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My longest walk in my life...

For those who lived in toronto......+ E( b" E7 X5 K( o0 O, X
  v: a& t/ A. ]* c+ E2 [
u will understand how i will feel now....9 {! Z. G) t  @0 C5 s
9 X, t/ F1 j  x* H

  L) K3 [5 m! r8 v3 {have anyone try walking to McCowan and steeles from york?~trust me. u don't want to try it....
4 c& [4 b2 o$ n$ W, E: V# A0 `5 o5 O+ W1 H
i have no bus fare. [. q6 {8 p1 ~! ~/ a

7 \1 J- D6 c% h2 G% Nno mmoney today
* G0 i! P* U% h2 W
1 W2 P  ^( q/ n# l+ jso i had to walk from york to my house..
. `0 I5 C$ a, ]+ Y) u* t( {0 S" M# j5 }# v7 K0 L" J2 S# J
i live near McCowan and steeles..' Y# V. I3 G, P  v# W" {; O  f

8 f( n2 A$ x4 P, H9 H  r, vdamn my legs are tired ~><~
holy shit...how long does it take u??
how long? 2 hours?

Target : 1000 fun !
Holy Smoke.... I live near where u live!
: c! p  w0 U  `3 n' f) F* UHow can you walk from Keele to McCowan by foot?. @- W$ ~. L1 {* e
U are insane!
4 d+ g. j- r; f* v3 ]2 R* P! x( V' TWhy don't you call ur friends or classmates for help?
Originally posted by keip5 at 10/1/2005 12:36:
2 ~$ K1 z$ T! x( S) `Holy Smoke.... I live near where u live! 2 r5 X) `5 W* \" l/ a; w2 u
How can you walk from Keele to McCowan by foot?: t, i1 h+ J' Z5 G! e# q$ H) b
U are insane!
" x& i9 p; ^. F. |4 _Why don't you call ur friends or classmates for help?
0 F+ W7 U& I. J+ T5 `9 a* l1 @: X4 S( d: _1 s
& z' w8 {( ^+ z9 F9 \' f
i don't even have a quarter to call someone, besides, how do u expect to find classmates, york is so big ~><~   
" I( c% y8 g' ]( R4 U- \. e% c  @) T  B
Originally posted by yu815 at 10/1/2005 07:51:2 z9 s9 V2 p$ O  L1 ]& `7 c
holy shit...how long does it take u??
1 d. }: h' D  }! X2 V' y
' b" |* C6 p% V" w3 ]
7 q+ v1 j8 v2 F  I, R9 Y) plol... i am not sure how long it took me.. because i did not have a watch...
9 f5 v" }8 B9 z' u* }8 `$ B) C' Z$ W; d/ l  I
but i knowq i took long, because when i got home.. it was 7:30...
. |# B# [8 R9 L- v* a! B5 p9 F( k9 e
% G0 c. P/ s; r2 B" u
Originally posted by zz1988 at 10/1/2005 12:03:
! {" Q: R. j8 L+ m, p% R$ vhow long? 2 hours?
0 F, f% X, ?8 v  G/ ]! ^: e
! m& M) y4 W, c
; U$ g8 T/ r7 [8 s9 I9 ]1 e
i could tell u it is definitely longer than 2 hours....
: y: {" p2 ]. C; @, j+ o: h. ~1 S: abecause if u take ttc, and it has traffic jam,,  it will take almost 2 hours to get home... around 1.7 hours to be exact....
' x$ H# r# b9 H+ W. O6 jif traffic jam...
# X. t3 Z/ ?2 Z! `* m: c3 I! g  N* S; i5 j6 H; }% r
[ Last edited by tenmadio on 2005-10-1 at 08:59 PM ]
why dont you  call your friends or relatives to pick you up?
They teach you this in York U? Do you bring your brain to York?
Man, you are insane, why didnt you bring money with you?
Originally posted by fantasywave at 2005-10-15 03:59 AM:
# w( g8 r0 i! h# k: |- l$ |They teach you this in York U? Do you bring your brain to York?
/ |* R5 c% R- W  _- O- h5 b

# \, J8 g2 k6 n8 \9 L9 cI thought your parents would have taught to be sensitive and compassionate to others who are in need. , x7 ^# A3 h9 o  w; Q

) g" H8 i) Y& `, [" N5 u! Y" g. qAt least you could ask what happend to our fellow member, instead of slam a cold-blooded freaking comment on him.

Originally posted by Gretzky at 2005-10-16 12:02 PM:- Y  U" O7 e! M1 {' |9 f
0 N0 r8 {  T4 ^  C+ E* r9 q+ r
- _( w- @, M7 K* j5 m3 s! s/ J) f5 z
I thought your parents would ha...
# \" R1 e% f+ g5 |! G
( k+ B8 V0 E8 Y9 e1 F) T3 U5 P; m
1 l9 E2 a' l/ g7 j6 p6 g1 R) ~AGREE!!!
7 I. ]/ i2 }2 ^- T% S" T4 pSHAME ON YOU fantasywave
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » My longest walk in my life...

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