfatdragon 前輩   
he had help me a lot too...
作者: fatfatdragon    時間: 2005-7-7 07:30 AM

Originally posted by singgeihot at 2005-7-7 06:50 AM:

Fat Fat, the following is my re...
Dear tenten and sing sing,

Thanks a lot for your postive replies. I totally agree with your point of view as I always put it serious on eating (as I like eating)
I think you, tenten, sohozhk, me and some brothers/sisters just want to make [飲食天地] better. Actually, when tenten become co-host, the zone is really active and full of enthusiasm (why I like to express my ideas and opinions in recent topics). Both of you are very great in set up the zone.
I will continue supporting the zone as promised.

(自己返睇自己個post都覺得太odd, 請原諒我)

Best Wishes

[ Last edited by fatfatdragon on 2005-7-7 at 07:38 AM ]
作者: tenmadio    時間: 2005-7-7 07:44 AM

Originally posted by fatfatdragon at 2005-02-01 18:30:

Dear tenten and sing sing,

thank you for your post, fat fat, i am still too young right now, and i really need people who are well experiences like solozhk, fatfat, sing sing to help me improve.  i thank you a lot for correcting my mistakes ,  the more mistake i have made, the more i will grow older .  thx everyone
作者: singgeihot    時間: 2005-7-7 08:04 AM

tenten & fatfat, what are your opinions on the following proposals to solve the current problem:

1) We can suggest the moderators not to give point(s) to members who are posting 健康飲食資訊 without a verifiable source. If they agree, then this rule will be stated clearly in 【飲食天地】. We can also suggest members to consult their doctors or registered nutritionist before they practice anything that is being posted here.

2) Remove 健康飲食資訊 as one of 【飲食天地】's 加分題. We'll focus on cooking tips, recipes, and restaurant guides only.

Please let me know what you think and we'll go from there. Thanks
作者: tenmadio    時間: 2005-7-7 08:11 AM

Originally posted by singgeihot at 2005-02-01 19:04:
tenten & fatfat, what are your ...
agree, although not giving points may decrease the people who contribute, but it is always better to be save than sorry.  Adding to your question,, what about people who post wrong recipe or recipe that may decrease heath(example: increase blood presure, etc). what do we do with those post?
作者: singgeihot    時間: 2005-7-7 08:14 AM

Originally posted by tenmadio at 2005-7-7 12:11 PM:

agree, although not giving po...
cooking is different. people have the choice not to cook something or not to eat something. but then we wouldn't want members to promote some "healthy" diet tips that are actually detrimental to their health. this is the major difference.

let me know what you think
作者: singgeihot    時間: 2005-7-7 08:25 AM

tenten, i'll be back tomorrow. please follow up on this issue, and leave me a message here if there's anything urgent. thanks and cheers

thank you very much once again for the great work. when you are doing something good, there would always some obstacles. so, don't be discouraged
作者: Gretzky    時間: 2005-7-7 08:25 AM

Read the comments above...let's be careful here....健康飲食資訊 is too risky for us at this point....食療 information is supposed to be verified by certified personnel, but most members here may not have the awareness or they are simply too ignorant to do so. Even with a disclaimer posted, we have no guarantees....I am concern with the legal consequences, as well as the WELLBEING of our members.

Guys, I work in the medical profession...and I had patients suffered and died coz of stupid information.....let's ditch the 健康飲食資訊 and 食療 threads.
作者: tenmadio    時間: 2005-7-7 08:28 AM

Originally posted by singgeihot at 2005-02-01 19:14:

cooking is different. people ...
I can see the differents now, and I understand what you meant by detrimental to health, example:  <the coffee diet ...> are right, it is better to be save than sorry.  I think even people fully have prove that those are healthy, they shouldn't get points because it might be healthy to one doctor, but not healthy to another.....

example: the fish theory:  it was a huge theory last year and also came into the news, because of factories chemical waste over the past 10 years, the fishes' bodies had mercury inside... under SOME nutritions' theory, the fish may kill the baby's inside a pregnancy women... although there was no prove over the past 20 years that had affect any pregnancy women, in fact, children had grown smarter and smarter each year....

in some cases, due to some nutritions, that is healthy and some don't,  so I think it is always not safe unless ALL nutritions approves it, and that is hardly impossiple, so i don't agree with adding points.. now ....
作者: singgeihot    時間: 2005-7-7 08:29 AM

Originally posted by Gretzky at 2005-7-7 12:25 PM:
Read the comments above...let's be ...
i strongly agree. but this won't prevent other members from posting such information. indeed, members had been posting inaccurate information long before the establishment of 【飲食天地】, and had been rewarded with points.
作者: johnwu    時間: 2005-7-7 08:30 AM

Originally posted by Gretzky at 2005-7-7 08:25 AM:
Read the comments above...let's be ...
I agree With Gretzky....
Recipe is Ok, 健康飲食資訊 and 食療 need professional verification that beyone what we could provide.  I suggest we delete all post realted to these subjects.
作者: tenmadio    時間: 2005-7-7 08:31 AM

Originally posted by Gretzky at 2005-02-01 19:25:
Read the comments above...let's be ...
agree with gretzky's idea,,,

ditching the thead is the best way for all 26fun members to be safe...

I am always so unlucky, a week after i became a co host,.. this happens..
作者: tenmadio    時間: 2005-7-7 08:32 AM

Originally posted by singgeihot at 2005-02-01 19:29:

i strongly agree. but this won'...
maybe we could ask moderators to subtract points to members who doesn't have doctor/nutrients approved that those are correct information
作者: fatfatdragon    時間: 2005-7-7 08:33 AM

Originally posted by singgeihot at 2005-7-7 08:04 AM:
tenten & fatfat, what are your ...

1) We can suggest the moderators not to give point(s) to members who are posting 健康飲食資訊 without a verifiable source. If they agree, then this rule will be stated clearly in 【飲食天地】. We can also suggest members to consult their doctors or registered nutritionist before they practice anything that is being posted here.

2) Remove 健康飲食資訊 as one of 【飲食天地】's 加分題. We'll focus on cooking tips, recipes, and restaurant guides only.
my opinions:
1. Agree to state "members to consult their doctors or registered nutritionist before they practice anything that is being posted here."
It should be the right and postive attitude to somethings related to health no matter where the information sourcing.

2. We can suggest the moderators not to give point(s) to members who are posting 健康飲食資訊 without a verifiable source.. This is a paradox. It can help to improve the information (資訊) quality, but it also discourage members enthusiasm on giviing their ideas/opinions.
Honestly speaking, some of the information sources may be like "阿媽 say" or "婦女新知 say".  If we set this retriction, it may be something lose the objective of "吹水區" on 吹水.   My suggestion is let members have a field to write, but not retricted. he can write down "XX report", "阿媽 say", or "婦女新知 say" and this field needed to be highlighted in color

3. Remove 健康飲食資訊 as one of 【飲食天地】's 加分題.. Agree to remove from formal 加分題, or just give a fixed points (say 1 mark for "轉貼" or 2-3 marks for "自己經驗", of course experience needs to be reasonable and practical). It is because I believe most of the 健康飲食資訊 is from "轉貼".  

4. We'll focus on cooking tips, recipes, and restaurant guides only. Not totally agree (tend to be neutral and near disagree), as 健康飲食資訊 is a key part of 飲食文化.
Maybe, we can change 健康飲食資訊 to 健康飲食討論.

hoping that the above can help.
作者: singgeihot    時間: 2005-7-7 08:34 AM

Originally posted by tenmadio at 2005-7-7 12:32 PM:

maybe we could ask moderators to subtract points to members who doesn't have doctor/nutrients approved that those are correct information
well, at least not add points to the ones that continue to post.
作者: tenmadio    時間: 2005-7-7 08:36 AM

Originally posted by singgeihot at 2005-02-01 19:34:

well, at least not add points to the ones that continue to post.
not adding points may not stop them to post inaccurate information though...
作者: singgeihot    時間: 2005-7-7 08:39 AM

Originally posted by tenmadio at 2005-7-7 12:36 PM:

not adding points may not stop them to post inaccurate information though...
see my opinion in #29.... we can't stop them.... but we shouldn't encourage them.
作者: tenmadio    時間: 2005-7-7 08:39 AM

Originally posted by fatfatdragon at 2005-02-01 19:33:

my opinions:
1. Agree to state...
or maybe we could change
健康飲食資訊 or 健康飲食討論 to 健康飲食奇文

which means legend,, may not be true, so people will know that too
作者: tenmadio    時間: 2005-7-7 08:41 AM

Originally posted by tenmadio at 2005-02-01 19:39:

or maybe we could change
健康飲食資訊 or 健康飲食討論 to 健康飲食奇文

which means legend,, may not be true, so people will know that too
so, we all agree to ditch that thread now???
作者: singgeihot    時間: 2005-7-7 08:41 AM

Originally posted by fatfatdragon at 2005-7-7 12:33 PM:

my opinions:
1. Agree to state...
thank you fat fat for your input. after reading everyone's comments, i've decided to remove all 健康飲食資訊 links from 【飲食天地】.... and we'll go from there.
作者: tenmadio    時間: 2005-7-7 08:43 AM

Originally posted by singgeihot at 2005-02-01 19:41:

thank you fat fat for your input. after reading everyone's comments, i've decided to remove all 健康飲食資訊 links from 【飲食天地】.... and we'll go from there.
dats good
作者: singgeihot    時間: 2005-7-7 08:44 AM

Originally posted by tenmadio at 2005-7-7 12:41 PM:

so, we all agree to ditch that thread now???
yes, less work, fewer confusions, fewer problems, easier to manage
members could still post inaccurate information as they wish, but that's out of our control.
作者: johnwu    時間: 2005-7-7 08:49 AM

put all the wrong information in a thread call 健康飲食精神病院
Then we can discoruage posting more
作者: fatfatdragon    時間: 2005-7-7 08:53 AM

Originally posted by tenmadio at 2005-7-7 08:41 AM:

so, we all agree to ditch that thread now???
my opinions are from the view point of a bbs user only,  if choice, i will honor to people have more experience in this area. I agree to delete.
作者: fatfatdragon    時間: 2005-7-7 08:54 AM

Originally posted by singgeihot at 2005-7-7 08:41 AM:

thank you fat fat for your input. after reading everyone's comments, i've decided to remove all 健康飲食資訊 links from 【飲食天地】.... and we'll go from there.
totally agree

[ Last edited by fatfatdragon on 2005-7-7 at 08:56 AM ]
作者: singgeihot    時間: 2005-7-7 08:58 AM

Originally posted by johnwu at 2005-7-7 12:49 PM:
put all the wrong information in a thread call 健康飲食精神病院
Then we can discoruage posting more
Could you be the 院長?
作者: fatfatdragon    時間: 2005-7-7 08:59 AM

Originally posted by singgeihot at 2005-7-7 08:58 AM:

Could you be the 院長?
作者: singgeihot    時間: 2005-7-7 09:01 AM

Originally posted by fatfatdragon at 2005-7-7 12:53 PM:

my opinions are from the view point of a bbs user only,  if choice, i will honor to people have more experience in this area. I agree to delete.
fatfat, thank you for your understanding. we're all trying to do something good.... but in the mean time, we wouldn't want a good thing to lead to a disaster.

thank you very much for your participation and support, we truly appreciate them
作者: johnwu    時間: 2005-7-7 09:06 AM

Originally posted by singgeihot at 2005-7-7 08:58 AM:

Could you be the 院長?

why not   but I don't think I can cure them, I can only lock them up for life

作者: fatfatdragon    時間: 2005-7-7 09:09 AM

Originally posted by singgeihot at 2005-7-7 09:01 AM:

fatfat, thank you for your unde...
你咁講我會怕羞/面紅 (<--- 好少有 ). 只是覺得你同十仔好熱心攪好d事. 想做得盡量幫手. (maybe you will understand why I don't want to have a 工職 as before saying)
作者: Gretzky    時間: 2005-7-7 09:09 AM

Can't do much about morons wanting to kill themselves and others....but we don't want these guys to blow themselves up in our backyard!

let's do it...maybe 冰肥 can help us monitor the situation so 10 does not have to do all the work....

Don't worry 10....bad things happen to good people...that's life....
作者: singgeihot    時間: 2005-7-7 09:09 AM

Originally posted by johnwu at 2005-7-7 01:06 PM:

why not   but I don't think I can cure them, I can only lock them up for life

and yourself for life

i'll give the institute idea some thoughts.... but it's unlikely that it'll happen.... too much work, you know
作者: singgeihot    時間: 2005-7-7 09:11 AM

Originally posted by fatfatdragon at 2005-7-7 01:09 PM:

你咁講我會怕羞/面紅 (<--- 好...
no worries, when tenten can manage this by himself, i'll retire
作者: fatfatdragon    時間: 2005-7-7 09:13 AM

Originally posted by singgeihot at 2005-7-7 09:11 AM:

no worries, when tenten can manage this by himself, i'll retire
YES agree (<--- maybe kill by tenten )
Then, you have more time to blow water with us
作者: singgeihot    時間: 2005-7-7 09:13 AM

Originally posted by Gretzky at 2005-7-7 01:09 PM:
Can't do much about morons wanting to kill themselves and others....but we don't want these guys to blow themselves up in our backyard!
sounds pretty selfish.... like "each family's taking of of its own snow in front of its doorway".... but i like it. less work is always better for me
作者: singgeihot    時間: 2005-7-7 09:14 AM

Originally posted by fatfatdragon at 2005-7-7 01:13 PM:

YES agree (<--- maybe kill by tenten )
Then, you have more time to blow water with us
i'm sure it'll happen one day. maybe there'll be more people willing to help tenten too. you never know.
作者: singgeihot    時間: 2005-7-7 09:16 AM

anyway, ladies and lads, decision had been made. i'll see the modification done sometime this weekend. thanks for your time and your valuable participation

i gotta get going. will be busy in the next while. tenten, could you express our thoughts and decision to sohozhk and the moderators if they bring up the issue? thank you very much.
作者: Gretzky    時間: 2005-7-7 09:18 AM

sing...I won't be around much while in Hongerland....but leave me messages at Eng blow water and I try my best to take my eyes off all the wonderful gadgets in Hongerland....
作者: tenmadio    時間: 2005-7-7 09:33 AM

Originally posted by Gretzky at 2005-02-01 20:09:
Can't do much about morons wanting ...
i am so happy that everyone is here to help me and sing sing I truly must owe you my gratitude...(not sure if that make any sense )
ok sing sing.., i'll tell sohozhk to come here too
作者: RahXephon    時間: 2005-7-7 12:59 PM

Tenten and Singsing,

really appreciate your great work and contribution ar. And I support your decision of taking out the so-called 'healthy tips / diet'.

add oil.
作者: singgeihot    時間: 2005-7-7 04:17 PM

Originally posted by Gretzky at 2005-7-7 01:18 PM:
sing...I won't be around much while in Hongerland....but leave me messages at Eng blow water and I try my best to take my eyes off all the wonderful gadgets in Hongerland....
Will do Charlie (You know, the Angels will always be able to stay in touch with Charlie )

Anyhow, I might be away for a small trip too.... for a week or so. I'll try my best to have things settled before I go. It is never my intention to leave a mess for tenten to deal with
作者: singgeihot    時間: 2005-7-7 04:19 PM

Originally posted by RahXephon at 2005-7-7 04:59 PM:
Tenten and Singsing,

really appreciate your great work and contribution ar. And I support your decision of taking out the so-called 'healthy tips / diet'.

add oil.
RahXephon, thank you very much for your encouragement and support. If possible, please continue to contribute in the restaurant guide. Your postings are wonderful
作者: tenmadio    時間: 2005-7-7 04:21 PM

Originally posted by singgeihot at 2005-02-01 03:17:

Will do Charlie (You know, the ...
wahhhhhh, sing sing and gretzky is leaving me wahhhhhh

when i see藥 , now, i am so sensitive,....
i don't know how to answer this 【飲食天地】藥材燉雞
作者: tenmadio    時間: 2005-7-7 04:23 PM

Originally posted by RahXephon at 2005-02-01 23:59:
Tenten and Singsing,

really appreciate your great work and contribution ar. And I support your decision of taking out the so-called 'healthy tips / diet'.

add oil.
thx alot for your posting, you should ADD oil too
作者: sohozhk    時間: 2005-7-7 06:07 PM     標題: 聖鬥士!勝利!


1/採用點錯處式的賞罰制,即任何網友在別人的文章內點出錯處,貼文章者就會被扣分,分數會加比指出資訊錯誤者。Reward/Penalty Scheme 可以參考現時的交通扣分制,扣分1至5,由神經病院院長判(要隆重其事),被人唱和唱人,很剌激!網友仔會覺更好玩,有成功感。

2/用一兩個月時間,製造成chat room熱門焦點話題麻!公開徵集網友建議,討論如何解決網上醫療問題,將種種問題、建議post出來,讓大家參與提供方法解決,也提高網友關注,有賣點!做個真正的chat room。


作者: tenmadio    時間: 2005-7-7 10:51 PM

Originally posted by sohozhk at 2005-02-01 05:07:
dats a good idea, but we don't want anyone to copy and paste information

some people copy and paste information that could harm people

[ Last edited by tenmadio on 2005-7-7 at 09:53 AM ]
作者: singgeihot    時間: 2005-7-8 01:27 AM

Originally posted by sohozhk at 2005-7-7 10:07 PM:

1/採用點錯處式的賞罰制,即任何網友在別人的文章內點出錯處,貼文章者就會被扣分,分數會加比指出資訊錯誤者。Reward/Penalty Scheme 可以參考現時的交通扣分制,扣分1至5,由神經病院院長判(要隆重其事),被人唱和唱人,很剌激!網友仔會覺更好玩,有成功感。

2/用一兩個月時間,製造成chat room熱門焦點話題麻!公開徵集網友建議,討論如何解決網上醫療問題,將種種問題、建議post出來,讓大家參與提供方法解決,也提高網友關注,有賣點!做個真正的chat room。
前輩, 很好很好的提議, 十分多謝

但院長必須對此方面有好深厚嘅認識, 否則就失去公信力, 小妹子礙於工作繁重及資歷尚淺*, 未能勝任院長職務, 期待將來有心人願意出任院長一職.

至於扣分方面.... 扣分少不免會導至爭端, 為做好事而傷和氣就唔係咁好喇, 個人覺得加獎指出資訊錯誤者已經好足夠.

此做福 member 嘅項目或者可以發展成為專區及吹水版嘅地標, 有機會小妹子會同版主商量

(資歷尚淺* - 小妹子嘅學士同碩士學位都係同營養學冇乜太直接嘅關係, 目前對營養學都係邊學邊做 )
作者: tenmadio    時間: 2005-7-8 01:41 AM

Originally posted by singgeihot at 2005-02-01 12:27:

前輩, 很好很好的提議, 十分多謝 ...
thx sing sing for the reply in chinese
i am still learning how to write them
作者: RahXephon    時間: 2005-7-11 08:05 PM

singsing and tenten,

很高興飲食天地的反應越來越好,每日平均都有幾個新post。 會唔會將所有食譜group 埋同一個post會好啲? 一來方便搵,二來唔駛將的吹水板的新post推後。

Support u 2 ar!
作者: tenmadio    時間: 2005-7-11 08:15 PM

Originally posted by RahXephon at 2005-02-01 07:05:
singsing and tenten,

me too
【飲食天地】交流烹調技巧 發表食府品評 肯分享實加分 - [積分 10000點]


作者: singgeihot    時間: 2005-7-12 05:08 AM

Originally posted by RahXephon at 2005-7-11 08:05 PM:
singsing and tenten,

To Rah & tenten,

I hope the following quotes would answer your question. I'm still busy at work. I'll try my best to finish with the modifications before I leave for my trip. Cheers
Originally posted by 樂壇渣Fit人 at 2005-6-10 08:54 PM:

威兄, 我個人覺得如果文章長篇 / 有圖介紹
二來太多長篇資料放於此topic內會令讀者感到厭倦, 效果無咁好
三來新主題可以用search function搵番, 而且主題清晰, 一目瞭然

此topic作用主要為詢問台及旅遊資訊的control topic
- 解答會員疑團 / 提供一些「簡短」的優惠行情及旅遊小tips
- 長篇的各地介紹希望可開新topic, prefix寫 [旅遊資訊], 以便日後search得到
- index方面, 如非本topic內之thread, 可以用[旅遊資訊]主題標題及連結取代之

Originally posted by singgeihot at 2005-6-10 10:27 PM:

I agree with this very much. 樂兄, should I also link some of the interesting food topics from 吹水版 to the food sections ?
Originally posted by 樂壇渣Fit人 at 2005-6-10 11:40 PM:
大家可以參考下呢個topic既做法既 (其實都係我做架 >_<" )
只屬參考 不喜勿勉強

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