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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » 精彩辯論-----信耶穌不合科學
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Originally posted by DXneo at 2005-4-5 05:47 PM:
; V& P3 J6 V1 p"他們都見證了一個人生命的轉 ...
; M6 g& t5 f, l  g% X: C5 L6 ]

, z8 `. c* s* X; Q" I8 C; H, N# m# L7 m6 ?9 C  K
hey...never ask u to believe...just wanna have some dialouge je....
; Z' b! ^# @  o! L8 y3 K% `- U/ U, t: ^+ g
& C4 |. V  \- H! [Gee.....
* B4 b, U  P- X  M. YRelax, GOD is in here, and He knows we do our best in here.
. x4 `1 W: r& G: L$ [+ f; CDon't be upset
; w4 C0 C+ N7 JGOD know what you did in front of HIM and...
, b' W. S7 K1 F" `you should know that, even though we preach Good News, not everyone will be listening/believing... remember as Jesus stage, He did micrcales, but people still didn't believe He is the son of GOD.3 g% P7 t8 Q5 x' X+ S
U did a great job ah!!
, w4 C5 L. C: Q/ M. b5 E
. V* D6 ]- Z4 ^8 i$ o" v4 ZAnd I am sure He knows it
/ V- p" g  m8 G
& k  q4 f- v# i$ G- C8 `2 R, xIn Him,
" h2 m! R. u- q3 t% o" NBright
We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
so be happy!
Originally posted by Gretzky at 2005-4-6 03:32 PM:1 _4 h, s: l. r

! ]' J" F* b* Q% v$ q, zRegarding the resu ...
$ C  P3 T# t+ E' r: ]' H6 \$ F, B

8 U( f! `1 O! d9 n/ @2 I.......................
& l" `4 P& W+ ~4 t7 {9 c+ e- `
4 W) \: D5 s( S/ [- w你up咩>>>???我睇唔明>>>???/ L- A5 a6 |6 t
7 R8 E  d  U2 l/ i
2千年前聖經寫d咩神積...我真係唔係好信囉!" R# E3 K% {4 J
. F. k3 a( J/ w" N3 {; N  s8 \
9 O0 T) Z9 {' I% T* z: u; l都說把“神和基督之名及不要問只要信的思想放在一邊”
' n4 Y2 d2 D* J/ F% Q還一味的神知道...神...神...+ m4 H0 s: L4 h% e, N  b+ t. B$ G
是沒看清楚還是沒深度呢....唉% m" A" d% O0 r9 p) K
Originally posted by DXneo at 2005-4-6 06:30 PM:
3 s( o/ L0 l: P$ Z4 Y  z都是離不開強列排他及非教友即罪(歒)人 ...
& r5 o$ L7 z6 Z4 t' `& ~- Y) z. s4 l1 A: A/ a  l
對!" z% H" V1 E4 J+ @6 X5 o  Y
) w6 r6 a/ W8 g6 `: g& U* h: ]
5 I$ r" A+ G7 _$ s7 X% V  [酷刑對代之後殺害好幾萬無罪婦女和貓,
+ }" `0 `7 P; }* @後來引致鼠役,使歐洲再死數以十萬人,歐洲步入黒暗時期5 V, ~0 v8 }/ I: N; J* o3 h( |
這些以自己有限知慧去追"俆"他們那位全知全能的神,0 |( X, E0 s3 f
8 ], h4 j; o' x, Y/ {使人類歷史不斷加上污點
% g& M5 c# \; r7 ?7 B3 z5 s
! ~" R* f6 S; z8 v( t5 p[ Last edited by DXneo on 2005-4-6 at 07:16 PM ]

How to prove the existence of something ?

It is very easy to disprove the existence of something , for example finding an exceptional case will be enough . But how to prove the existence of something ? Obviously the prove will not be perfect and never be perfect, so you always say you believe on something . Even with science, we are justing using induction to support our believal on something. So your believal of the existence of god is at the same level of my belival on the sun will rise from the east ---orrow morning. So those Chiristian article are always fooling people with fallices.
* t; y6 k- k& e8 b: b, `, V, R& g1 r' Y/ b4 M
Second point is about the free will , don't you think we have the free will ? The god have the free will ? The problem about the god of the Christans is on he is the ONE. Remember, we have no universal set in Maths , the same idea as the support of free will , also the same idea as the support of democracy, belive of market driving value and evolution ,..... all these come to the only conclusion that WE MAN KIND ARE NO SPECIAL ! ok ! 9 S% t2 H4 `" z# q- U
! }( Z3 H1 g; [( t
Don't be too self center as self-centerness is 萬惡的根源, 我選擇接受道或佛家的思想是因為它們的兼收並束,沒有強烈的排它性,長遠帶來宇宙的和諧。
Originally posted by tung kin wah at 2005-4-6 06:10 AM:: V7 w8 }3 j2 G, M' s
It is very easy to  ...
( e& D7 v8 M8 h- f& E8 r2 \4 Q
' }4 e  E/ D+ T+ K* P# p
Mr. Tung,
3 J3 F5 K- q: k, R3 E
* n, C  Q$ o* a' Y. |! SNice of your words. Thank you. Nonetheless, you can see a few folks here aren't interested in discussions at all. They want to express their heart-felt emotions, but not discussions. :-): a: ]; A6 V/ t9 M% a. j
2 S9 F" Z  t& a6 P- i
The fragmentation of the last pages proved that....5 n5 L* I5 }- b& Z
! P( j9 i; o* {0 g. l/ D; P
有咩好拗?% g( T9 g. J7 G$ }) w
我認為信仰是活出來, 而不是分析出來的. 從來無聽過有人因為跟對方辨論,被人說服了而信耶穌.
  h1 b5 F8 C  b1 M' z0 o* v8 K4 f無論邊一個宗教,都應該是自己去經歷和感受.最緊要係清楚自己做緊mud. 有人博覽群書, 仔細研究, 認真委身一個信仰, 我好欣賞佢. 有人選擇人云亦云, 一知半解, 或者搵個信仰嚟please自己. 請隨便,  無野講.
5 B) L8 |/ ^, j支持!!!
You stfu plz"
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » 精彩辯論-----信耶穌不合科學

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