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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » Let's talk about your impression of Hong Kong
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Let's talk about your impression of Hong Kong

when i m back here in hk these few yrs for holiday, many things changed & things are getting worse (JUST MY PERSONAL FEELINGS):2 a/ o* m) ^( P. t+ p: ?
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FOr example
( c4 T2 W  H0 G$ v6 [# S. m7 t
1 S" H; R" I% Y& ?4 G8 h1)  i went to' little fat sheep', this mainland waitress pour the hot tea out from the teapot stright into my arm, i was so pissed off but she didnt apologize, and finally this manager came to me and said we will give u a free fruits sets then i said' i am not trying to take advantages, but at least tell her to apologize' Then i juz left the restaurant and she didnt say sorry at the end ( i mean i never expext to get any free food or whatever, but they think i m trying to take advantage)  
; G2 \% k+ c% M6 b, k- H' S( C4 j# ?: D' m0 @# G
2)i went to 'wellcome' supermarket, the cashier was sort of shouting at this phillipine maid coz she was taking a long time to count her coins, the cashier was saying something like' You cant take so much time, ppl are waiting behind (But actually nobody was in the line)' then she said 'u must know what u want to buy before u come to the supermarket and be prepared' (well this is really none of my business but i juz feel sorry to that maid, she is still a customer)1 }" p- e! A* Z+ G9 w
# R( S; n6 H# _8 M6 Y( x
This is juz a little part of my story, i have some even worse experiences
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+ O" y$ {7 _" W; Y8 c5 hPLZ SHARE IF U HAVE ANY~~~
Thank you for your visit in Hong Kong, ours HOME.
2 b4 \, ]  Z+ K! {. [1 b* Y! J+ ^9 z6 k1 \( _$ V
In reply of (1), such little fat shit, is come from Mainland China, they come for make money, not services, as most Inland People think that Hong Kong is very easy to make money (it really is before 1997), so they think they can make easy money here!
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On the other hand , HK people is suffer from being " Consumption Salve " in past few years, all people go Mainland and spend their most in good ways.  But time is goes by, the Mainland Style consumption is too harder in their minds, they enjoy to consume at such style  but paying locally.! k# q3 R, a6 b0 M4 [) @' m
2 N, a0 p  ]% o. p6 Q
(2) there are two sides of a coin, 1st of all the cashier is not right to their customer......2ndly, the philipine maid also stupid, most of them cannot feel good in such fast moving living.
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » Let's talk about your impression of Hong Kong

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