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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » [籃球] 吹吓自己打咩位, and Career Highs
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I am 6 feet and 210 lbs, I am always play center and I can rebound , block, assist and score, Usually I will play low-post, but sometime I can be jump-shooting.
Originally posted by netsee at 2005-3-20 03:16 AM:
6 feet and 210 lbs
Originally posted by herothree at 2005-3-19 03:10 PM:
how much is it to book court in hk???
If i remember right, should be around 200+ per hour.
6ft and 210 pounds
is it too fat?
that's almost as big as hockey players man
Originally posted by catbert at 2005-3-19 09:05 PM:

If i remember right, should be around 200+ per hour.
thx thx
so little???
is it far???
like in new territory???

[ Last edited by herothree on 2005-3-21 at 01:13 PM ]
Originally posted by kyleung at 2005-3-19 09:19 PM:
6ft and 210 pounds
is it too fat?
"is it too fat"
sorri guys
bball is a power sport
it might be too much for hk style clothes (which isn't that good)
but 150 is like the cut off line at "real" basketball
well...cant really use any actual number as the cut off
just...sigh...hk basketball...suen ba la

plus shouldnt hurt other brother's feeling
200 lbs ers could be fast too
In Chinese, it maybe,
but in Western Culture, they are fit .......
We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
so be happy!
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » [籃球] 吹吓自己打咩位, and Career Highs

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