但唔知點解個screen show d歌名果陣~
有冇人可以解答我呢~作者: idiot 時間: 2005-10-27 04:56 AM
... just wanna say that dont buy ipod...
the battery life is not long (about a year) and can't be replaced easily... got to pay for the battery replacement which costs a lot of money!!!
there are a lot of complains about ipod! seriously, don't buy ipod!作者: Gretzky 時間: 2005-10-27 05:32 AM
hey idiot,
Which generation of ipod do you own? Do you know there is a DIY battery kit where replacing the battery is pain free?
hey kiki12345,
If that happens to Chinese characters only, I would go to iTunes and try download the song names from another internet based list (some albums have mulit lists to select from).
If that happens to all characters, i would suggest you take the baby back to DG or the store you accquired it. I hope you didn't get the thing from BroadXXX or FortnXXX (their sales knows NOTHING about ipod hardware).
I assume you have the 5th generation ipod...which is not uncommon to have software errors in the first or second shipment...it takes a few to get it right....
Remember to keep your receipt for warranty.
Good luck...作者: d228216 時間: 2005-10-27 11:26 AM
ICIC~~~THX 哦.......~!!!!!!!!
下次試佐唔掂再問你丫~~thanks~!!作者: Gretzky 時間: 2005-10-28 08:33 AM
1st generation is actually the best in terms of quality.
Most 2nd and 3rd (the first bunch) are there at the service centre because of aging...not necessary of bad quality.
I think the fourth and fifth (meaning Nano and the new colorpods) perform better in battery life...I am not too sure about durability.
My advice is: don't worry too much about the battery life now...just use it and enjoy it....and sell your baby before you need to purchase applecare (a must for apple products!)....作者: kiki12345 時間: 2005-10-29 01:28 AM
I see i see~~
thanks for your advice~~^^作者: fantasywave 時間: 2005-11-1 11:12 AM
iPod is for little kids with too much money and want to get hearing aids like old fags but still think they're coolest.