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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » 發夢時有聲音同氣味嗎?[積極回應者+5]
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聲音可能有, 但我就好似冇咩印象, 但氣咪就應該冇,
! l7 E6 H# b1 Z" M你地有冇?3 p3 H, `; j1 F6 k
+ o1 p9 B) e( t0 |& U5 J9 ?
[ Last edited by 樂壇渣Fit人 on 2005-5-6 at 05:02 PM ]
Dear Jason Williams,, G- Y$ Y* m4 B7 i3 k
0 a1 m! ]9 M# S+ C& o$ N  U8 q
Let me just say you did really well in Game 4 despite the lost to the Suns. You're the only reason the Grizzles were in the game.
; s2 S: F/ A& I- Y  f" k! w9 ?, ]) l" p4 ~. h% a" Y
Regarding our topic:
9 q/ }( O# z( R9 D- v" S7 wDon't think so....since dreams are largely 'operated' by the subconsciousness, all the '5 senses' we rely on during our consciousness are temporary 'resting'.
3 C' ~$ D0 O8 k& F! J! c+ B! I5 D2 V& R7 w* p( y+ s
Some people can hear and smell things in their dreams because the images in the dream evoked their memories in their storage. For example, if the picture in the dream is someone pan-frying a steak, the dreamer would be able to smell the steak and hear the sizziling sound of the oil because somewhere and somehow he/she has heard and smell the steak before. THE DREAM RECALL THAT PART OF THE MEMORY OUT FROM OUR BRAIN.
! C4 P9 x4 }  f4 y' p8 w5 o& ~3 o+ y, N6 h: z( x
That's why some people wake up and realize they've urinated during a scary dream. The subsciousness 'lied' to the senses and make them do 'actions' in real life.
好似有聲, 但無味" _" a7 c/ h# s7 l% v2 w

* o$ ^$ U9 a3 v2 Z# Q但Gretz既解釋好好
5 o# l, ^2 T7 d5 J4 j  `2 G# K有冇發過惡夢呀??入黎
' u6 @# V9 `! |$ t0 a[加分題]你有冇發過惡夢呀??]講下,有分加嫁
Originally posted by Gretzky at 2005-5-3 02:29 AM:
# \3 _& d. l1 ?: p: r" LDear Jason Williams,9 p, K* w1 C) d: G3 c5 u8 ]
4 O, n% W3 O" g6 _. `
Let me just...
* y) N& K4 U9 m# B
; P* J* v' S/ p" ^' U) ?/ e. m0 \; z. e
thx for yr support, i have done my best in game 4 ga la, 20 points.....  ^, \$ L$ c8 C' Z7 ]
but the opponent is suns, nothing can say!
1 O& T1 ?. O3 \# C6 a8 N' L& C! G3 t0 F
and thx for yr professional answer!
0 \5 X$ h8 \+ W; xdoctor, right?
聲就有d , 氣味就應該冇% r$ f: m, I! H' o; ]+ M
% o. N: }& {0 u9 W8 I+ A尤其是要追人果時, 同現實既快跑心情都好似
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » 發夢時有聲音同氣味嗎?[積極回應者+5]

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