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標題: 活塞能否挑戰公牛常規賽紀錄? [打印本頁]

作者: Dicksonheng    時間: 2005-12-31 03:08 PM     標題: 活塞能否挑戰公牛常規賽紀錄?

12月 31日 星期六 03:30 更新



廣 告





我認為只要沒有傷兵問題,是有機會的. 始終活塞才是nba總冠軍大熱
活塞: 24-3
紀錄: 72-10

[ Last edited by Dicksonheng on 2005-12-31 at 03:34 PM ]
作者: Dicksonheng    時間: 2005-12-31 03:22 PM

舊紀錄: 72-10
95-96年紀錄by the Bulls
作者: Dicksonheng    時間: 2005-12-31 03:26 PM

馬刺 都唔夠活塞打
溜馬無阿達斯 暫難成氣候
活塞, 最大的對手可能就是自己----傷患

再補充現時活塞 :  24-3

[ Last edited by Dicksonheng on 2005-12-31 at 03:28 PM ]
作者: nashisthebestpg    時間: 2005-12-31 07:06 PM


另外,話馬刺唔夠打都好難講, 上次gino無出.....
gino對馬刺的作用好大呢, 尤其對住活塞, 無左gino的切入同分球差好遠.....
作者: harvey22    時間: 2006-1-1 01:30 AM

i think they have a chance at doing it!
but they won't coz pistone is not that kind of team.
they rather save rest there players at the end of season to stay fresh in playoffs
作者: 藍    時間: 2006-1-1 02:28 AM

作者: nashisthebestpg    時間: 2006-1-1 07:21 AM

今日就輸左俾騎士lu............billups 同王子今日打得差.......
成隊piston無人mark 到大帝........
作者: shoot_the_girls    時間: 2006-1-1 09:38 AM

輸1,2 埸反而仲好咁喎.
作者: nashisthebestpg    時間: 2006-1-1 10:01 AM

Originally posted by shoot_the_girls at 2006-1-1 09:38 AM:
輸1,2 埸反而仲好咁喎.
作者: 甘國武    時間: 2006-1-1 12:55 PM

Originally posted by nashisthebestpg at 2006-1-1 10:01 AM:

我要封你做 "軚王" la~
作者: nashisthebestpg    時間: 2006-1-1 01:09 PM

Originally posted by 甘國武 at 2006-1-1 12:55 PM:

我要封你做 "軚王" la~

[ Last edited by nashisthebestpg on 2006-1-1 at 01:18 PM ]
作者: shaqkobe    時間: 2006-1-1 02:43 PM

失敗居多。。。其實活塞上半季既比賽算係易打。好多球隊依家已經打左三十幾場,不過佢地剩係27場(計埋今日28)。者係話佢地上半季既休息係充裕D(頭兩個月打28場{一個月14場},後3個半月打60場{一個月加到成17-18場}),打back to back又會增加,而且開季初段既對手既實力唔係真係好勁。不過近排開始就已經硬仗連連。所以要破公牛既紀錄真係唔易。一季87.8既得勝率真係太恐怖啦。NBA依家既形勢活塞如果最後做到7成尾8成頭既成績,已經係好"神"。
作者: skjeiw    時間: 2006-1-1 03:42 PM

作者: 甘國武    時間: 2006-1-1 06:57 PM

Originally posted by nashisthebestpg at 2006-1-1 01:09 PM:


[ Last edited by nashisthebestpg on 2006-1-1 at 01:18 PM ]
作者: nashisthebestpg    時間: 2006-1-1 07:43 PM

作者: cwc_tkd    時間: 2006-1-1 08:00 PM

我係bulls fans,
作者: Dicksonheng    時間: 2006-1-1 08:03 PM

Originally posted by nashisthebestpg at 2005-12-31 07:06 PM:
另外,話馬刺唔夠打都好難講, 上次gino無出.....
gino對馬刺的作用好大呢, 尤其對住活塞, 無左gino的切入同分球差好遠.....
其實我係馬刺球迷 =.=
作者: shaqkobe    時間: 2006-1-1 08:33 PM

Originally posted by Dicksonheng at 2006-1-1 20:03:

其實我係馬刺球迷 =.=
作者: nashisthebestpg    時間: 2006-1-1 08:55 PM

Originally posted by shaqkobe at 2006-1-1 08:33 PM:

作者: shaqkobe    時間: 2006-1-1 10:48 PM

Originally posted by nashisthebestpg at 2006-1-1 20:55:

作者: nashisthebestpg    時間: 2006-1-1 11:13 PM

Originally posted by shaqkobe at 2006-1-1 10:48 PM:

作者: Dicksonheng    時間: 2006-1-1 11:56 PM

Originally posted by nashisthebestpg at 2006-1-1 11:13 PM:

係我問題 ...
至於gino 仲係我評價最高的球星
作者: nashisthebestpg    時間: 2006-1-2 12:03 AM

Originally posted by Dicksonheng at 2006-1-1 11:56 PM:

係我問題 ...
至於gino 仲係我評價最高的球星
作者: 甘國武    時間: 2006-1-2 12:04 AM

Originally posted by Dicksonheng at 2006-1-1 11:56 PM:

係我問題 ...
至於gino 仲係我評價最高的球星
作者: nashisthebestpg    時間: 2006-1-2 12:10 AM

Originally posted by 甘國武 at 2006-1-2 12:04 AM:

有次j.o'neal黎香港, 有記者問佢now nba最出色的pf 是誰(問題大約咁上下)
then佢話kg 最好,then係佢自己, 跟住先係TD~
作者: Dicksonheng    時間: 2006-1-2 12:49 AM

Originally posted by nashisthebestpg at 2006-1-2 12:10 AM:

kg 最好,then係佢自己, 跟住先係TD~
雖則話 三個人一樣級數者
放係 kg同td之下架啦
作者: nashisthebestpg    時間: 2006-1-2 12:52 AM

Originally posted by Dicksonheng at 2006-1-2 12:49 AM:

雖則話 三個人一樣級數者
放係 kg同td之下架啦
作者: 甘國武    時間: 2006-1-2 12:52 AM

Originally posted by Dicksonheng at 2006-1-2 12:49 AM:

雖則話 三個人一樣級數者
放係 kg同td之下架啦
作者: Dicksonheng    時間: 2006-1-2 12:54 AM

Originally posted by nashisthebestpg at 2006-1-2 12:52 AM:

作者: 甘國武    時間: 2006-1-2 01:00 AM

Originally posted by nashisthebestpg at 2006-1-2 12:52 AM:

作者: Dicksonheng    時間: 2006-1-2 01:43 AM

Originally posted by 甘國武 at 2006-1-2 01:00 AM:

j.o'neal 食糊絕招:

籃板唔輸蝕td 同 kg
作者: asianballer66    時間: 2006-1-2 02:59 PM

u guys seem to forget about Nowitzki, Brand and Marion (even tho marion is orginally a small forward). They, in my opinion, are better than J'Oneal this yr...Marion is just crazy a height of 6'7, he is ranked the fourth in rebounding!!! and recorded second most double-doubles, which is definitely not expected from a 6'7 player despite Amare's absence.. his performance is that of an all-star and should gain him a spot in the all-star game!!!
作者: 76    時間: 2006-1-2 04:13 PM

活塞得6條友打波ja wor...........
作者: Chenjinnan    時間: 2006-1-2 04:16 PM

How crazy? Charles Barkley listed at 6-6, but actullay only 6-4 (when you see his photo with MJ, he is shorter than MJ), he led rebound for several seasons.

No matter how today's superstars performed, none of them impressed me as CB. I am not saying they are not good, they are just performing "normally", and "logical". CB, he was just "abnormal", and cannot be understand logically.
作者: asianballer66    時間: 2006-1-2 09:46 PM

well....i gotta see that pic!!!mind if u tell me where to see it? CUS i dun QUITE believe can just be deceiving sometimes...hahah....AND i just wanna point out that when u say he is "abnormal", u made it sound like he is retarded or something..dun quite get wut u're trying to say..but o well..r u saying he is abnormal as in his "behaviour off the court" or wut? neway, CB is definitely one of the greatest players in NBA history...i hv great respect for him...but itz all history! Marion is like a CB type then, i guessssssss...considering their height and stats...
作者: Chenjinnan    時間: 2006-1-3 05:19 PM

Oh, I was wrong. I don't have that pic but I have the video. Too bad its in VHS and I can't upload..

I said he is "abnormal", coz he was standing at 6-4, and 255 lbs, can you imagine that? In his prime time, he dunked over all centers and blocked their shots. Rodman + Pippen together couldn't stop him. He once grabbed 33 rebounds. He can shoot 3s. I also remember that he once grabbed the ball and threw a long pass for fast break before he landed. He is one of the 4 in NBA history with 20000 pts, 10000 rebound and 4000 ast. (Kareem, Wilt, Karl, Charles). You can see that, except Charles, the rest of those with same accomplishment are "normal" one: they are tall and fit.

Why Charles impressed me most? Because he was short and fat. He had a guard's height, center's weight. It is different when we watched MJ's skywalk and jam, with MJ's best balanced height and weight for a SG, we simply like watching Tom Cruise getting the best Artist, very logical. It is absolutely different when we watched Charles dribbling behind the back on fast break, then crushed down several bodies and dunked. It's unbelievable. A guy like his height and weight shouldn't even standing on basketball court.

He once claimed that he is not role model in Nike's ad. But I think not. If you have MJ's body condition (or LBJ's), it is 100% possible that you can be a successful sportman. It is rare if you do not. But Charles proved that, even short and fat, which most people encounter the same problem in real life, still can be successful. He is not a role model for basketball, but he is the role model for life. He teaches us not look down ourselve, he teaches us to work hard and not to give up.

Shawn Marion? Too far for him to catch up with Charles.
作者: nashisthebestpg    時間: 2006-1-3 05:28 PM

Originally posted by Chenjinnan at 2006-1-3 05:19 PM:
Oh, I was wrong. I don't have that ...
你d 英文好勁呢~
入波靠快攻,補籃和open look3分為多,but佢d 3分 好唔穩定,有時連續2,3球open look都炒....

而巴克利真係好特別呢,雖然我唔係佢嗰個時代,但睇番佢d mix, 一個6尺4,5寸,重260磅ge人,可以係籃底屈高佬,又可以打快攻~
至緊要敢撩o'neal 隻揪!!!

[ Last edited by nashisthebestpg on 2006-1-3 at 05:37 PM ]
作者: Chenjinnan    時間: 2006-1-3 05:52 PM

我 D 英文得 C 架咋!
作者: nashisthebestpg    時間: 2006-1-3 05:58 PM

Originally posted by Chenjinnan at 2006-1-3 05:52 PM:
我 D 英文得 C 架咋!
英文c好勁ga la , 不過係ce or ue?
我ce得 e....係論壇都想打下eng黎improve , but......跟本表達唔到.....
作者: 151515    時間: 2006-1-3 06:24 PM

I think can
作者: shaqkobe    時間: 2006-1-3 06:28 PM

Originally posted by nashisthebestpg at 2006-1-3 17:58:

英文c好勁ga la , 不過係ce or ue?
我ce得 e....係論壇都想打下eng黎improve , but......跟本表達唔到.....
作者: 我愛章小慧    時間: 2006-1-3 07:01 PM

Originally posted by Chenjinnan at 2006-1-3 05:52 PM:
我 D 英文得 C 架咋!
作者: 艾力克    時間: 2006-1-3 07:53 PM

Originally posted by Dicksonheng at 2006-1-2 12:49 AM:

雖則話 三個人一樣級數者
放係 kg同td之下架啦
佢敢認第2, 冇人咁認第一
作者: 艾力克    時間: 2006-1-3 07:59 PM

作者: 清揚    時間: 2006-1-3 08:01 PM

作者: shaqkobe    時間: 2006-1-3 10:18 PM

Originally posted by 76 at 2006-1-2 16:13:
活塞得6條友打波ja wor...........
作者: pkdonald    時間: 2006-1-4 01:11 AM     標題: RE

作者: shaqkobe    時間: 2006-1-4 02:16 AM

Originally posted by pkdonald at 2006-1-4 01:11:

作者: 金魚佬    時間: 2006-1-4 02:25 AM



[ Last edited by 金魚佬 on 2006-1-4 at 02:34 AM ]
作者: asianballer66    時間: 2006-1-4 04:05 AM

haha...u must be a hugeeeeeeee fan of Barkley eh? haha..owell...i didn't grow up watching his game...hahah...too little back itz great that u told me so much about him...i appreciate it~BUT therez something i just wanna make sure and in fact, i am kinda skeptical about it...when u say he dunked over ALL THE CENTERS AND BLOCKED THEIR SHOTS, r u exaggerating?? i mean, u are making it sound like he had never been blocked by any center during his prime time...As for ur comment about a ROLE MODEL for LIFE, i really doubt it...u could hv used a better example like SPUD WEBB, who is only 5'7 and has crazy hops...most important of all, he has a decent record off the court as well...i believe (not too sure) that therez some problem with Charles Barkley off the court, which deters him from called a life model despite the fact that he is a undersized tremendous power forward...last but not least, shawn marion IS a Charles Barkley type..thatz for sure..considering that they r both undersized power foward...AND pls note that i only said he is  Charles Barkley type...i repeat, he is charles barkley type...therez NOWHERE i said he is gonna be as gd as charles barkley. Thatz all i'm gonna say for now and thanks soo much for ur time...AND of course, i'm looking forward to ur response.
作者: pkdonald    時間: 2006-1-4 01:28 PM     標題: re


作者: Chenjinnan    時間: 2006-1-4 01:37 PM

Heh I didn't say he was never blocked by others. If a 6-4 low post guy wasn't blocked by someone else, its really a miracle. Well, I've seen him blocked D. Rob, Mutombo, Mchale... and dunked over Zo, Hakeem, Shaq...

Webb is another abnormal case, I admit. However, Webb didn't reach where Charles did, and I can't really say Webb had a successful career, thus hardly can Webb be a role model for anything. (The only thing he can proof is he can dunk, nothing more)

Aside from archievement, I still can't agree Shawn is a CB type. They have a totally different game style. Shawn is a player that somehow rely on the team (Nash), while teams (especially Sixers and Suns) rely on Charles more.

What you think he is a Charles type I guess is he can rebound and score. However, if you watch their games (guess its hard to find some Charles highlight nowadays) and their stat carefully, they are actually different. First thing is rebound. Shawn get his numbers mostly on defensive end, while Charles was better on offensive end (4.0 vs 2.6 career avg). Well, don't say that because Charles was a PF and Shawn is a SF. If Shawn can do a better job down low, he can play PF (which this is the first thing different with Charles). For scoring, Shawn scores mostly on open shot or by layups/dunks, which both are assisted by others (mostly Nash), while Charles can create his own shots, and also create for others. Their assists avg can tell you about this. (which this is the second thing different with Charles). Shawn does better on long range and Charles was a huge force down low. (and thats the 3rd different).

Yeah Charles was troublesome off the court, but mostly from his mouth. He talked too much trash. But at least, he didn't rape women or hook up with drugs. He did a couple of fights tho.

The only player whose game was similar to Charles I can think of was Larry Johnson.

[ Last edited by Chenjinnan on 2006-1-4 at 01:47 PM ]
作者: asianballer66    時間: 2006-1-4 02:43 PM

great to hear from u again. this time u r bringing up another retired player eh...haha...well...actually,i know about Larry johnson and SO u can save that "informative profile" for urself..haha...just jk man..
neway, itz true u didn't say that charles barkley had never been blocked..but this is the interpretation i got when i first looked at wut u wrote..but finally!! u made everything clear now..haha..and the reason why i said Webb can be a role model for life is due to the fact that his size didn't discourage him from pursuing his career in NBA...remember wut u said about Barkley?? guess u don't!! u said that he teaches us not to look down on ourselves..not to give up..blah blah i'm saying Webb is a better example for that case. get it? his size is extremely rare to be found in the NBA...extremely! i hope i'm making myself gosh..again...pls read wut i wrote about Shawn Marion...i said that he is Charles' type considering that he is an "undersized power forward", nothing to do with game style is often coach's decision.. Both Marion and Barkley are undersized forward who can grab rebound, shoot threes, etc...Don't u see at least a little similarity? and just so u know, shawn marion does play PF in sun sometimes. Hez basically a forward, meaning that he can play both PF and SF... u might wanna watch his game..seems to me u hv no idea he plays PF sometimes..and he does score majority of his points down low this yr, not long range...and herez a link..
u might wanna skim through it..the media is actually saying that the Suns is relying a lot on marion this yr..haha...suprisingly..haha...
Last point i wanna make before i leave is that "fighting" is BAD, especially in the states. A fight can often turn into a gunshooting incident cus u know, a lot of ppl have guns there, unlike in plz...dun make it sound like fighting isn't a big deal...itz a huge concern in USA!! AND SO saying that CHARLES BARKLEY is a role model sounds a total joke to me..hhaa..
作者: Chenjinnan    時間: 2006-1-4 03:26 PM

Well, its more convincible for one with successful career than another without for being a role model right? At least Charles got conference title, MVP, all-star MVP, NBA First Team... He missed the ring only.

You can only say that Shawn and Charles are both undersized forward (this one I agree), period. But you can never say Shawn is a Charles' type. They have more differences than similarities.

I didn't appreciate Charles' fighting acts on or off the court either. (he didn't use gun, he himself was a torpedo already) Its bad. But hes not as worst as others' sexual lawsuit, firearms, drugs... IMHO.

Role model doesn't mean you have to learn everything from it, just pick the goods and drop the bads...

[ Last edited by Chenjinnan on 2006-1-4 at 03:32 PM ]
作者: Chenjinnan    時間: 2006-1-4 03:34 PM

Hahaha... pretty sorry to others that we have several posts here not related to Piston or Bulls...
作者: nashisthebestpg    時間: 2006-1-4 03:38 PM

billups好波,39分career is the high~
9個assist得 1 個to~
佢ge assist/turnover 真係好勁呢~
作者: nashisthebestpg    時間: 2006-1-4 03:39 PM

Originally posted by Chenjinnan at 2006-1-4 03:34 PM:
Hahaha... pretty sorry to others that we have several posts here not related to Piston or Bulls...
haha, 講到馬利安同巴克利~
作者: asianballer66    時間: 2006-1-4 11:43 PM

YES YES YES...another reply from u again..haha..i guess i was pretty persuasive then huh...therez so many points u didn't answer (did u read the link?)....but itz least u replied...and i guess ppl won't mind reading wut we wrote...they dun HAVE TO read it!
so i just wanna start off by saying that Spud Web is a successful person. Please think through before u write. again, u made another absurb statement, saying that he doesn't have a successful career..well..just think, he is in the NBA. "Neone" whoz in the NBA is successful, earning big bucks..
and plz!! i understand what defines role models...itz kinda like a behaviour example ppl would like to follow. But if i remember correctly, u r talking about role model for LIFE...  FOR LIFE, i WEBB is better... For life model, a successful career doesn't mean as much as the the inspiration ppl get from the person. Webb has a successful career and also, he is definitely an inspiration to those who doesn't hv the height and yet wanna go to NBA.
And about SHAWN MARION...can u pls tell me what the differences are? i backed everything up in my previous post, but u didn't reply to any of my points...AND when u play bball with ppl and ppl say that u r like Yao Ming, they r simply implying two things. 1) u r tall 2) u play like him. And in shawn marion case, i am refering to the first point--> size haha. so i guess itz ok for most ppl to say SHawn marion is like Charles Barkley in terms of size and position.
And about fighting..hahah..i thought u were those kind of ppl who think fighting is cool..but i'm glad u r not..hahhha..violence is not the way to solve a problem and Charles barkley,being AN ADULT, still don't get this..OMG OMG OMGGGGG!! wut a he even said he himself is not a role model..glad he knows it. hohohoh..lastly, i meant to say that fighting in the states is a lot more serious than in hk..cus a lot of ppl carry gun..gun is a simple fight often turns into some sort of gun incident, like i said. cus u really sounded like fighting is nth before..thatz why i brought up the gun issue..neway, thanks again for ur time! hehe
作者: Chenjinnan    時間: 2006-1-5 12:06 AM

Firstly, Webb will never as success as Charles. Secondly and personally, I don't agree Webb is successful, that's the point.

For Shawn, I guess I had clearly described what their differences between their game style in the previous post, so please read carefully. Also, if you say Shawn is undersize like Charles did, I again disagree. Charles is 6-4 and Shawn is 6-7. There are many 6-7 SF with good rebounding, like Richard Jefferson. But there are rarely a PF standing at 6-4, no matter he can score or rebound or what. Aside from height, Charles was simply a overweighted fat ball, while Shawn is in good shape. So from top to botton, left to right, they are no way similar. If you insist Shawn is a CB type, please give more actual examples.

I rather accept Shawn and Richard Jefferson are similar: same height, good rebound, 3s, quick, dunks... but I can't connect Shawn to Charles.

No, I don't like fighting. I always think all professional sportmen should behave themselves on and off the court. I was just saying that Charles did some bad fightings, which weren't as bad as sexual assault, drugs and firearms issue, nothing more. You can list out the consequence of gang fighting, but that didn't happen on Charles.
作者: asianballer66    時間: 2006-1-5 12:22 AM

hey hey off buddy..relax...when u say web "will" nv be as successful as charles...i hope u know that web is already retired...he, for sure, didn't succeed as much as Webb...but he is still a success cus HE IS IN NBA!! thatz success, right?? and don't u think he can be an inspiration to ppl!? with his height and hops!?

and itz kinda unappropriate for u to ask me to read carefully when u r the one who don't...pls read my post after ur previous post. i said that game style is often decided by the coach...and shawn marion does play PF....omg..haha...and he is scoring majority of his point down low this yr.....omg...pls read...just read it..haha....i back up almost every single point u made in ur previous post..if u take some time to read it, u will get it...and yayyay....i like this comparision...i find shawn and jefferson comparison even more fit although barkley and marion is fit enuf..hahah..
and i'm glad to hear something bad about charles...wut a model!? haha....
作者: Chenjinnan    時間: 2006-1-5 12:40 AM

Sorry nope. I can't see he has a bright future ahead. His height is really impressive, but his dunks flash only in Slam Dunk Contest, not in-game. Charles monster dunk several times in-game, LBJ does, Kobe does, Carter doess... Webb doesn't. Going into NBA with his height was impressive, but not encouraging.

I saw what you wrote. I did point out that Shawn got his points by lay-ups and dunks too. (did you see that?) But, still doesn't mean he is similar to Charles. According to your theory, so all PF scoring in low post are similar? All PF scoring in low post are CB type? I bet you never watch how Charles plays. At least, even Malone was different with Charles. You know what? Charles played SF earlier in his career.

Charles Wade Barkley, although extremely undersized and overweighted, is one of the 50 greatest NBA player and future Hall of Famer, won MVP and allstar MVP... he is legendary. If you say no one can follow his path, you are correct, he can't be a role model in basketball. If you do not have born-advantages over others and think you are going to fail, look at Charles. He can be your role model. He already shown you.

[ Last edited by Chenjinnan on 2006-1-5 at 12:41 AM ]
作者: asianballer66    時間: 2006-1-5 01:07 AM

itz certainly encouraging...omg...his height just inspires ppl especially chinese (who r short) that therez still chance of making it into NBA......howz that not encourgaging??

and ya...itz my bad..i didn't see wut u wrote about "layup and dunks"....but ur style of writing was not too well-structure in that part....but still itz my bad, i admit...and just so u know, i didn't have a theory...that wasn't a theory..a theory is something proven....thatz only an example of how most ppl say who is similar to who...thatz it!!!first thing ppl look at is the size and then blah blah blah...and omggggg..haha...not all PF scoring in low post are similar...but many of them r similar in that their main job is to try to grab rebound blah blah blah.... similar does not mean the "same". i hope u know that..haha

and i do know he is one of the greatest...but i dun see him as a life model...or even a role model...isn't he 6'6?? even if he is 6'4, itz still a common height to get into the NBA at least itz easier than Webbbbbb's height..his height is like sooo rare that u can count it with ur fingers...
作者: Chenjinnan    時間: 2006-1-5 01:17 AM

It will be encouraging if he is also Chinese. Many black guys under 6' can dunk you know?

Since I watched both of their low post actions, so I said they are not similar.

6-4 is common, 25X lbs is common, but 6-4 + 25X lbs for PF is rare. (I heard he reached 300 lbs once). A 6-4 + 25X lbs PF with 2X pts, 1X rebound is ultra rare that you can count it with your dick. (j/k)

Well, before Webb, there was Mugsy (5-3), he once was a starter in Hornets, and he can dunk too.

[ Last edited by Chenjinnan on 2006-1-5 at 01:26 AM ]
作者: asianballer66    時間: 2006-1-5 01:32 AM

man...i live in the states...u think i dunno that many blacks under 6' can dunk?? hahhahahh...but hv u ever watched a game in any NBA arena before?? the rim is higher! and to dunk like Web is extremely i guess u should say itz encouraging, but not encouraging enuf..u can't say itz not encouraging at all...hahah....any guy who is under 5'10 is an inspiration to us...maybe i should have used the tabuse as a better example 2...hahaha...not to mention mugsy..haha..
and 250+ is helps stablize ur position in the low post...or else u will get pushed ..and those numbers are rare..hahah..but counting it with my dick?? hahahahahh....wut a u even know wut "dick" is in english??? hahahahhahahahahah
作者: asianballer66    時間: 2006-1-5 01:33 AM

oops....a typo...
作者: Chenjinnan    時間: 2006-1-5 01:50 AM

I know of coz. I watched NBA since Dr. J, Magic, Bird...

Becoz even Mugsy (5-3) can dunk, so Webb isn't that impressed me.

And I know of coz, I watched a lot xxx.... hahahaha
作者: asianballer66    時間: 2006-1-5 01:57 AM

To be able to dunk is one thing. To dunk with 360", windmill...etc is another...therez a huge difference...the latter one is so much harder...this is my personal experience...haha..honestly..
and i know u watched a lot of games..but hv u ever watched in an arena, not on tv?
作者: Chenjinnan    時間: 2006-1-5 02:05 AM

Well... not NBA. I watched Yao Ming in HK...
作者: asianballer66    時間: 2006-1-5 02:09 AM wonder u dunno that the rim is higher in NBA la...
作者: Chenjinnan    時間: 2006-1-5 02:10 AM

No, I know the rim is higher, for a long time. I don't need to watch NBA live in order to know.

For NBA, the rims are heighted at 10' while most rims in HK are 3 meters.

[ Last edited by Chenjinnan on 2006-1-5 at 02:16 AM ]
作者: asianballer66    時間: 2006-1-5 02:15 AM

so i guess ppl(like me) who know told u then...hahaha...
作者: asianballer66    時間: 2006-1-5 02:34 AM

hk d rim is so much shorter...dunking is so easy dere...
作者: lintohu    時間: 2006-1-5 05:33 PM

no, cos there's no MJ
作者: asianballer66    時間: 2006-1-6 12:10 AM

which post r u referring to?
作者: Dicksonheng    時間: 2006-1-7 07:38 PM

my English is awful lol
作者: nashisthebestpg    時間: 2006-1-7 08:09 PM

Originally posted by Dicksonheng at 2006-1-7 07:38 PM:
my English is awful lol
係 lo.....太多英文.....
無心機睇晒.... =.="
作者: 打狗棒    時間: 2006-1-7 08:53 PM

作者: Chenjinnan    時間: 2006-1-7 11:18 PM

作者: brightlee    時間: 2006-1-7 11:23 PM

Originally posted by nashisthebestpg at 2006-1-7 22:09:

係 lo.....太多英文.....
無心機睇晒.... =.="
Dick and Nash,
you should learn English when you are young!!

Otherwise when you will work, you could feel embrassed about yourself
(unless you don't want to look wider around this world)
作者: 藍    時間: 2006-1-7 11:23 PM

Originally posted by Chenjinnan at 2006-1-7 11:18 PM:
= =,移左民掛
作者: Chenjinnan    時間: 2006-1-7 11:30 PM


作者: nashisthebestpg    時間: 2006-1-7 11:33 PM

Originally posted by brightlee at 2006-1-7 11:23 PM:

Dick and Nash,
you should learn English when you are young!!

Otherwise when you will work, you could feel embrassed about yourself
(unless you don't want to look wider around this world)
haha,平時睇得多.....學校同補習大把文睇la,上網都要睇....想relax 下ma~
(仲有....上面d 野有無錯grammar ga)
作者: brightlee    時間: 2006-1-7 11:40 PM

Originally posted by nashisthebestpg at 2006-1-8 01:33:

Most of them are right.......

More than 99%

(well, if you are "chatting", grammar is not the MOST IMPORTANT factor........)
作者: brightlee    時間: 2006-1-7 11:49 PM

filter-074 and Chen,
thanks for your sharing in here...~~ =)

By the way, Mussy couldn't slam in NBA, but once upon a time, he had a block shot ...... from Patrick Ewing

Nate Robinson, Allan Iverson and Isiah Thomas, they can/could slam in NBA as they are/was under 6'0

Well, that's a little bit out of topic, but I think Sir Charles was a really special player in NBA, his motivation/aggressive styles, effected his teams a lot when he was playing
作者: asianballer66    時間: 2006-1-8 12:55 AM

grammar錯??? where? hahahahhahah
作者: nashisthebestpg    時間: 2006-1-8 01:05 AM

Originally posted by filter-074baller66 at 2006-1-8 12:55 AM:
grammar錯??? where? hahahahhahah
作者: asianballer66    時間: 2006-1-8 02:18 AM

hahahahaha...iccccccccc....tell me if u find any...
作者: Chenjinnan    時間: 2006-1-8 02:26 AM

Originally posted by brightlee at 2006-1-7 23:49:
filter-074 and Chen,
thanks for yo...
He indeed did dunk in the first round playoffs against the Chicago Bulls long time ago. And here's another website said that he could dunk too: ... oms2studentjn01.htm
作者: asianballer66    時間: 2006-1-8 03:09 AM

is the website created by a student from middle school? if so, the information might not be as accurate...but i do believe that Mussy can dunk...itz just that dunking is sometimes risky...and so we  just saw him making layup a lot more...
作者: Chenjinnan    時間: 2006-1-8 12:10 PM

Yeah, can't verify. Ah... talking about Shawn, I somehow always paying attention to Boris Diaw rather. He seems to have great talent: 7.x reb and 6.x ast avg...
作者: nashisthebestpg    時間: 2006-1-8 12:58 PM

作者: asianballer66    時間: 2006-1-8 02:08 PM

ha...ya...hez gd too!! glad that u finally pay some attention to suns' game..haha..
作者: brightlee    時間: 2006-1-8 02:24 PM

Originally posted by Chenjinnan at 2006-1-8 14:10:
Yeah, can't verify. Ah... talking about Shawn, I somehow always paying attention to Boris Diaw rather. He seems to have great talent: 7.x reb and 6.x ast avg...
Someone say he's another Magic Johnson (in
I never watch his game
but I am thinking another Clyde Drexler is coming in NBA.......
(from stats)

By the way, that's a shock as Jazz won @ Pistons.....!!!

Pistons.. their bench are too weak!!!
作者: shaqkobe    時間: 2006-1-8 02:26 PM

Originally posted by nashisthebestpg at 2006-1-8 12:58:
作者: brightlee    時間: 2006-1-8 02:27 PM

Originally posted by Chenjinnan at 2006-1-8 04:26:

He indeed did dunk in the first...
we can ask via email...?! right?!
作者: Chenjinnan    時間: 2006-1-9 12:43 AM

Originally posted by filter-074baller66 at 2006-1-8 14:08:
ha...ya...hez gd too!! glad that u finally pay some attention to suns' game..haha..
Haha... Charles played for Suns before, so I actually will pay attention to Suns, even Charles is retired.... kekeke
作者: Chenjinnan    時間: 2006-1-9 12:43 AM

Originally posted by brightlee at 2006-1-8 14:27:

we can ask via email...?! right?!
You sure can ask but I am not sure they will reply.... @ @
作者: asianballer66    時間: 2006-1-9 09:43 AM

haha..i guess i should rephrase wut i said....hahaha...glad that u pay MORE attention to the suns...

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