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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » 我想問關於手機既野
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我而家用緊既係LG 8120 既3G 手提 我映左D短片但係入左落個電腦之後睇唔返~可唔可以搵個大佬教下我可以點做呀~我有勁珍貴短片係入便呀~唔該~
you may use Real Player to open the file , file type is 3GPP , normal Windows Media Player can't do it ; i use Real One Player ok
& S/ D) U8 R' U! }
7 w% q+ J* Q( F, m" X1 ]* @sure you need to install the given installation disc ; $ w; `2 O; o, f1 H7 h
- use 'Phone Manager' for linking & transferring files ;
9 u7 Y3 U9 |& z8 {$ {- use 'Media Player' to watch files ;
1 g; S+ p) b9 M' M+ W3 U4 S- 'LG Sync Manager' is no use actually
/ f% A) n# o! v# ~4 ]
' P3 h! h# q" ?) }2 _i also use LG8120 , since Aug 2004 , till now over half year , but it's too easy to hang (it hangs over 15 times), it can be 'sudden death' when playing games or typing MSN or website watching etc. , no way to shut it down , always need to take away the battery & re-install
: T* R$ J" l# D8 _1 s# S
* U  ?2 b, G5 H( ?1 dLG8130 is better
我裝晒啦~不過睇唔到呀~用rp 就睇到喇~唔該晒你地~
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » 我想問關於手機既野

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