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原帖由 譚生 於 2009-6-10 06:26 PM 發表
Are you ****ing kidding me? The Lakers defeated the defending champions Boston Celtics twice this season, ending their 12- and 19-game winning streaks. They beat the Cleveland Cavaliers, the team that owns the best record in the league twice as well, ending their 23-game home winning streak in doing so. They overcame the devastating knee injury of Andrew Bynum after his elite center performances (including a 42-point, 15-rebound effort) prior to the mishap and you're saying they never showed signs of champions? Sure, the Magic swept the Lakers in the regular season, but the postseason (especially the Finals) is totally different. The Lakers have constantly rebounded from losses (including shameful ones against Houston in the second round and then whipping them by 40 points) and I won't be surprised if they do kill Orlando in game 4, though I'm pretty sure they won't.

Please enlighten me with games in which they displayed no 「冠軍相」... As a matter of fact, maybe you'd like to define that for me, seeing as your definition is otherworldly. Perhaps you can also give me examples of teams with this 「冠軍相」 definition of yours.
原帖由 skyhookii 於 2009-6-10 06:47 PM 發表

Are you ****ing kidding me? The Lakers defeated the defending champions Boston Celtics twice this season, ending their 12- and 19-game winning streaks. They beat the Cleveland Cavaliers, the team tha ...
原帖由 譚生 於 2009-6-10 07:00 PM 發表

Of course I understand that. Similarly, LeBron James is only good statistically, but on the court, he's nowhere close to being the best in the league.

But I'm not the kind of person who just looks at stats to determine everything. People who really piss me off are those who go "lies, damn lies and statistics", but can only talk stats when debating over something. I can SORT OF see where you're coming from if you talk about their consistent inconsistency, but that really comes from their arrogance about them being way better than the other team that they don't have to play hard until the last quarter or until they're down by 20.


無冠軍相 = 無冠軍 ?
無冠軍相 ? 我想問點睇
正如你所講, 波係圓ge
咸魚青菜, 各有所愛, 無謂批死邊一隊拎唔到冠軍,
只要支持自己喜愛ge 球隊就好了


唔通無冠軍相仲要有冠軍 ..??
原帖由 easy_man 於 2009-6-10 07:48 PM 發表
無冠軍相 ? 我想問點睇
正如你所講, 波係圓ge
咸魚青菜, 各有所愛, 無謂批死邊一隊拎唔到冠軍,
只要支持自己喜愛ge 球隊就好了
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