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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » [轉片] 中國人rap贏黑人
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! R- M$ @$ p+ w* B( W, J
6 u% Z3 V$ [! a( ]
8 S3 c& ]& v, m. @3 eYou ain't a Reggae arist and I aint hatin' on you & h# l2 S1 [  q3 d! a
Stop lyin, Mrs. Cleo is more Jamaican than you & [0 k, ?5 N! f/ h# k8 D
I'm nice with it when I'm freein'
  h0 g' r  D3 G, j3 l1 yWho you think you bein'? - U" u% I& V6 ]/ m# v# A
My pants are new, my sweater is new
+ P' j* T1 Q6 h; n6 j0 E3 I$ Ldon't be mad at chinese kid dressed better than you   w2 Y7 o7 b1 f1 S, q1 ?4 \
Man im freestylin' now its a rap, matter fact ' ^5 o5 N  [$ h
you should ask clef how to make your flow tighter
6 O- B- p# \# K9 p: e4 Cbetter yet, pay him 20 g's to be your ghost-rider . j% s- W0 c8 P" L' K
I'm nice when I'm freein' $ B1 ]1 v5 q; h1 Z& ?! u, q
You ain't beatin me
% ^" a& m7 i! {matter fact i'll be a buffet and you ain't eatin me 4 ?7 M2 Z6 T, N+ s6 _+ f
and don't make me start rappin in chinese on the microphone 8 g3 N7 j! f4 @2 q8 R7 T( \
"lei faan ook kay lah" that means take your sorry butt home!
5 }9 J: Q% `; ]4 g3 W  D+ |1 Y
% _$ }  v  ^9 y% b4 S

( l/ q' e- _3 H) x: c9 y$ ^5 l9 y6 F
6 f: b$ ?8 R) @4 b+ D7 s' N, i
[ Last edited by qweqweqwe on 2006-4-12 at 06:59 AM ]
Originally posted by qweqweqwe at 2006-4-12 06:57:
' J3 H4 A- W2 y7 \8 M6 LLyrics...
9 H( o% t: k; q, ^5 h
. q, i" v+ f0 E- q9 }. r
Originally posted by kgkgkg212121 at 2006-4-12 09:20:3 }6 A+ a2 S2 A5 m3 W0 I& ]4 z/ o
" v( c; i: D8 k9 Y$ K
$ v! V, V9 O$ I1 h; y

; S$ [' k( M) S: i4 Uinteresting.....
- w' W6 n$ ~1 Z5 f- Fin this case I would go for ghost-rider.....
Originally posted by kakeidevil at 2006-4-12 08:44:
* {7 g4 `0 N0 V8 F# a  S1 Y7 i3 L# a! c# |' p% S# I

9 M9 G9 l' N$ @# W; X) w釋做中文吧..
* z0 Z/ ^/ w% \, P  S* z/ f
7 q7 `1 v* v" a0 i) S; A

# [  j  K7 r* Z3 N1 |: t+ s+ l/ G" }
( R8 K6 B, D3 ^$ h5 e3 `
, t" w; V9 Y4 Y7 p
  B' p" D2 d  Y3 @3 k
2 y0 y+ i- H# C+ l6 U 死野kaka............................gum等如叫我將大戲翻譯成英文......................凸*_*凸
- ]+ _: H3 M) |. Z7 k  H* m! M8 Y
  a1 N4 A/ p. k' w9 D9 @% o7 g* Y[ Last edited by qweqweqwe on 2006-4-12 at 09:41 AM ]
Originally posted by anttiniemi2000 at 2006-4-10 11:36 PM:- V0 }2 @, {1 Y- i
not only china, but hk guy.  migrate to new york when he was young
; _) r' n( F$ r& T) {
9 D# {  }# t$ r" P3 C
8 s" _1 U" b9 g; pnot new york...it's miami& n* x* S9 z5 p: x
  _. T6 a0 L+ T
Jin 在東岸 Miami 出生﹐ 原名歐陽靖﹐來自香港一個移民家庭﹐成名絕技係 Free Style Rap Battle, 即係 <<8mile>> Eminem 玩個種﹐所以你會睇見 Jin 的表情特別兇狠﹐因為呢類 Battle 少不了種族侮辱﹐ Jin 要在黑人面前捍衛中國人﹐不知贏盡多少國內國外中國人的掌聲。
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » [轉片] 中國人rap贏黑人

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