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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » 精彩辯論-----信耶穌不合科學
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This article shows how naive and arrogant human are. If there is A GOD in this world in fact I believe there is, and God create us, how can we human prove that the Creator is exist with our limited knowledge.
& X2 a/ M! H* D5 VIf we can somehow prove that there is a god with our own mehtod, I doubt how great that god is.
% Z1 }1 C3 u# {% |
  R$ ]* c6 O7 |$ k; f. b, ?9 yWe can only see God's creation and HIS work if HE choose to revel to us.2 N' Y0 C0 a& n) s* ]
I wander why so many people rather believe we are relatives of monkey,and will go nowhere after we die, but refuse to believe we are MADE under the image of GOD, and one day, we will go to a place that is fill with joy......  
. T7 f( a, F2 W7 z9 x( m4 i; d# P2 Z3 S3 [3 [  ~2 X
That is the aggrogance and ignorance of human.......
Originally posted by brightlee at 2005-4-5 12:12 AM:# T! O+ \1 V5 ?2 y1 A9 H
the 2nd part is really poor.5 N, b8 ^9 I' C3 Y: v5 T
the writer, from a non-Christianity view to look about GOD....; {0 t  A5 I$ r1 l+ v4 q% R! i
7 v) y6 R( q$ u& {. C4 ^( G
# P0 ?( F, f" S. Q, b& [為什麼 2nd part 有問題而 1st part 就冇? 係因為 1st part 啱聽而 2nd part 唔啱聽?. @0 D: d' B, ~

/ x- r  j+ k5 n* T用非基督教立場看神又有什麼問題? 我係非基督徒, 我唔認為我對所謂 "神" 或任何宗教作評論會有什麼問題, 或者如你所說o既 "weird".
cos simple, as snowbal said...
8 N) E2 l4 O0 V) O; N1 f$ ~- lusing the limitation.. for human.. to think about the unlimited GOD.....
/ F9 H2 E& U! l. P* w, r
' t" ^- e% s& z! v1 x) j; m7 y5 iDo u know that when Darwin, believed in Christ when he was really old, he was so upset that what he did? about his theory he was preaching before that is untruth?!
; E( q8 q7 ~: H' E( S5 Y( z; w
4 X. f2 Q0 r! S. u4 ?" ^3 U9 o0 g; @I love Science, (I study in science, Mech Eng, too) but if you think the smartness of GOD is same level/low level than human... sorry, can't help...... _  \: P0 c/ E7 a
5 M; |# Y1 W- J& n3 R- x* c2 N
this article shows the writer just using logical to think GOD.. in his way.. ........" F0 l0 @3 x- i/ i0 m$ `

% G7 N% N; W3 {4 a8 [, n$ s9 jI am not extermely smart person, I couldn't tell everything why GOD do this and that, but if He's GOD, why He couldn't do it in reality?!; ~. |" m: O8 A3 s9 K& K# i) D

+ P1 c$ W# b" [8 r5 A, x4 S4 EHe is the creater, He knows more than we knows.
. S. B( a( O$ g2 j, f, L( ]He knows our hearts, more than we knows ourself... or anyone surrounding us.....
We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
so be happy!
Originally posted by runrun at 2005-4-4 06:37 AM:" _; T0 G5 m% I1 w5 B& I6 [

( ~, z  C% @4 {+ W9 T& O1 m& ^$ f7 ~2 e; l
為什麼 2nd part 有問題而 ...
6 @' K% a3 z  c
3 m/ z! S1 \) k1 n' OTo respond to your question....  g6 ]" z: }6 L: N$ y5 ]

( i+ ?7 x: p2 P8 k" f9 |9 Z4 U( j1) Unbelievers can only use the philosophical approach to tackle the ontological arugments here. Since they don't necessary buy into the revelations (at least not the illumination part), it is impossible to try to understand God (noticed the use of the language) from theological view points. This applies to even scholarly work by professors in secular institutions like Yale and Harvard (unless in the Divinity Schools).
/ A. H2 m1 C6 g/ j8 i% d
% g8 Q$ O' Y+ ^* ^- L2) This article is actually a poor piece in terms of logic. It contains some fallacies and would never take place in a philosophy class. Even Bertard Russell's book "Why I am not a Christian" failed to give us a strong argument for the non-existence of God. If a philosopher professor claims he/she has good ground on the non-existence of God, I urge you not to take his/her classes.6 X& k6 M0 F* p2 ^  q8 I9 n5 n+ n0 R
: [9 j; N$ M$ S
The crisis Christianity faces today is not the existence of the Being. The irrevelancy of the faith is more of a serious problem than the essence of the faith. The inclusiveness of postmodernity is the biggest threat.! y* q5 G  a& O* @; G9 o: j

3 V6 J( {" |: o3 S8 zLet's move on with some real issues....
p.s. I should not use the word, weird, it maybe too strong, ........ I should use the word "Poor..." instead of it.....
/ Q0 A1 q8 Z  |: X: k4 c5 T1 C
We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
so be happy!
i jsut wanan say smth about hell and heaven, u christians say if u dun believe in God u go tto hell..basically that' sthe idea, so what if there is a person that has work all their life, never did anything bad, always donate, help others witha caring heart..佢對得著天地良心...but he doesn't believe in God..does he still got o hell?...then where's the *goodness* in God ?.....dun u ppl find it very agressive?
Originally posted by Gretzky at 2005-4-5 10:48:
0 Q6 j! `5 x+ W* H5 S, g/ }- b7 v: `( ~; N
1 a, o4 O2 g. u( R
To respond to you ...
2 R/ M0 w3 Z7 E: e
; u5 o1 X6 s* B) e- P- V- N; vThanks You for your explaination....
6 v) S6 X0 j; R, p. n6 T7 }0 @: V  {* j) D: p- ^( w& J
em... I am not a good speaker in Christ......!!' {" E- ~  N8 `2 O0 ]/ O& V

7 R% u: s4 [, E, d9 y7 P# P5 f$ ^) ean emotional guy!!!
We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
so be happy!
Originally posted by 2niper at 2005-4-4 03:47 PM:
" S! @; J- F# D: |3 P) m9 A4 ]i jsut wanan say sm ...
6 D" L7 f4 k" ?/ ^2 d
* p- V9 g. {' ?) f+ H1 k, K1 T5 qDear 2niper,1 d! i& c* o0 R: j5 _1 \

1 T) P8 X/ b* R- W" d% g, `The presupposition in which your statement is based on the fact that:8 c+ e+ d+ }5 [; I; D$ W5 ]
1)A supernatural being (big g God or small g God) is supposed to be loving and kind.
; T8 F4 U' ~: x" G! n5 ^/ b2)Mankind (noticed I do not use masculine pronoun) is good in nature.
  v/ y# Z! r8 K4 U- a3)The Hebrew and --- perception of heaven (peace and restful) and hell (chaotic and painful)% [7 e+ M( G1 F% x% E3 f; J
" x* L9 c8 Q/ {
3 a, |2 G) ]4 |' X! h2 J% ~* T% D8 g
I have a short story for you :-)# ^5 d! k6 r7 g$ Q; S

  Y# Z0 M% y( K) o6 ZA farmowner needed some workers to work on his field. So he took off to the market in the morning and hire a few people. They work hard for the entire day under the intense heat and harsh working conditions. When the day was about to end the farmowner realized  he needed a few extra hands to finish up the work, so he took off for the market again and  hire two more people.0 C  Y6 x1 N7 G' ~

' Y' m9 W. N) f" t, D0 \, l' OThe day ended and the workers queue up for their wages. The farmowner paid each one of them a gold coin for their sweat and labour. One worker came up to the farmerowner and asked, "Master, don't I deserve more than a gold coin? I have worked since daybreak and my wages is one gold coin. These people came in late in the afternoon and worked for a couple of hours. And yet you gave them 1 gold coin as well! Isn't it fair?"1 i7 R8 Y6 t; [/ A- W& d2 m
& K5 U( A& n3 d- K( ]; O2 d$ v
The farmowner replied, "Didn't we agree on the wages before you start?" "I agreed to pay you a gold coin for a day's work, and you agree on it. You got your wages. How I pay for others is my business. The field is mine and I should have the right to pay others whatever I like."
true say, good example.) B) _2 R2 I! [# ^! M1 P5 }! B- Y* M5 l
by the way all i wanna say is that article is very naive.
9 g% F' m# z5 T+ o( k3 Dtrying to use our limited "smartness" to guess god's will.
9 r* Z' N4 `9 M% ]no offence but i think whoever wrote it is stupid and him/her WILL SEE.
it's been a foolish game .
Originally posted by Gretzky at 2005-4-5 16:44:, p% D6 B' T* N+ L$ e. b" R; z

$ Q3 R3 P4 J* ^
  z3 {% e  S0 r  K+ W9 q" x+ IDear 2niper,$ j1 }$ V1 `& b4 g( S. G
9 `- L3 `' Q8 Z% l& ?
The ...
% V2 V0 w4 m! b+ G+ S. V- b. \) L8 @
good, using a great example in bible!!!
" H3 c5 o3 c3 u: L- n0 F; p" n5 uMay Lord bless what you did!
We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
so be happy!
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » 精彩辯論-----信耶穌不合科學

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