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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » [5/16吹水加分題] 大家點控制自己情緒?
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[5/16吹水加分題] 大家點控制自己情緒?

  F$ W" f& B  p( n例如; U3 P5 L% i+ A! H$ h- k5 \; R$ X
如果你比一件場整到好嬲9 e8 r5 s! \# C' O# F
你會點做..0 q6 w+ R& R* T$ |$ A' F7 P2 q
) n5 }. x! z% d. k- ?& }
[ Last edited by 樂壇渣Fit人 on 2005-5-11 at 10:34 PM ]
firstly, i will do a reflection on myself first. i will think about whether it is my fault and my problem. If yes, then there is nothing to be angry about, and in fact i have to responsible for the problem. If no, then i will just tell myself, this is not my problem so there is nothing for me to worry about, because the truth will finally come in light. Dont worry about other people no matter they know the truth or not, as long as u know u did a right thing, and Heavens know. Silent wins all things.................
咁如果你係街外呢# H/ J) l7 [$ Q# ~; B
例如 係球場.
i do not think any thing try to reflect wt i hv done wrong
ZGMF-X20A Strike Freedom Gundam
Mobile suit Embedded Tactical EnfORcer
- r8 @# c- C$ j6 H/ r* G再慢慢思考番成件事
6 a+ e; o. g' l9 F) l# {! V6 k張成件事對自己既傷害減到最低
Leave the scene of 'accident' right the way, regardness of who's right or wrong.
: K. }3 L# K; |+ C. s  ^9 R
: R( Y; _: K( y2 P' I( m# o% f, H& QWhen i was about to get upset on anyone/thing (wife, things at work) I would walk away (pretend going to washroom) for a couple of minutes. If I can't walk away from it at that moment, I would just look at my watch, tell myself not to respond to the matter/person until 5 minutes later. 7 N! U9 Q) m1 }
7 j% T! s- x! {+ H8 c: q
usually after 5 minutes I will have a lot more sense and less emotions.

我會用唔同既角度去分析下件事+ ^" z! a+ ]% k) r8 O2 S2 u
再去理解下人地既立場& g: ]" i" \1 t+ Y
諗清楚自己有無唔岩# C$ ~/ f# M! S# {( H
. w& s7 G! |" s) _3 J% x我會去打波(basketball)再返屋企沖涼2 J0 w; q& ?) d# i
冷靜下再諗下有無解決方法* \0 |4 L5 p- Z+ a: X9 C3 ~# x
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » [5/16吹水加分題] 大家點控制自己情緒?

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