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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » [4/21加分題] 討論: 大家點樣睇天份同努力?
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Originally posted by srfqt1 at 2005-4-23 10:40 PM:; Z0 K3 D8 [' h2 c3 R8 l
% _4 M; _7 B4 S  y" w
, N: e7 H3 _: y& q) i( I
卡丹馬達利都好像又係took drugs
5 I0 X! n2 w3 f4 W# h你舉的例子都幾搞野
5 |2 _9 z2 M8 \6 n' ~

3 {( n- e3 U6 G; C2 _  w3 J你也可以這樣說
8 i: A5 b! ]& g5 e! p2 v' e0 P但這樣有否證到小弟所說﹕
" D. V! j8 n0 R4 J/ m% J『「際遇」也會影響到一個人的成就』這論題嗎?# y! G; }  ^7 r0 W4 o
等我講返兩句* W& {' E. U& l( S7 N+ F
8 U  c3 P% F- ]& u天份 X 努力 X 幸運 = 結果所以天份和努力都是同等的, 但係天份不可改, 努力是可變
6 ~0 T/ \& H  w  x7 f8 {; k. R既然天天份不可改, 我們只好默默地努力 (唔好同我講可以改運,我唔信呢D)
2 |6 ]1 U' u4 A: Q/ Y/ Z
' @# P% A9 ], }! T. ~; c" _8 S$ T個人認為藝術係好講天份的, 創作力可以練ma? 方間係有好多話可以訓練創作力既方法, 不過其實無物邊個係得既...
. P7 X' p2 e/ h6 I0 y5 X. f% t; x- J# t$ N- Y5 u
以前日日好努力踩板呀, 真係日日的... 但係限於無天份, 玩左成年都無咩野睇,就咁收山7 J7 z+ L$ N' `$ F; R1 s5 z
相反我有個朋友, 好有天份, 短短1,2年已成為了香港的頂級高手(當然他都有努力)
6 q! I4 V% o: A7 e* U8 Z, W6 p& s+ G; Y+ X9 S! B
: @3 ~# ]' @7 s1 j9 m! @: I
& T, F2 X7 b% p# h[ Last edited by JCer on 2005-4-25 at 03:18 AM ]
誰願回看憂鬱的眼 舊事沒法平淡   偏偏要裝作平淡
憑著忘記將它沖淡 但是易說難辦   歲月已印在眉間
努力much more important than 天份' ?7 L  N" l/ ?$ M/ @3 N
天份 only limits at a narrow range of things, such as sport, academic, art........but i think none can have it on all things* g, o. t2 b; o( ~- G' J8 m
but if u 努力, u can do all the above things, even not perfect, but can do it well or not bad
如果你係冇天份而有努力, 你總可以安安穩穩咁生活
1 R4 S; ]8 Q9 g' c0 M* c如果你係有天份而冇努力, 你總會有一時風光, 但唔會長久, 真係<一剎那光輝唔代表永恆>
% v- H6 i8 i3 d3 Z, o9 L" I2 S
7 L; }  }/ [0 O2 v5 O8 Y我冇乜野心, 我情願要努力. (死前知道自己努力過, 總算死而無恨)% E. I$ L2 @2 n
# |) L: \/ O9 J! x
ps. 其實 "努力" 係唔係天份之一種? 真係唔係咁多人可以努力
i wanna add a point is that:
' V* Q( Q- K9 V( C, T5 ?) w' V, qmost rich and have great achievement guys are also hardworking, they have talent, may not all have i think!
. Y% [  A( L7 K( C" d  rbut those poor and low soical status guys are also not, they have no talent? i dun think all too!
. o1 W# U' X8 L
' E' y% l. [2 c7 g' b+ R$ {. t7 p3 Imoreover, from my experience, some guys always say and think themselves have inborn talent, but this kind of ppl always haven't, or just less, what u have is not from the mouth, but from yr work, if u are not harding to show yr work, how do u know and how do u let others to prove and know u have this inborn talent? say from yrself is useless!!!  u3 R( y' _5 z2 k1 B6 S, ?

% g# i: k# g! A% _' s! j1 Pi wanna give an example from what i have seen in my school:
" T" J& o5 H' \. H6 f- v1 z5 J, t/ tsometimes in my school, few of students are disable, some may just can move their heads or some are blind due to some acident.5 w; {4 ^$ H7 G. G& W2 z% B
are they inborn to read books and study without reaading buy eyes? are they inborn to study without the help of limbs?
& |* r2 C: ~8 wi dun think so! so what they get great achievement on school work? " s* Q0 g; l% F. l& v) I
hardworking and good heart!!!
Originally posted by singdotcom at 2005-4-26 02:05 AM:
) _0 S- B% a- V2 \1 ]" q' W" o#24  
6 L: d2 x( ?6 p. c: h% X1 r7 r
5 Z0 ~9 _) c& n, o/ R" l; J/ Y4 P如果你係冇天份而有努力, 你總可以安安穩穩咁生活
/ M7 h% Z& m: i7 E" |3 o如果你係有天份而冇努力, 你總會有一時風光, 但唔會長久, 真係<一剎那光輝唔代表永恆>
( w9 k! ~3 K+ T2 @- X1 G  L# j# t, X. _; \, i6 g
我冇乜野心, 我情願要努力. (死前知道自己努力過, 總算死而無恨)
8 g" j* [7 x+ B1 M( U8 w* D6 }
: H+ y( ~: M+ e- C3 G# o, Xps. 其實 "努力" 係唔係天份之一種? 真係唔係咁多人可以努力
2 }8 H1 L$ p& V! W. ]4 V4 c' Q0 g+ p: C4 U) N; o! p# D$ `2 |
This is a good point bro./ \. E. L" ]% V
我覺得每人都有'努力'既能耐, 而且人人都可以好努力做一樣野, 視乎佢喜好, 有人可以一個月唔溫書, 但不停玩online game努力升級, 所以我覺得努力唔太算係一種天份  v: a& N: \$ j' ?( b" ?
Originally posted by crap at 2005-4-26 12:31 AM:! c  k% `0 J# n3 U7 L5 z" w4 w

, c7 @* l3 P( l" p1 o/ `6 ?1 Q" P. B5 n  }- ^4 @( }
This is a good po ...
, R+ d: x" b" d0 y/ ^' g: C
0 L" ]+ @: t. O- i4 t4 ~+ q
hi, from my opinions, playing online game all the days should not be counting in hardworking to do a thing (just like sleeping or playing all times)
. F3 P3 y. V0 i* P4 a. K. L5 I2 G& Hwhat i think abt hardworking is its work is 艱苦D gei4 H) B; |: G9 j  x# J5 q; n+ Z0 U2 X
that means he/she needs to against "give up" thinking and pay a lot of effort and time on it!
Originally posted by jason williams at 2005-4-26 02:41 AM:
6 c5 y6 U  }1 W8 o% N$ W3 q* k, X+ {2 e  x2 a! D
4 s" f5 O; v6 p9 G; o% n" B7 G
hi, from my opini ...
; w9 [3 c. R* P
- j8 |$ \1 F  \" r8 M0 @haha, i got your point there ( l6 E7 i: `4 H' a0 b
my view of hard working is simialar to yours...
1 q% x' C6 c0 s! E2 Z: ssomeone works very hard to achieve sthg,
. K  f0 l% x# Ii didn't actually mean someone play hard, but i would say if he did work hard in order to increase his level in the game by giving up sleeping time, dates, etc....: G8 T, f, w8 T2 d5 P
i'd say he's hardworking, does it make sense to you?
4 H) h& K; L; R
+ R6 Y7 U0 Z* G; \( a4 Ianyway, it's good talking to you White Choc.
Originally posted by crap at 2005-4-26 12:48 AM:+ G' U+ j: M( I0 M2 D; M/ D; V( U0 s

; u' N5 C# B( T0 E/ B# `5 e) x; o4 X1 M
haha, i got your  ...
. s' s4 L, r5 o

; b1 J4 [3 o- P' `$ Eyes, i get yr points, and me2, nice to share view and talk with u!!!
1 g2 [) n0 ^3 C8 \let's talk some of my experience b4) h9 x$ o4 }# U
i remember this year, i have talked with my fd who studying Psycho, i ask him why i always can't concentrate on my school work now but i really have goal to do it
7 U4 C! K$ w8 vhe told me that because mine 意識層 is weak, but it can be stengthen
% N) O6 {% b+ \what a funny result i can get is :
2 r5 ?( w7 j* G0 W0 |3 ?9 a6 Z0 zhardworking can be trained by hardworking, hahhaa^^' I( E9 S( o2 l& n5 Z' n
for playing case, none dun like play, because we most like play or sleep as this time is most relax, i always think why i can spend so much time on internet but not on my school work, may be it has no pressure to do it and not so serious and need to "dejest it": y- w& L4 F4 M( l5 H7 `
for more detail should be a psycho question that need professinal to answer, g! ~! n- A4 Z; b) x2 Z
so just like spend a lot of time on lazy, it should not be counted in hardworking even if spend a lot of time on it^^. c( Z* k8 j8 X$ ?5 x

) _% [8 S& G  F  Znice to chat to let me think more ^^
有天份..唔努力都冇用..3 k4 d! w" C9 G# Z
7 n' q$ {4 p6 }5 q' ?- X有天份又努力.... <--掂晒
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » [4/21加分題] 討論: 大家點樣睇天份同努力?

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