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標題: 大家想要最低工資嗎?.? [打印本頁]

作者: iato    時間: 2005-6-22 06:43 PM     標題: 大家想要最低工資嗎?.?

作者: kuni    時間: 2005-6-22 10:33 PM

假如有間清潔公司, 請咗10個清潔工人, 每人人工$4000, 總人工資出$40,000.如果政府將最低工資set到做$5000, 以下邊個情況發生o既機會高啲??
" _) `0 N9 k. g5 |' Y6 V
5 K+ {2 C0 a# O; F* N  C& o1 h1  老闆好順攤, 10個工人每人加$1000人工, 老闆無啦啦俾多$10,0000 X. k9 i0 d# t- B

# K7 Q3 P- d4 m2  炒兩個, 剩番嗰8個加$1000人工, 但做埋炒咗嗰兩個啲嘢, 而總人工資出keep 住$40,000
作者: gaye    時間: 2005-6-23 12:10 AM

Originally posted by kuni at 2005-6-22 10:33 PM:* V- n2 l4 ]: K: w# q' @0 j9 P7 |
假如有間清潔公司, 請咗10個清潔工人,...
) m* m7 K- K* F2 m' `
- m# z% \% S8 y& f# Q4 n係啦 , d 老闆會有計慳返條數的
( _0 X+ f: T/ ^2 Q至於最高工時 , 其實大陸都有 , 點解香港反而會沒有的呢 ?
作者: vivienna    時間: 2005-6-23 02:53 AM

作者: iato    時間: 2005-6-23 03:18 AM

Originally posted by kuni at 2005-6-22 10:33 PM:
; u. `9 C2 ]3 U8 r* H! K假如有間清潔公司, 請咗10個清潔工人,...
  ?  E3 ^; T8 A6 R
9 c+ B* X$ x. R0 V7 P好好既經濟定理wow... 勁人勁人...: e9 H8 Q. J! ?. f
但係樓下好似唔係好明... 現在我明點解d議員話呢樣野就會多人投佢啦
作者: 金魚佬    時間: 2005-6-23 05:57 AM

作者: alsw    時間: 2005-6-23 06:04 AM

反對最低工資2 V( Q" n6 b6 Q  Y3 B
作者: johnwu    時間: 2005-6-23 06:41 AM

Originally posted by vivienna at 2005-6-23 02:53 AM:
6 n) ~/ h: b& B, C其實都係講個循環既姐(真正術語我唔太...
/ z" S: K8 x) t4 F+ w% Q  {- p/ p9 T% C) o, J9 p/ i
Actually, what you're saying is call "inflation", nothing is gain from inflation.  Everybody seems to make more money but the real buying power of each dollar will drop.
作者: 遊戲    時間: 2005-6-23 12:31 PM

等我都講下econ先6 m: a( u! I+ q0 U' @) [4 m
, q( {8 {4 F, k; ]' X" o
suppose that the minimum wage is practiced and it is practicable.
6 x) S1 }, v4 A) g1 [3 Q% tthe amount of labour supply will exceed the number of jobs available.
5 Q" ]8 ?4 @. y, s! P, ?9 Gjobs must be allocated by some non-wage criteria,such as
* f$ ]- j$ @  J$ z6 i  J$ U7 Qexperience,appearence,age,education level,etc./ c  D  j" q. V* I' i9 X
i will suffer from minimum wage because i haven't experience.
5 u) L$ a( p9 Ebesides,it also will lead to rent dissipation and waste the resouses of society.
$ Q' ?. E' A+ H5 I. v9 gso,i don't want the minimum wage legislation.
作者: fatfatdragon    時間: 2005-6-23 01:14 PM

Try to use Chinese, but pressing [Esc] two times to lose the content. I use Eng. to express my idea.
1 ~* R4 S& l: E# x, P8 RI think that we can consider the case in two aspects:# d, C; u- N5 W9 t
Whether there is a need to have min. salary, the most important thing needed to be considered (at least by some high position people) is the stage of economic development and the supply of job, supply of labour and employment rate of the place.! p9 E' V3 u8 {" u& H: \  L
If the salary is floating in freedom without control, it will have great impact social stabilities on developing (early stage) or under recovery country/place. Maybe we can think about the situation in north of China during 80 and 90 decades; of course, we can also consider the case of Hong Kong in past few years.
! O1 O6 o( h% j4 m7 Y1 Y: q+ t) JMost people feel not comfortable to the goverment as their basic needs on salary (or min living standard) cannot be met.8 v) x+ V1 x# S9 _/ r8 o
In this case, especially for a large country as China (many people), it needs to have some control this area.
: J9 J' z3 t6 J. EOf course, it will have negative impact to market and may cause some lost in resource as not in optimal free market point.
8 x% t, g  z, R8 p+ e" O, h/ v& |On the market side, especially for the investors, this min. salary will definitely increase the cost of operation. For example, in the past, I worked in a big company, when local goverment tried to increase the min. salary level by ~100RMB, it increased the cost by almost several % to profit (terrible figures). In some case, management  start to think about further investment is  justified. 4 ?+ W6 V+ S$ d- u% h
Finally, I want to say that the min. salary can be applied. However, it needs to consider the new optimal point, under the control that businesses can absorb the added cost.
3 M* f& ]1 a8 D1 Z% TLater on, when the country/place grow up, it can release the control and let it floating in the market.
作者: johnwu    時間: 2005-6-23 03:22 PM

Originally posted by 金魚佬 at 2005-6-23 05:57 AM:
! j8 V$ }. E* s中國係NGO簽左這些包抱保障童工,婦女等就業既conventions。這些只是公認最基本的要求。中國係香港中主國,香港就應該跟。無道理是沒有的。完全同一個先進∕發達地區相違背。# n+ [1 |. w; u
% `  f- m2 \/ C2 G+ W
4個字: 一國兩制
; y: S3 B! ~, x4 z你"愛國"是你的事, 別人可真惜有限的自主權
作者: 死仔飽    時間: 2005-6-24 04:57 AM

我對最低工資有d保留: d4 x1 w& T; {* b, s

' B4 s5 J' W& q$ D1 A& \4 k我個人比較支持最長工時  ^% [2 {5 f6 V0 x, w6 K

0 ?9 ]  h' F/ _2 c因為香港人既工作時間已經長得有d恐怖, N2 o! n7 M2 P1 g! g5 R

& P( \5 N& _5 X6 v) B1 i一日做成12 ~ 13 個鍾........0 p% `5 v7 b- H5 {

- t: X& C- j" ?# _" h! ^真係唔洗訓咩......
作者: 金魚佬    時間: 2005-6-25 01:40 AM

4個字: 一國兩制
7 P, I; I' L. y你"愛國"是你的事, 別人可真惜有限的自主權
! C+ ^  |! d& F% G8 T
7 |( a5 E2 z4 b: A" {
3 _# o& P' Y" `3 y- ^. ~這些不是大陸法例,是國際公約。無論台灣省,印尼、菲律賓,或美國等等都遵守。眾多國家經過多次BARGAINING後,各國認為認該守既公約。香港都有遵守其中童工這條!但卻不肯全部都照住做。
) N( I$ V2 W' W0 @2 ?, j! L/ i% r( D% H) n  ?- [) }
[ Last edited by 金魚佬 on 2005-6-25 at 01:50 AM ]
作者: 大波仔    時間: 2005-6-25 04:38 AM

最低工資最好25蚊/Hr喇..." Z( ~: h$ C4 n9 k; N7 f; X9 F. c

5 |( n0 r, Z  F; \  a老麥同KFC勁平,廉價勞工,新人得15蚊/Hr....= ="
作者: 金魚佬    時間: 2005-6-25 10:20 PM

跟進一點:台灣在世界上很多組織,因為地位不被承認,沒資格加入這些國際組織。但台濟還是跟住了這些公約,在台灣自行立例及遵守。+ m& @& z9 l8 V; z# |4 R4 r
7 \6 S8 F# f+ G' ?0 Z/ n香港商界算是甚東西,這些全世界國家都遵從的ngo公約。連美國都有聯邦最低工資,為何香港能豁免?
1 y  L7 z- q3 e& a4 \- K, C; D) z
還有一個點,就是香港政府做得差,一來立法太慢,二來無嚴格執行那些國際公約。好像最近李珊珊的那個蛇廣告。那條眼鏡皇蛇,因為被人類殺得太多,兩年前cites已經將牠列為第一類頻危動物,完全不能進出口及販賣與擁有。為何還可弄到一條來拍廣告。〔我們常在報章看到的緬甸蟒蛇,才只是第二類頻危〕。這些香港人認為的小問題,在外國人看起來卻認為完全不能接受。對香港人形像也受影響。& {( _5 E* ^% k2 }' P

6 ?  B' w) |/ x0 j0 T( z7 v[ Last edited by 金魚佬 on 2005-6-25 at 11:06 PM ]
作者: kuni    時間: 2005-6-25 11:03 PM

6 f+ q0 V  q% f# e0 Y" g+ Z8 }- ]- I5 Q/ Q9 g
制定最低工資嘅目的, 唔係要符合國際公約, 而係要保障工人權益.  
% q& d& `# a8 y+ r% O; U- e+ @6 Q$ h& X: k+ B
問題係: 制定最低工資可唔可以有效保障工人???  我覺得未必囉, 因為僱主一定會有辦法work around, 走法律lar, 工人未必得到保障/ b8 w$ [  V: v' E  ?0 v3 C
' m2 _  n; C) w  m1 h
譬如話: 老闆可以要d 工人改做自僱, 然後再同d工人簽一d商業服務合約, 令工人名義上唔再係老闆嘅僱員, o甘樣就可以避開最低工資要求, 連MPF 都慳番... 
作者: 金魚佬    時間: 2005-6-25 11:19 PM

這些是各地政府是基本的義務。當然各地政府也要這些法例,符合當地民情。好像童工年齡,由15-18歲不定。當然在第三世界國家都希望將童工年齡再降低一點啦。但都照樣實行。, Y: r) m* c3 I, Y* |* d5 {+ w
  t, \( e" j" ]: S8 \" q6 s

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