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本人偶爾訓覺 半夜都會突然腳抽筋(腳瓜位置). }! D: D+ @- i( J4 ^
痛醒 我會不停按摩抽筋位置
4 _6 h0 h+ h% f30秒至1分鐘左右就會冇咁痛+ u& e: y/ h1 Q6 C$ I2 e. X1 h
4 r7 e  _. _5 ~0 m0 K2 \: b朝早醒既時候都會有d痛   j5 H& f$ [1 {$ p8 P% f+ d
) v" h) I6 U+ `+ k9 Y# F4 T8 q& z" |( f7 T; R  t
但係琴晚 我先係雙腳一齊抽筋 : w* l1 F& d9 T. W' M* r5 g
之後訓左一個鐘左右1 z* `8 c7 ~" H( B' c
右腳再抽  直到今朝 臨起身之前 左腳再抽一次
; |; K. o3 n* W* F( q依家兩隻腳都痛 行路要慢慢
" `" U' l5 m4 \
3 M: g2 x2 f' N! `* t' ~% D仲有我每次抽筋都係熟睡中痛醒
  @* q" G& j- W6 C5 g有冇人知點解會咁抽筋! b8 Y# \8 E" t4 q# s; K
Originally posted by SCM at 2007-6-10 15:48:
1 C3 i1 _3 U6 H/ Q0 P  @本人偶爾訓覺 半夜都會突然腳抽筋(腳...
& N: A4 Z) p0 Z8 A- V
9 c( [3 Z$ e' d# ?5 h8 B8 @  J
抽筋=Cramp' V4 D' E# Z  f6 f4 Z
  I2 k) W+ C7 y* x* `4 J
spasm: a painful and involuntary muscular contraction / ~: k4 r/ F( L( t. A6 S
0 F5 q! f8 G& e$ f- b# A' P
Cause and treament. o& P1 K0 Z1 L; U
8 e5 J  @" a7 I( t5 N
There are two basic causes of cramping. One is inadequate oxygenation of muscle, where excess lactic acid, produced by anaerobic respiration, builds up and puts stress on the muscle.The other is lack of water or salt. Cramps from poor oxygenation can be improved by rapid deep breathing, as well as stretching the muscle. Cramps from lack of salt and water can be treated by stretching the muscle, and of course drinking water and increasing salt intake. Pounding on the muscle can increase soreness.; j/ N. x! m$ a# e. V7 U
, C: h9 v0 @1 I2 m  d5 M
Athletes are at greatest risk for muscle cramps, as excessive exercise can produce poor oxygenation.) m5 Q9 H  Y, X! l9 q, Y

* S" X' l) ~0 C, l: v* \Treatment' Q  O% w# A8 z, a7 K
$ h6 R! O. @- ]" U; O! ~
Muscle cramps can be treated by applying a soft massage on the cramped muscle, stretching the muscle and applying heat or cold. Heat improves superficial blood circulation and makes muscles more flexible, so some people find that heat is more soothing for muscle cramps than applying ice.4 S$ X! h3 ]4 Z; z, k$ G! g

9 y/ n4 }: M8 tElectrolyte disturbance may cause cramping and tetany of muscles, particularly hypokalemia (a low level of potassium) and hypocalcemia (a low level of calcium). This problem can be solved by drinking electrolyte enhanced fluids, after strenuous muscle activity, and supplementing one's daily diet with a multi-vitamin, which contains potassium and calcium.1 E+ D+ N0 h! D: w1 Y* A; O/ s

- V* @" g1 N. ~Muscle cramps may be a symptom of hypothyroidism.. I) w3 F  M9 L% D# {4 M

6 W& n* }2 g2 D9 a! @Prevention( l7 I1 s2 {2 ^1 S

4 f4 N: Y4 C) T* ^* L+ F/ gEating foods high in potassium, such as bananas, potatoes, and prunes, can help prevent muscle cramps.
$ r$ {, c2 K* O% i. Zand make sure you have done enough warm up exercise before doing the actual exercise.....
4 N! m8 r- X1 L9 o) L# D- t3 W* j9 G! R: H7 X- c: h# ?
Text: from wikipedia and google.com.au8 m9 m3 V0 x- V6 c9 }" X

# F" j) d; q, s# {[ Last edited by arthur8088 on 2007-6-10 at 04:08 PM ]
Originally posted by SCM at 2007-6-10 03:48 PM:& @% q$ L9 m" J4 F( m4 d
本人偶爾訓覺 半夜都會突然腳抽筋(腳...
8 E6 K+ Q+ x( O4 i
+ s* ^* @; |: J9 l& C) O6 U嘩~~~~~; T: ~# F/ }9 b2 O. K9 M
) U: E! W; h$ F; a  u你個後生仔都抽得咁勁!?
; N" J! ~# ^$ o. a1 S平時好少運動丫?!
% w' A  D; n, P, c% o: r; i
. v  u/ j, p( m8 y: P' `臨訓前拉下筋, 扭下腳碗.....
; }  y: E, K8 ~0 c% w, G! D& D食多d 鈣質既野
. H- g) _& q! V( w' V4 }(頭先果篇好似好詳細, 但係英文關係, 我望左兩眼, 所以唔知佢講乜)
1 C5 h) Z, q- S* p+ {我講既野係我既經驗同埋人地教既......./ P2 A- K5 P8 i5 s

( p2 P, o9 m5 C: k, i' P仲有, 我發現如果我曲住對腳黎訓, 當伸直果下多數抽筋~~6 @7 O' U9 J1 E) f2 U5 U
可以既話, 唔好成日曲住對腳黎訓啦~~或者想伸直果陣, 慢慢伸~~1 [9 w$ _) ]6 a8 w

3 ?* ?- h8 M: c1 \9 m$ @+ H抽完第二日多數都痛架啦.....; t9 p: S4 s2 X: Q
3 f, u5 Q( a7 ~/ j; ^& Y8 r唔係好有用, 不過好過無唧........5 L3 i/ Z, u5 c5 W! p
8 Y9 B6 g* R  c  E: ^% ]
不過, 見到你話兩隻腳一齊抽......." [7 l+ o2 R! P' j- i
我都試過, 真係經典, 真係痛到喊!!
. ]0 k5 p; g6 F! {
係ar.....你一吾夠鈣就會抽ga la ......我之前同你一樣....
/ R# f3 s* v% _: W: W  a, B& _% g7 G4 Y, K% S) O0 e) t3 J) q
$ g8 U( j3 ?  B5 S不過歸根究柢,阿媽係女人,適當時小休,唔好成日搞到自己肌肉疲勞咪無咁易有事囉~~
Originally posted by 極樂 at 2007-6-10 05:50 PM:; d1 X7 i7 ~$ l

& k; Z8 d, F# N: [) d* @  Y1 ^! s6 J; |6 X* Y+ t$ d
嘩~~~~~" n& j6 d  q3 N9 n+ V8 y
  i5 _7 ]- N% P; [9 Q; g4 _...
3 q8 Z" a8 Q% r4 g! ^& o, {每日運動兩三個鐘應該都唔算少
Originally posted by SCM at 2007-6-11 19:46:7 g2 _( u6 r: @

' h  ]% o" k9 r2 q  ?/ \每日運動兩三個鐘應該都唔算少
: X4 D6 p0 U6 }; w5 T你係唔係好大壓力啊,輕鬆d啦香港人! ; F3 i( w# I! K' I0 |
Originally posted by 勇勇 at 2007-6-11 09:19 PM:/ o  x3 b2 o" I
6 Y. z& ]6 ]' N+ ~
5 a* b) F) \+ }# l8 v* `% j其實應該唔會架喎!如果冇運動就好大可能會發生!
" M9 l3 d/ U: ^( F) a壓力??
% V5 \8 U6 p5 |$ a8 a( V9 s/ e6 w時有時冇
) o! x0 s/ @0 a# o: a3 F做運動做咁耐主要因為興趣
Originally posted by SCM at 2007-6-11 21:33:
2 L5 [# v" M% F: b" T; d
' B- |& {9 \/ I8 `壓力??
. M& @! `3 P3 F# ]& b3 T$ q; u時有時冇1 ?4 e5 ^  E2 S: d3 A5 @7 v
$ D9 U9 }: @1 n4 w9 W# K6 r日日做或者經常做運動嘅人好少會發生喎
9 w/ P: ~; P: u% M1 `你係唔係年幾大啊
- F- \3 z% K( p  Z你金次唔認老都唔得la
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