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Originally posted by research2005010 at 2005-9-6 14:11:. N$ Q& E5 t" q. T
) \; t& y0 f& W* B: ]* I' W. [% A
+ C" q. k$ ]/ q( s2 z0 w- U; A
我都諗過去少林寺, 至於牧師就唔好, 太多佢地的負面新聞 (男童呀, 非禮女教友呀), 睇黎佢地d training 應該唔得
' P3 s2 w; @2 z( _) g8 D* E+ S) b, \4 U9 B9 a* `" _
不過,講真唔知你信定唔信,出家人d方法就真的OK喔,我前年試過短期出家,那個星期真的好清靜,乜衰野都無諗。   到依家學靜坐之後,個心更加清靜。 所以我相信如果真正信佛的出家人就在這方面是戒到的。 當然,亦有假和尚的,不過唔關佛教事。


Originally posted by 亨九利 at 2005-9-6 11:55 AM:+ M& j. ~; R0 F, b( G6 e7 ~' {& v
' G. L; u0 |0 U: |* R
咪係囉, 原來你之前齋起冇出, 唔怪得知啦, 打老飛為求舒服, 你之前都冇出, 梗係谷精上腦啦..........:cool:
* g7 F+ b. ?0 w( z1 ~1 S齋打唔出, 又成日想打, 成日打有兩個壞處---好嚴重7 j( y- }4 X2 [6 C2 o
# i- P9 j  K/ g' E' h* Y
1...精液倒流...將細菌帶入輸精管---令輸精管/睪丸發炎  ---  隨時要切丸
! p% b# p( F* }0 _6 I
* v; }- G. D. @8 \9 q7 S7 Z2...JJ長期充血, 引致發炎, 靜脈硬化, 肌肉壞死....隨時要切J
- a6 E4 C3 z3 H# @4 @條賤精扮晒同我條女fd,其實一路搞風搞雨最後仲搞到我同條女散埋& O  z- P+ r, ]. K$ H4 y- r9 q
仲俾我知隻賤精同左我條女一齊,好Q後悔點解開頭條女問我條賤精# Q' G. T4 G4 ^- O: h
Originally posted by Killer6234 at 2005-9-7 08:52 PM:
" f) z2 L* f* i8 N" H我同條女拖拍三年幾,一路都冇咩事,但...
8 ?  p4 o! L1 v) {8 ^好就女人, 唔好就...........
5 V8 p* d- q% d5 v$ U* O( W% ?
/ ^9 z5 `+ ]) g# m0 a. [果d女人鍾意d賤精, 都係賤格嫁啦, 蛇有蛇路呀嗎.....冇咗執返身采啦....
Originally posted by Killer6234 at 2005-9-7 20:52:  x2 S7 s  m) C3 s3 z/ G! d
8 ^6 D9 J" H  F" B- i: T
0 O' \7 l, w4 S  k: w8 I如果被人攪得散的話,即是你們之間遲早散。 因為當中有問題,無謂後悔,應將失敗經驗檢討以免將來再犯。
諗起一樣野都想講下........大家聽過未?7 G, Z$ f; f' d; D
% A8 H: s" P6 ^) i1 N我細個就係唔讀書,到大個諗住都有得做番個運輸佬啦$ E+ j0 N; Z% B/ b' b5 ?" j" t
, n- W- @) Q4 Z+ j$ {唔識答人.....原來讀書係呢個世界係好重要,係邊行都係重要; E2 S; ^) H$ n3 o% a
Originally posted by Killer6234 at 2005-9-9 02:47:
7 v* J, r2 \8 L; e諗起一樣野都想講下........大家聽過...
2 z  c9 e5 W% J, Q  ]1 q' n

& H4 k$ y4 \% }6 `) C# b$ ?講得好
The most regret thing i done in my life so far is i miss the opportunity to know somone who is the person i love the most.I still remember i saw her in five years ago and i really love her when i saw her for the first time.We are from different school and she is from girl school and i from boy school but we in the same tuition center.I dun dare to talk with her and i wait for the chance to come.But the time is going very fast the end of the year is coming.I knew that if i still dun take the first step then i may lost my chance to see her again but i really very stupid because i din take the first step.Then the new of the year is coming and i hope i can see her again in the same tuition center but i really dissappointed because she din appear anymore.I was very sad and i decide to forget her but after one year which the last year b4 i enter university i saw her again in another tuition center and the day i saw her was my most happy day since my born and i can't sleep on that day.Honestly that year was my most happy year because the tuition break into two days and i can saw her twice in a week.But the most happy things was i got her handphone number.I never phone her b4 because i afraid this will scare her.I just wait for my chance to know her.But the chance never come and the end of the year was coming and i know that if i still wait like that i will never know her because we may never meet again because she or me may go to oversea to continue our study.So after the government test over i decide to call her.Actually i want to call her early but i scare i will discrupt her study on the government test.But the GOD din help me because she had move away and change the phone number already.At that time i really very down and very regret why i din take the first step five years ago and the second chance come after one year but i din quickly take the first step.Now after five years i still very miss her and i never fall in love with someone anymore.Maybe i wait for the third chance to come.I also dun know.0 |* Y) o0 G$ {5 O6 O

+ I# i! K! w- r. {[ Last edited by lks on 2005-9-9 at 05:21 PM ]
真係好後悔學識左自慰...因為真係好痛苦...+ s1 f" K# s" l9 u7 A5 f. b
自己定力又少...唉...1 y& y! ~9 C7 Y# G6 p2 j; k2 |
雖然我未有以上咁多位有同樣問題既兄台要受咁大既痛苦...5 y: u$ `7 C& v
但係我本身好想成為教徒...1 O0 C: X* h# A, _# w$ @. C( X3 T# ]
卻總是因為呢樣野而過唔到我自己呢關去領洗...: l0 N& \; ]; j4 D
. s& T, V9 h+ y: g即係證明我未夠誠意...唉...3 X3 X* f& @% N$ i4 ^+ t. j- B
/ a5 t( W6 D) @0 \" K$ W: d# b
# T- [( E9 N: Q$ Z' x0 \8 f記得我三年級o個陣暗戀左個女仔...
* g) T2 b2 f* L7 h* G直到我升中學都冇對佢表白...# a2 D& @5 T3 E, E" B9 v6 m
之後大家一直有keep contact...
8 d% p; k% W3 o3 a% u, |d聚會都有見番佢...' P' u  A. D  V/ D
直到升f.3 o個年...
/ p( h5 f2 ]8 h成班小學同學約埋一齊去海灘...
, z. k. |# I# ]8 ?7 N$ }大家玩得好開心...
5 C3 R# N3 [9 D! g2 z! D過左幾日佢突然係icq問我係咪鐘意佢...5 R1 e) x- H- d0 J% I$ s+ i
7 N& O. w1 j+ {& ?! n' g佢話對我都有好感...但係都係讀好書之後先講...
) Q1 F* h4 _7 P  n4 h  y% ~之後我同佢d fd傾過...# I4 t  P) s: `1 y& \. m6 q
原來佢既好感只係普通朋友既感覺...$ @) j. ]; w1 l1 _0 c0 d
o個一刻個人好down...+ T8 u1 C- E1 U7 R& m
但係我地都仲有sd下e-mail...icq咁...7 n" B1 l  R. I4 r0 s
8 Z( F7 s! ]+ t* b5 }: ]- F好upset...
0 V* ~6 X* r# n( Z) }2 z9 @1 c& G但係最後悔既係我解救唔到佢...
+ L- t3 M3 \/ T" _; A6 U6 S. ?同佢拍緊拖既竟然女仔[tb]...!!!3 w4 n, Q, I6 H- b5 X2 d
直到佢地分左手...佢仍然放唔低.... h) D) k8 z: X5 [
成日亂諗野.../ }' ~+ V6 V% p- w
6 r; m4 z; c5 O  e  {$ J其實到呢一刻我都仲係好鐘意佢...
8 H3 W0 O8 r# v3 T. x/ h1 K. u唉...天意真的弄人!
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » [5/30吹水加分題] 你地做過「最後悔」既事

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