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Originally posted by toro at 2005-4-27 04:37 AM:

係喇係喇....... 俾大家正經回答條題啦
海記唔好同迪硬碰的話,都有D生機, 但其實2者可以"笨"存的
佢D新野都OK呀, 我想睇下北極bear呀...又有返殺人鯨wo, 正呀, 一定要keep返D 鯊&龍"等"~
當然唔想佢執笠, 已經無左個青龍, 又無左個荔園, 又無多個..., 迪記始終係外國野,無香港特色呀,香港必須保留一個有香港特色既園...
如果佢可以有返個水上樂園就正...我未去過呀...,如果海記可以有一個沙灘,咁就正, 比D情侣行下, 如果海記可以比人聯想到浪漫, 咁會大把人去la, 拍拖既就最會用$, 海記入面賣下花,可以收返唔少...迪記開左, 都無咁多自由人去海記啦, 咁個景會好返好多,佢本身個景其實係好正好正!!!,可以利用一下佢既地理優勢...
post一張相, 係海記新 " 成 員 " 圓犁頭鯆...

[ Last edited by JCer on 2005-4-27 at 02:42 AM ]

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誰願回看憂鬱的眼 舊事沒法平淡   偏偏要裝作平淡
憑著忘記將它沖淡 但是易說難辦   歲月已印在眉間
Originally posted by crap at 2005-4-27 02:39 AM:

係喇係喇....... 俾大家正經回答條題啦
The purpose of Ocean Park is to gain profit and remain market share
The attraction and features of Ocean Park and Disney Park are totally different
It's no point to add in Disney Park's feature into Ocean Park
The investment of Disney Park is huge. Everything is new.
New and clean are attracting traveler and visitors.
But Ocean Park seems not improving for many years.
Now The most urgent thing for Ocean Park is to renew or rebulid the factilities
Because most of the factilities in Ocean Park are old and depreciated

If Disney Sea is built in Hong Kong, it will be a big competitor for Ocean Park
Ocean Park might be hopeless for this
may be i would little bit out of topic, but i wanna share views in this way

i think the question should not be who win or ocean park (OP) can against disney land (DL)!!!
because OP must not against DL, just see they background would know

we should also have a look on their running cost, i think Dl must have much higher running costs than OP, if OP earn much less than DL but still can make profit, then is ok!
that means need to take serious plan and caculation on their rate on income and expenditure
so who win is not important, the most impotant thing is they both can make profit that they have forecasted

therefore, now the point is OP can make profit under the competition with DL?
dun take abt its facilities first, just look at its style with DL, i think they are little bit difference besides arcade game, as they both have their different main theme
also, their charges would also different, DL must higher than OP, we should know that they are mainly for tourists, then need to look through the travel costs too.
one ticket may not may have a large difference in their ticket charge, but for a family, the difference on their ticket charge will be larger, also adding hotel charge, other charges......
then will comes out: 超值團  and 豪華團, just like many foreign countries where have DL and also with other arcade parks and theme parks!
in fact they are not with great competition if their theme and charges are not so close that would suit with different type of family!

from the news posted, i think OP is changing its theme to much like a zoo tyle which reduce its competition on acrade game with DL, so from my view, i think OP would get success and both win win situation may come out, may be a mutualism situation eventually because hk can attract more toursists who like parks! just my personal view, thx^^

有白痴 propose 同 agree 佢起先至係最大的問題係
海洋公園一定處下風, 香港迪士尼都係為左賺國內同胞錢, 自由行d人點都去迪士尼啦.

但係海洋公園肯再投資, 做一個同迪士尼完全唔同嘅公園, 我相信都可以吸引歐美遊客, 歐美都有迪士尼, d遊客來香港都唔會再去迪士尼啦.

只要海洋公園攪得好d(都冇得唔攪, 唔攪一定死), 佢一定有得做, 所以我反而覺得係良性競爭, 而唔係硬撼. 如果香港有兩個出名嘅主題公園, 再加上澳門賭場(本人反對香港開賭場), 遊客人數上升, 個餅大左, 就大家都有得食啦.

[ Last edited by singdotcom on 2005-4-27 at 10:24 PM ]
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 閒情逸誌 » [4/27吹水加分題] 海洋公園硬撼迪士尼

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