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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » [短片] 美國警方高技術300km欄車 (勁)[月+]
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[短片] 美國警方高技術300km欄車 (勁)[月+]

8 @" b9 i- L" Q2 l) P; E2 \; t7 Y1 ?" p1 d
/ B. e3 E- u* _! f# \, ~& n. b2 P# `9 [1 {
[ Last edited by 月月鳥 on 2005-7-31 at 12:01 PM ]
Originally posted by Asurada129 at 2005/7/31 09:46:* A8 S0 d5 x6 i% U
http://media.ebaumsworld.com/mustangspin.wmv   S1 t  |8 A, i. V5 S. T& h

9 }% N/ A3 c5 _9 m  hd警方可能全接受過訓練~~~hahahaha...1 l: l$ P3 T- L5 M) P

1 o8 l3 i; N+ n. V+ i[ Last edited by Asurada129 on 2005-7-31 at 10:06 AM ]
6 `4 r7 O; s8 A$ Q- F3 F3 y+ W& \. d/ w' O# F  H3 m/ r. u
  e- P& m4 w8 o) g" J% g, c: Q, C$ l
yes, u could tell by how the police keep hitting the corner of the car that the police had been train before.   By hitting the corner hard, it will make the car spin.  
6 Z0 O$ C' [6 ~# z' N8 p% `. O. L4 F
The other person was just a criminal with massive strength, trying to escape.  I am not sure if it was the same news, i think the criminal got one of the police 爆晒光, because the criminal has some massive strength.   It took so many police to cuff him..
that suspect should be really good at drifting, like initail D
佢係特登只係掂一掂個尾,家車咁快一定失平 令到佢減速再轉圈
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » [短片] 美國警方高技術300km欄車 (勁)[月+]

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