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我中五畢業,文科,會考八分.讀過一年IVE diploma(商科既),個課程兩年既,所以無畢業.
3 i' a" T& D% w$ O3 |宜家係Calgary讀緊ESL,順利既話,應該黎緊li個十二月讀完.
4 @/ \$ V+ S6 A: {: `( b# J; W( |; p, E9 p. X1 e
自己係想入大學既,因為唔知選邊科好,同埋IVE個時又讀過商科,所以多數會選d關於商業既.  J3 m1 H! t% |# k. Q. K0 X
7 s+ |9 {  C7 \6 U* D- V1 s" V3 J0 |6 n8 W: |0 m( L
個人意見, 如有冒犯, 請多多包函.
minghkhk,- c. v3 d2 M6 R2 l7 Q
that's good you can make some sound decisions~~~
8 r  d! x3 g  M' i3 R: SBe strong, we are in here to support u!~
' w  L% r& C+ v; ^' e; X. b% s+ R5 uIf you feel any difficulites in studying...
9 m) L4 K4 \2 L- E* c7 L1 wgoto these section 【板友互助區】   at the top of   吹水版  I7 s* S. v8 \# U1 N8 b, ]
We can help u more...~~~
8 q/ b2 k4 k* `! `% Y( t) G0 K7 r) w& V+ H5 [" y
Yours,  p/ W! V0 y/ M
We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
so be happy!
If you have a good ESL counselor...go talk to him/her....
0 Y: ~1 E! i3 e$ Z; W9 n" u
' k2 d3 A" H0 `0 q0 DWhen you're done ESL...don't worry not attending U of Alberta or U of Calgary. I've known of people who took off to Red Deer, took some college courses, FIGURE OUT WHAT HE WANTED TO DO. When he was back in Edmonton, he attended U of A and had done better than folks went straigtht in.
6 L+ d* v" E' W) k; m' K% a* @& w* L+ u6 i
Not everyone can figure out what they want to do in their teens. For some people this is an event (a thunder bolt) and others a trail and error process (bankers who quit and become chef!). You have your way and I have mine. Just never give up searching!" g9 S' t8 b# Y4 j) D6 w
% ^3 u6 K& I7 I! }+ [
You're in an advantage of studying in Calgary...distractions are few and yet good schools are plentiful. If you like business, I'll say go to the university bookstore....take a look at the first year textbooks, and see which one gives u the best impressions. You don't need to understand the contexts well, but at least get an idea of whether you like to dig yourself into it for the next few years. Talking to people (like all of us) for advice is good...but we are not you and can't make decisions for you ga ma.
6 o6 i4 p! j1 `5 b
: x4 E% E* H( E) R. ~Good luck....I'll buy you bubble tea if you stop by in Vancouver :-)
/ u2 u3 Z$ H. ~
- a$ ~( Q* o* s; hQUOTE 以我經驗所得,一個人出來做事的成功條件,最大的因素絕對是人際關系,其次是應變能力,還有是真誠,我請過很多大學生,但很多時都不如一個有心去做的中學生
* Y$ M& g* @( ?6 N: \4 F7 q8 v! n$ z6 W0 \9 l2 g- ?
6 [: Z' D$ _9 I) i所以先做好自己永遠係最仲要
it's been a foolish game .
我自己本來17歲已經HIGHSCHOOL畢業+ K+ S' M1 P+ i1 R+ f# R3 ]8 @( M
AVERAGE有HIGH90S$ p1 B3 `+ Z. p& Q) s. f! _
. }4 f8 N9 C7 S8 j& B但係覺得係唔岩自己既學科﹐於是一路半工讀到今年22先入U﹐我而家報既係FASHION COMMUNICATION
0 {8 h8 y/ Y$ E8 t$ J1 W60靈分入到有突
' ^. |/ w, I2 G! ]足足5年
: r4 N: Z0 v) n8 T不過我覺得無壞窩
: U! E+ N  \% ^/ r起馬我知道自己要D咩先阿嘛
it's been a foolish game .
yes ah.. that's good on u that you know your direction~~~!
9 W5 F; m- k: R9 g  y0 b=)
We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
so be happy!


重有d野想問下.$ ?0 o( u4 r. ?  k
其實大學d商科大約讀d咩ga??) O! B" T% l8 V% P, N5 S
Ecom? a/c? math?
" l- i) [/ P$ |5 Q+ p5 b$ }
: ^& X. i. F& v/ V! k& I3 [同埋如果唔熟商科d人,可唔可以介紹下其它科呢?
2 X! v9 j$ M6 i. Y, s. d; Z
1 d1 W9 D2 N1 e. x8 H5 d+ d( ?thx~
個人意見, 如有冒犯, 請多多包函.
i am studying in Physics, it needs a lot of maths, a little bit knowlegde in computer programming& e8 \0 b" z. W5 I& w
for the faculty of business, there are many different department ga wow:
6 ?9 d2 Q1 X/ d  raccount, marketing, etc..../ r- B: g0 o% u+ R. D
but i know not much abt it, i only know they always need to do presentation and group project!
' @5 I/ j% Y! Y$ rfor econ, it also needs to learn some pure maths and stat, psycho.....as my fd need
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » 前途...?

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