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/ i. K9 x# E# Z. X' D: [, L# p0 A4 m說了等於沒說* B5 h5 p$ ~% I( R7 }
#99; f7 m' g- K: z* N2 R. k
不必再想“視綫轉移”開題目  K8 D& i; }6 ~0 D% j* r
# f7 w0 U/ q* m+ c3 P" T8 C+ U
- u: _; X% t2 u, R, Y9 f3 `) l0 b" W  o  D$ z0 s+ [) R( {$ q
" U& W) ?1 z, f0 B7 i4 N9 S0 Q; F' U  c
[ Last edited by DXneo on 2005-4-7 at 07:23 PM ]
你說你的話正確那就正確吧...  X. R5 ]( {0 S% b/ |
我也明白透過辨論不能改變人的意念......- h: j; X$ C8 F" [* q5 [& X7 C3 `
介紹你一本書《科學與聖經》8 ~, M& ~1 i* A
"你說你的話正確那就正確吧..."-------潑婦罵街招數2 X& B9 R4 o( h2 W
$ k0 k) ~- n7 Y* b" L. z"我以前的說話比你的正確"# C- }( _& P) n) d. D
4 w/ _% j& Z& z
"我也明白透過辨論不能改變人的意念......". N1 E1 Q* X0 {  ?" V+ r' M# V
不要改變話題,這不是傳教,是你指出我文中有誤我才回覆,6 V# k5 m- J& L- w3 w0 |! b
Cool down pls, everyone, ok?!
We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
so be happy!


When I was a small boy, I look at the sky, watching there so many stars, just want to ask, what's over there ? # F" i3 ^% O/ l5 M5 k. A
: a. C* x" G" s7 E7 k/ S
I start studying books about the moon, the sun, those planets and read the story about Galieo & Keppler, besides appreciating the beauty of the Universe, (自從十二歲開始青春期之後,開始鐘意睇女多D,以上浪漫既情懷,已經比神收返佐.....) I just discovered the limitation of human beings. They are always looking themselves as the center of the Universe. Until recently, there are still so many people thinks that they are the center of the universe. Have you think about why the god looks so humanistic ? HE IS JUST A SELF REFLECTED IMAGE OF YOU. Just projecting his thoughts to explain the whole universe, that is why the whole Europe suffered from a long long dark age. Please go study what the hell happened in the past.
) X0 t( x) R, W# A6 q' o1 U+ h8 K# E* ]8 n6 ]  f
I believe in god, that is the destiny, but certainy not the one mentioned in Bible. Darwin believe on his god too finally , but not the one in bible. Please read more about what he did especailly after he discover the evidence for evolution. Please don't fool others by saying that great XYZ believe in god after he die. May be his god is not your god.
! {. ?9 e0 y, e, E* [5 [
6 g( g% X' s3 G! P4 wWhat is truth ? Can you say that a pencil will fall on the floor is a truth ? You drop 100 pencil and think the 101 will drop but it has not yet happened, so how come you are so sure about it ? It is the way, the scientific way, tell you ! You can predict what is going to happen from your induction. That is the meaning of truth, the CERTAINTY. CERTAINTY is a concept connected with time. So please tell me what can be predicted by you with your god and don't talk about the past. Past happening in the bible is a story but your scinece text book teach you something you can check ! Don't be fooled by a human self reflected image. I'm glad to have this opportunity expaining my thoughts with so many Christians.  $ \; P3 f8 o  a$ X2 f  _) s
$ E" G0 @& f6 x
自以為全能其實最無能4 ?4 w+ M( b  D

2 y2 A. C. S2 E5 _7 ^8 G/ Q尋找真善美是做人的態度,也是活得精彩死得燦爛的方法。
7 V5 Z+ X' D% s" |4 a! @7 y
) @$ A) B; |8 [6 {人類這麼恐懼死亡,自我中心的態度又怎可加深對這個宇宙的了解?
Originally posted by brightlee at 2005-4-7 07:35 PM:9 o( ], ]5 O6 X% a0 }9 r& L
Cool down pls, everyone, ok?!
# w4 w1 X" f" j9 ^7 W  c/ l: q! Y4 \  h0 }  Q% ]2 T
6 m7 }& V! Z; g# T+ p0 I我只係對文章既趣味所吸引....
) G& ~1 t5 P- U, O3 I6 U比起佢地對神,或無神,既信仰力量,感到自卑
You stfu plz"
Originally posted by ilove---you at 2005-4-7 07:01 PM:
- R8 G0 [. e6 T; F, t+ \/ h1 k
) g3 b% H! x0 K/ T- V3 s
# z* F: u) a2 t3 f9 w証據...係要証實左既先叫証據
/ b% X2 B9 J- B! L# }
0 r/ ~# A! y, G! h* [  q5 {用眼去睇下個隆就話係...又唔做下"碳14"確定下年分??? 見到d對自己有利既所謂証據就認屎認屁認唔切...悲哀!
- F' ]& Y" ~4 O  k9 Y$ e& S" C. g8 }" _2 Y7 c" n+ @, E: Q* m  x

0 Q. ]- X/ C' O" j5 p3 K& x唔係想話你﹐不個你經常用錯既EXAMPLE同經證實既謠言黎BACKUP自己會唔會唔好意思﹖當然大家希望多些人發言﹐但請你先做RESEARCH﹗
it's been a foolish game .
We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
so be happy!
brother brightlee and others,3 t7 J; t8 R6 e7 r, a; x8 _* I! r

; f' E: |: e  B6 IFor those of us who are Christians and have been monitoring the development, this continuous saga has given us a good, accurate read of what the postmodern perception of the Christian (Catholic/Protestant/Eastern Orthodox tradition) faith. Reading the comments is already a treat! Most of us are probably too nice to do that face to face. We should be grateful for the comments everyone made here.9 P4 S4 C1 b+ S. h: C! O

7 F; V, W0 M+ I. rAnd for those of us who are skeptical of the Christian religion, I still believe this was good cognitive exercise. Sure the expressions of opinions were mere crashes of different worldviews, but other than a few who barked occassionally, we had some good exchanges.
9 ^9 `" G% I$ H  a2 p$ P. V
/ {& k+ F3 u$ C3 j3 F( G* Q1 ]. J# {And for those of us who dispise Christianity, I hope the forum allowed you to air out your furstrations as you were 'persecuted' by these religious fanatics!5 H0 H5 B9 Y8 f# v3 H; c2 h. r
6 R: i1 k& T: z% y: g% E
And lastly for those bystanders who doen't care: What the heck are you doing here? ;
, q- W+ O: S: o1 ?8 T
8 w' ~0 o1 [: HWayne

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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » 精彩辯論-----信耶穌不合科學

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