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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » 未拍拖o既人~"最"大原因?
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想溝果d全部都有仔# X" F" z. Z# `
一個字:黑! 次次溝到(條女lum自己)都有意外
3 \0 V8 G5 v( y" A9 E8 P7 V同我太正義hehe) @/ L; V4 b  H; |* W3 t8 m; n  O
d lum 我, 我又無feel o既女, 我都sad no...
( c& Z- P& _( d- S* ?* I5 L不過其實系好笨7...
Originally posted by Wallacehk at 2005-3-30 12:21 AM:
" ]  M5 {5 E0 V# N; l曾經滄海唔想再諗啦!
5 m. r& q' ~$ [0 T3 b( H! m話仲咩咁悕虛,不過我都覺得除非係學生哥,而家既女,都費時溝,o岩既咪玩下,除非諗住同佢結婚,否則合則來,不合則去,貪錢,伸佢走都懶,見到來電即cut!!!好既又難搵,你話點拍拖!!!1 w& K  @' F. h) y2 K. B; W
fun fun  fun,求開心,一齊笑下解紛爭
I am married....so I guess I am not qualified for this vote
$ j1 p; `$ j% {" p. F6 \/ G
8 o  P4 Z5 w  k! Bthe beauty and financial factor will die down shortly after the courtship begins. And if the relationship depends SOLELY on the about two...I am sorry...the chances of you guys are slim (think of the nearly 40% divorce rate!).
9 _% X0 U' W  L, L# a5 ?& ^( L8 g) v* k
I had a few girlfriends before. The most important factor is she really loves you whole-heartedly (and you try to do the same too). I don't see myself as good looking and extremely good in innerself, but I am glad she accepts who I am.1 u* r2 ]+ \$ \1 W, I' U4 I" X+ k

, {7 v! I  d$ r) ROnce people past the age of 25 (roughly), they will more likely look for acceptance rather than $ and looks in the relationship (that's to say if they are serious about relationship). 5 C) O+ k7 y* p

6 \# H! k$ T6 U* S. z; b) N. LGirls having huge boobs, long legs and stunning faces may feed our fantasies, but a kind, loving and mature personality would last longer. (of course having both side would be a winning lottery ticket, but how often?)
1 j# z. s: ~7 h- `: H1 _* E, q+ K2 }; y8 o
So while we dream and buff about all these  beauties....let us be realistic and nice to the girls around us. HK girls are known to be arrogrant, but if we have the patience and wit, we can prepare ourselves better personally and the girls will lay their eyes on us!
Also no money is a big problem
1 X  q- }) m6 Z: O  l3 Gand 找不到合眼緣的
Here's my reason, plain and simple: The girl I love doesn't love me. If you want me to explain this, I'll start crying.
; r5 }, T& s6 E( E: O( N) e好難溝到喎~~
覺得 Gretzky 講得好好,小第有同感。但係 meet 唔 meet 到 D available 既好野,同時你又已經開佐曉,都幾講 Luck 既。D timing 唔夾著隨時令你飲狠一世。
& U+ g" J2 k- o' R/ ^8 A0 N( G2 u
1 L$ j* Q0 V; h3 F2 V" Beauty of girls will depreciate as time goes by,  but their cleverness may made you happy for the whole life ! " <-------諗諗佢
+ \$ Z1 n) L2 d) P# @+ v9 X
; Y  s/ i" {0 Q. c小第全力支持大家溝D有腦又可以支持大家快畏地生活既女人,只要個樣合格就得架啦& }; f0 @- u) O% j
7 W, o% u: b7 v3 u/ H- d
D貪慕虛榮又索既,都係有得扑就扑完算吧啦,無得扑都無乜損失! ( Because Opportunity Cost 好大架,隨時傾家盪產制唔過.... )6 }) r+ s$ }: k# F; X
8 C, S6 C* c1 a+ \* H$ {
太空人偉哥話既 :"機會永遠留給有準備的人" , 未有女溝既兄第,你準備好未?


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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » 未拍拖o既人~"最"大原因?

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