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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » 邊個係26FUN最有趣之人: 甲狀腺/本篤十六世/甘國武
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邊個係26FUN最有趣之人: 甲狀腺/本篤十六世/甘國武

單選投票, 共有 0 人參與投票
21.05% (8)
65.79% (25)
13.16% (5)
There are more and more funny people in 26FUN.7 A9 O  }5 q5 ~
甲狀腺 is an example.Some of his post made me
2 H7 K1 Z3 L' ]. s" q& d. W% `laugh my teeth out!I am really afraid he will be more
6 J1 E; _8 w0 {$ q, P, x6 Ppopular than me later.3 `: C& P; g$ R
甘國武 is the most respected person here,he is my
% |$ t, g( l% U- G# A% }1 gmaster and I have learnt a lot from him,but I just
, y6 {0 Q( ~- L- f3 {: h' Lwant to know how peoplel think about us.& v: i6 G0 }- L5 a% o
Which one of us do you think is more normal person?" a+ M; L0 h7 D
Or all are abnormal?Just say out and give reasons., J" Y; P& W$ [: c
Here are some classical posts of us for you to reference.+ }/ D3 r0 o4 P9 b4 Z
甲狀腺 (大老鼠隻揪成龍)
9 j2 C4 i$ A# I) X" Yhttp://www.26fun.com/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=54031&fpage=1) G$ O4 `- K& R
本篤十六世 Fans Club/ h: W1 s0 L2 H% N7 l4 J
http://www.26fun.com/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=39541&fpage=14 Y( [& x5 r% m. ^8 i$ _3 ^
甘國武 (飛機女王欣宜)
& b+ O, \2 \; l2 t. Zhttp://www.26fun.com/bbs/viewthr ... 8%E5%9C%8B%E6%AD%A67 R4 _- ~+ Y" a& m

/ g7 [- r! @) Q0 ], v0 u[ Last edited by 樂壇渣Fit人 on 2005-6-10 at 10:45 AM ]
4 c+ U4 m$ g1 K' D3 h6 n; s你如果做到版主既話﹐記住加一萬分比我呀。
This poll is for all members to have fun only.I hope more  S& z4 Q% y1 n% |: Z
people can reply.Let me introduce a little about myself first,( G+ [! \( ^& s1 {9 s( r, T
I like writing very much and especially Chinese Literature.
9 f0 r1 K; z( c7 j! p3 U/ S! QI have just written a poem recently,how do you feel?
: L4 _5 V6 S3 c燕 趙 自 古 多 悲 風 , 猶 記 夕 陽 遍 地 紅 。 . v3 w0 ^1 ], f1 I6 D, N  E; l0 j
敢 將 丹 心 報 青 史 , 丈 夫 何 為 不 從 容 。
Originally posted by vivienna at 2005-6-10 02:30 AM:' F8 w: }" |) r2 x
肯定係篤少。3 S: V& f; r; }+ Z( _+ T
: M2 J1 e# z7 k& dtoo many,i think 9000 is ok
Originally posted by 本篤十六世 at 2005-6-10 02:31 AM:8 u- H& ~" h; }1 ?, d
This poll is for all members to hav...
" I! D6 X7 n, O8 l( Z7 ?
Originally posted by 本篤十六世 at 2005-6-10 02:31 AM:
" }. o' r" k% }. v
  Z/ d1 U" O. {6 _  @8 @9 ptoo many,i think 9000 is ok
3 z) W$ r9 F+ s8 W1 ~OK﹐多謝準版主
篤少, 我投咗你喇, 不過施恩莫望報, 你將來做咗高層唔好打壓我呢 d 二打六我已經心滿意足架喇
最可靠嘅終生伴侶係.... 面油紙, 鼻貼<-- 答案   ^_^ '
Originally posted by singgeihot at 2005-6-10 02:37 AM:4 b3 f1 H  g  C
篤少, 我投咗你喇, 不過施恩莫望報, 你將來做咗高層唔好打壓我呢 d 二打六我已經心滿意足架喇
+ X+ f/ n% S( Gok,if you never break the law and willing to help other members," Q! V2 X& X0 H8 q7 Y3 K) T, M
I can add you 9000 points.I have promised vivianne that.
Originally posted by singgeihot at 2005-6-10 02:37 AM:
8 ~( `' r0 Z# V) B( i; Z5 n- O# `篤少, 我投咗你喇, 不過施恩莫望報, 你將來做咗高層唔好打壓我呢 d 二打六我已經心滿意足架喇
+ @; `2 k" I) l6 K
5 c7 Q: `  ^/ a甘版主自詡高層, 對打壓基層有佢嘅一套見解, 大家不妨參考吓
7 b: H0 ~2 [3 iPost #324 D0 H" l$ G" K4 f
http://www.26fun.com/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=52458&fpage=1; J- p- }: `$ f: j* U4 X
Post #7
( L$ e( }% ^8 L) shttp://www.26fun.com/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=53337&fpage=1
, q- w8 Q0 e. i0 s. [  r( I7 u
; Y5 v5 \+ }/ C3 Q打壓基層實例, 基層對像: Jeans兄被無故扣分, 然後被人毀屍滅蹟, Post #18 & 249 {  ]; h. ^2 {& e6 C* j
http://www.26fun.com/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=45731&fpage=2- Q8 \* k$ _% P; V) c3 V( R

8 I& p6 ]3 y5 F# \' p7 X: n5 N  {結果攪到高層閉門会議, 此乃甘版主所謂嘅政治鬥爭
9 k' C  Y6 R. V+ f; dhttp://www.26fun.com/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=47328&fpage=2
) k/ w& [# Y2 ?2 X4 P& y
" l- |0 h) k1 D5 A! ~& B[ Last edited by singgeihot on 2005-6-10 at 03:00 AM ]
最可靠嘅終生伴侶係.... 面油紙, 鼻貼<-- 答案   ^_^ '
Originally posted by 本篤十六世 at 2005-6-10 02:42 AM:# h7 ]& e# O: |

4 e) [6 i0 ?1 Eok,if you never break the law and willing to help other members,
4 _( y* u1 v# F# z; W( cI can add you 9000 points.I have promised vivianne that.
; E$ D* C5 f* f  U& h) a

- \, e, S) Q7 H0 S$ U& L7 \3 r篤準版主, 分事少, 篤準版主形像事大, 胡亂豪分俾 member 唔係咁好架, 總之我嗰票投硬你架喇, 加油呀
最可靠嘅終生伴侶係.... 面油紙, 鼻貼<-- 答案   ^_^ '
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » 邊個係26FUN最有趣之人: 甲狀腺/本篤十六世/甘國武

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