講返歌詞既問題。我可以舉一個例子:我識親d女仔都話《莫斯科沒有眼淚》寫得好過《下一站天后》多多聲;但有個男仔就話《莫》唔好,鍾意《下》多d。而查探完之後,佢承認自己根本冇留意過入面d歌詞講乜,只不過覺得個歌名好無聊,咁就唔鐘意首歌喇。作者: Rowlf Wom 時間: 2005-8-19 10:22 AM
If one doesn't listen a song for BOTH its melody, lyrics AND arrangement, one has just wasted a song. And I myself is a male that is in your minority group--I listen to lyrics as well. Agree, don't know why there are such crap lyrics in the song nowadays...作者: 吳建仁 時間: 2005-8-19 11:05 AM
if you listen to hk music, no need to see the lyrics coz they are bad.
but if listen to western music, lyrics is the key factor coz they really make songs by heart, by their feelings. all lyrics are the songs' souls(exclude hk songs).作者: 得得C 時間: 2005-10-17 11:46 PM
Originally posted by launcher at 2005-8-22 05:04 PM:
我係前者, 準~
me too作者: Dr.anger 時間: 2005-10-18 01:02 AM
近年聽metal,lyrics同rythum都同樣仲要!!作者: Miz 時間: 2005-10-18 02:34 AM
先旋律 , 即 曲
之後先會去睇歌詞 (日文歌)
個人真係比較like 純音樂(曲) 多d , so like 聽 " Instrumental ", 快歌仲會好high添= =作者: Kra 時間: 2005-10-21 09:56 PM