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Originally posted by kakeidevil at 2007-12-3 12:54 AM:
利物浦果兩個美國班主真係唔多明白宜家買人係幾咁困難同緊張, 難得宜家隊波個勢係向好嘅, 應該對隊波同領隊加以支持同鼓勵. 點知賓 SIR 想早 D 傾轉會同球員買賣計劃, 未雨籌謬, 當中應該有包括買一個中堅, 另外係買斷馬斯查蘭奴同埋兩個係季尾波士文嘅, 但果兩個美國班主係都唔肯傾, 仲要發火想炒人, 真係有冇搞錯 !!!??? 冇計啦, 宜家最緊要係打好對馬賽同曼聯呢兩場波先再算 ......

呢個韋洛素據聞幾貴吓, 好似 20M 架 ......

大 SAM 喜歡將佢晌保頓用開嘅 4-3-3 陣式套落紐卡素度, 需要一個中鋒, 維杜卡係好, 但係傷多過踢, 加上年紀唔細, 以致表現唔太穩定, 艾美奧比根本唔夠班. 可能因為咁, 所以佢想要高治, 然後再用奧雲或馬田斯呢 D 靈活形嘅進攻球員圍繞住佢. 至於史密夫, 睇黎大 SAM 比較喜歡用佢打中場. 當然, 我覺得高治晌利物浦仍然有佢嘅作用, 特別係打歐聯, 冇乜邊隊識 Mark 佢, 希望佢會繼續留隊.

貝碧托夫想走, 我覺得佢係一個幾全面嘅前鋒, 好適合曼聯, 不過沙夏就 ...... 前途似咁了 ......

赫頓打右閘, 大大隻, 走上走落速率不俗, 都幾好. 我 FM 都買左佢, 幾好用架.

麥利殊真係勁, 作客熱刺反勝 3-2, 旗開得勝. 基斯保特好似晌格流跟過佢.
You'll Never Walk Alone


The Football Association's hesitancy could cost it the chance of appointing Jose Mourinho as the new England manager. (The Sun)

摩連奴對英格蘭足球未來發展已有藍圖, 包括重新啟動於 Burton 既國家足球中心計劃. 預計英足總於今周接洽佢
Mourinho has prepared a blueprint of his vision for England, which includes restarting the National Fooball Centre project at Burton, in anticipation that the FA will make formal contact this week. (Guardian)

根據德國足總既消息人士話, 奇連士文亦係等待英足總既消息
Jurgen Klinsmann is also waiting to hear from the FA, according to a German FA insider. (Mirror)


米堡係現時唯一一隊洽購朗拿甸奴既球隊, £10m
Middlesbrough are the only club to have made an offer for Barcelona's out-of-favour Brazilian playmaker Ronaldinho, with a bid of £10m. (Independent)

費蘭度托利斯警告利物浦班主, 如果炒賓尼迪斯既話, 隊中球星會選擇離隊
Fernando Torres has warned Liverpool's owners that the club's top players are ready to quit if manager Rafael Benitez is sacked. (various)

Manchester United have been alerted to the availability of defender Willy Sagnol, who has fallen out with his boss at Bayern Munich. (Daily Mail)

車仔有興趣簽皇馬既荷蘭新星迪倫菲, £9m
Chelsea are interested in signing Real Madrid's £9m-rated Dutch forward Royston Drenthe. (Mirror)

有俄羅斯同遠東財團有意收購熱刺, £400m  
Tottenham are a £400m target for buyers from Russia and the Far East and could be the next Premier League side to be the subject of a foreign takeover. (Mirror)

Former England boss Terry Venables has declared his interest in becoming Republic of Ireland manager. (various)

伯明翰班主高特同蘇利雲拒絕再給與更多時間, 楊家誠既收購行動宣告失敗
Carson Yeung's takeover of Birmingham looks to be dead after owners David Gold and David Sullivan refused to give him more time to do a deal. (The Sun)

紐卡素會俾大 SAM 時間將隊波扭轉乾坤, 以聖誕節為限
Newcastle boss Sam Allardyce has been given until Christmas to turn the struggling club around. (Mirror)

如果大 SAM 被炒, 舒利亞好想接替其位
Alan Shearer would be keen to step in if Allardyce is sacked. (Guardian)

Portsmouth want to sign Stuttgart defender Fernando Meira. (Mirror)

Bolton manager Gary Megson has set his sights on Israel midfielder Tarim Cohen, and could beat Leicester to the player's signature. (Mirror)

紐卡素門將夏柏想離隊, 以便增加機會入選英格蘭國家隊
Newcastle goalkeeper Steve Harper wants to quit the club to raise his profile, believing it will help him force his way into the England team. (Daily Mail)

些路迪門將保路錫於周二歐聯對 AC 米蘭後進行膝部手術
Celtic goalkeeper Artur Boruc will undergo a knee operation after Tuesday's Champions League game against AC Milan. (various)

格流要求原定於 9 號作客對基特拿既蘇超聯賽延期舉行, 以便有更多時間備戰對里昂既歐聯生死大戰
Rangers will find out today if their match against Gretna will be postponed ahead of their Champions League decider with Lyon. (various)


利物浦既聖誕派對會有 80 年代既流行曲為主題, 預料所有球員都會喬裝打扮一番. 古治已表示想扮 Boy George 或者 Adam Ant
Liverpool's Christmas party will have a 1980s pop theme and all the players are expected to dress up. Striker Dirk Kuyt has already told the lads he wants to be Boy George or Adam Ant. (The Sun)

而曼聯方面就有李奧費迪南做首席搞手, 搜集隊友既鞭子 / 攪拌器, 每人 £4,000
And at Manchester United's seasonal extravaganza Rio Ferdinand is the chief organiser, collecting the whip from his team-mates at a cool £4,000 per man.

In Rafa We Trust !!!

[ Last edited by terencey on 2007-12-3 at 10:51 PM ]
You'll Never Walk Alone
Originally posted by terencey at 2007-12-3 11:54:

利物浦果兩個美國班主真係唔多明白宜家買人係幾咁困難同緊張, 難得宜家隊波個勢係向好嘅, 應該對隊波同領隊加以支持同鼓勵. 點知賓 SIR 想早 D 傾轉會同球員買賣計劃, 未雨籌謬, 當中應該有包括買一個中堅, 另外係買斷馬斯查蘭奴同埋兩個係季尾波士文嘅, 但果兩個美國班主係都唔肯傾, 仲要發火想炒人, 真係有冇搞錯 !!!??? 冇計啦, 宜家最緊要係打好對馬賽同曼聯呢兩場波先再算 ......


呢個韋洛素據聞幾貴吓, 好似 20M 架 ......


Originally posted by terencey at 2007-12-3 22:46:


The Football Association's hesitancy could cost it the chance of appointing Jose Mourinho as the new England manager. (The Sun)

摩連奴對英格蘭足球未來發展已有藍圖, 包括重新啟動於 Burton 既國家足球中心計劃. 預計英足總於今周接洽佢
Mourinho has prepared a blueprint of his vision for England, which includes restarting the National Fooball Centre project at Burton, in anticipation that the FA will make formal contact this week. (Guardian)



米堡係現時唯一一隊洽購朗拿甸奴既球隊, £10m
Middlesbrough are the only club to have made an offer for Barcelona's out-of-favour Brazilian playmaker Ronaldinho, with a bid of £10m. (Independent)


費蘭度托利斯警告利物浦班主, 如果炒賓尼迪斯既話, 隊中球星會選擇離隊
Fernando Torres has warned Liverpool's owners that the club's top players are ready to quit if manager Rafael Benitez is sacked. (various)


Bolton manager Gary Megson has set his sights on Israel midfielder Tarim Cohen, and could beat Leicester to the player's signature. (Mirror)


利物浦既聖誕派對會有 80 年代既流行曲為主題, 預料所有球員都會喬裝打扮一番. 古治已表示想扮 Boy George 或者 Adam Ant
Liverpool's Christmas party will have a 1980s pop theme and all the players are expected to dress up. Striker Dirk Kuyt has already told the lads he wants to be Boy George or Adam Ant. (The Sun)


而曼聯方面就有李奧費迪南做首席搞手, 搜集隊友既鞭子 / 攪拌器, 每人 £4,000
And at Manchester United's seasonal extravaganza Rio Ferdinand is the chief organiser, collecting the whip from his team-mates at a cool £4,000 per man.


Originally posted by kakeidevil at 2007-12-3 11:54 PM:
Originally posted by terencey at 2007-12-3 22:46:


The Football Association's hesitancy could cost it the chance of appointing Jose Mourinho as the new England manager. (The Sun)

摩連奴對英格蘭足球未來發展已有藍圖, 包括重新啟動於 Burton 既國家足球中心計劃. 預計英足總於今周接洽佢
Mourinho has prepared a blueprint of his vision for England, which includes restarting the National Fooball Centre project at Burton, in anticipation that the FA will make formal contact this week. (Guardian)



米堡係現時唯一一隊洽購朗拿甸奴既球隊, £10m
Middlesbrough are the only club to have made an offer for Barcelona's out-of-favour Brazilian playmaker Ronaldinho, with a bid of £10m. (Independent)


費蘭度托利斯警告利物浦班主, 如果炒賓尼迪斯既話, 隊中球星會選擇離隊
Fernando Torres has warned Liverpool's owners that the club's top players are ready to quit if manager Rafael Benitez is sacked. (various)


Bolton manager Gary Megson has set his sights on Israel midfielder Tarim Cohen, and could beat Leicester to the player's signature. (Mirror)


利物浦既聖誕派對會有 80 年代既流行曲為主題, 預料所有球員都會喬裝打扮一番. 古治已表示想扮 Boy George 或者 Adam Ant
Liverpool's Christmas party will have a 1980s pop theme and all the players are expected to dress up. Striker Dirk Kuyt has already told the lads he wants to be Boy George or Adam Ant. (The Sun)


而曼聯方面就有李奧費迪南做首席搞手, 搜集隊友既鞭子 / 攪拌器, 每人 £4,000
And at Manchester United's seasonal extravaganza Rio Ferdinand is the chief organiser, collecting the whip from his team-mates at a cool £4,000 per man.

如果係真嘅話, 摩帥有埋 "藍圖", 真係估唔到. 如果以佢嘅執教能力, 級數同對英格蘭足球嘅認識黎睇, 係接替麥卡倫嘅合適人選之一.

米堡單嘢就真係 ...... 可能第日會傳佢地想簽卡卡 ......

宜家賓 SIR 同美國佬單嘢似乎冇之前搞到咁緊張, 不過賓 SIR 係得到球員同球迷支持, 相信班主都不能否認. 輕舉妄動既話, 對佢哋呢盤生意點都會有 D 影響. 但從另一角度睇, 最緊要係隊波交到成績, 球員要生性, 否則就真係好似油王咁, 趁車仔對洛辛堡失分時, 在球場上的一個微笑之後 , 發覺有位入你, 順勢將你炒魷 ...... 當然最好就係大家唔啱講到啱, 有商有量啦 ......

保頓 "窮困" 嘛 , 不過李斯特城個班主之前係做樸茅主席, 未必少錢過 D 英超弱勢球會.

莫非李奧費迪南想搞 "狂野" 派對!?

[ Last edited by terencey on 2007-12-4 at 12:30 PM ]
You'll Never Walk Alone
Originally posted by kakeidevil at 2007-12-3 11:43 PM:

係呀, 自從成功收購之後, 佢地當時所講既野已經俾我覺得佢哋只會向錢看. 我諗 ...... 點解當初唔肯同有意收購嘅另一財團 -- 杜拜嘅麥通酋長合作????
美國佬會晌 12 月中黎利物浦同賓 SIR 傾, 即係佢地睇埋歐聯對馬賽同英超對曼聯嘅情況先至開會 ......

不如費 SIR 揾士砵亭做 "姊妹球會"

[ Last edited by terencey on 2007-12-4 at 12:26 PM ]
You'll Never Walk Alone
紐卡素門將夏柏想離隊, 以便增加機會入選英格蘭國家隊
Newcastle goalkeeper Steve Harper wants to quit the club to raise his profile, believing it will help him force his way into the England team. (Daily Mail)

You know, he can have another chances to represent England.... but depends how hard he works as his 2nd 'professional' career.... REFEREE
We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
so be happy!
Originally posted by brightlee at 2007-12-4 03:58 PM:
紐卡素門將夏柏想離隊, 以便增加機會...
哈哈 ......
He is an average goalkeeper only, I don't think he is good enough to represent England ......
You'll Never Walk Alone


英足總行政總裁巴域克搵費 SIR , 徵詢佢應該搵邊個執教英格蘭. 佢地晌奧脫福傾左兩個鐘頭, 波比查爾頓都晌度
FA chief executive Brian Barwick has met Manchester United boss Sir Alex Ferguson to get his advice on who should be the next England manager. They filter-004ed the matter for two hours at Old Trafford, with Bobby Charlton also present. (The Sun)

荷度相信, 巴域克一定要小心考慮下任英格蘭教頭既國籍. 佢話:"呢個係英足總, 我地需要搵一個英格蘭人執教. 如果搵外籍教頭, 我地需要搵一個英格蘭人晌佢身邊, 以便為未來準備."
Former England manager Glenn Hoddle believes Barwick must think carefully about the nationality of the next boss. He said: "This is the English FA and we need an Englishman. If we do go foreign, we need an Englishman beside him to be groomed for the future." (Daily Express)


大 SAM 晌紐卡素既前景越來越暗淡, 因為班球員作反, 對佢既戰術感到反感
Sam Allardyce's future as Newcastle boss is looking bleak after he was confronted by senior players in a revolt over tactics. (various)

舒夫真高恐怕佢要離開車仔, 仲準備去美職聯發展
Chelsea striker Andriy Shevchenko fears he is on his way out of the club and is ready to line up a move to America's Major League Soccer. (Mirror)

維拉會買斷利物浦門將卡臣, £10m  
Aston Villa will pay £10m to make goalkeeper Scott Carson's loan move from Liverpool permanent. (Daily Star)

阿仙奴想要 PSV 燕豪芬既荷蘭國腳中場艾費利, £5m
Arsenal are on the trail of PSV Eindhoven's £5m-rated Holland international midfielder Ibrahim Afellay. (various)

艾歷臣想要馬賽前鋒尼安, 作為安歷卡以外既選擇
Manchester City boss Sven-Goran Eriksson is chasing Marseille striker Mamadou Niang as a cheaper alternative to Bolton's Nicolas Anelka. (Mirror)

但亦有傳艾歷臣仍然考慮會否出 £12m 洽購安歷卡, 同埋利物浦前鋒高治, £8m  
But Eriksson is still considering whether to make a £12m bid for Anelka, as well as an £8m bid for Liverpool striker Peter Crouch. (various)

雷丁領隊郭甫準備離隊, 佢話自己已經盡晒力去帶領呢隊波
Reading manager Steve Coppell is ready to quit, saying he has taken the club as far as he can. (The Sun)

愛華頓想簽狼隊門將軒尼斯, £4m
Everton want to sign Wolves' £4m-rated keeper Wayne Hennessey. (The Sun)

英國警方調查緊究竟於上周六車仔對韋斯咸既聯賽中, 用筆狀物體向杜奧巴面部發射綠色鐳射光
Police are trying to find the fan who shone a green laser pen into Didier Drogba's face during Chelsea's win over West Ham on Saturday. (The Sun)

布力般領隊曉士向沙華治保證, 佢於隊中仍有前途, 雖然最近坐左 3 場冷板凳
Blackburn boss Mark Hughes has assured Robbie Savage he still has a future at the club despite leaving him on the bench for the last three games. (The Sun)

新特蘭領隊堅尼於 1 月買人會獲球會支持
Sunderland boss Roy Keane has been promised funds to buy new players in the January transfer window. (Mirror)

狼隊打算出 £1m 洽購普利茅夫翼鋒賀姆斯
Wolves are planning to bid £1m for Plymouth winger Peter Halmosi. (Mirror)

Wycombe boss Paul Lambert has emerged as the shock contender to become the new Scotland manager. (Mirror)

蘇利雲話, 佢於聖誕節期間會繼續係伯明翰既班主, 仲話楊家誠只有少於 10% 既機會能夠收購成功
David Sullivan says he will remain Birmingham's owner at Christmas, saying Carson Yeung's takeover is less than 10% likely to happen. (The Sun)

打比郡新領隊祖維爾將出 £2m 羅致布力般前鋒羅拔斯
Derby's new manager Paul Jewell is set to spend £2m on Blackburn striker Jason Roberts. (various)

愛華頓將出 £1m 買史雲頓既 17 歲左閘杜沙, 佢只有 5 分鐘既英甲聯賽經驗
Everton are set to pay £1m for Swindon's 17-year-old left-back Ben Tozer, who has played only five minutes of football in League One. (Mirror)

同雷丁仲有 6 個月合約既左閘梳利將拒絕加盟韋斯咸
Reading left-back Nicky Shorey will turn down a transfer to West Ham and hold out for a bumper move when his deal runs out in six months. (Mirror)

Newcastle are also interested in luring the England defender away from the Madejski Stadium. (various)

但係梳利最想加盟曼聯, 佢諗住曼聯會洽購佢, 雖然曼聯未必願意付出雷丁標價既 £5m
But Shorey would most likely prefer to join Manchester United, who are thought to be lining up a bid for him - although the Old Trafford club may not be willing to pay as much as Reading's £5m valuation. (The Times)

Fulham boss Lawrie Sanchez is keen on Portsmouth's out-of-favour midfielder Matthew Taylor. (The Times)

麥卡菲於對紐卡素時被換出之後發老脾, 然後喳車返屋企, 可能會離開布力般
Benni McCarthy could be on his way out of Blackburn after throwing a tantrum and then driving home when he was taken off against Newcastle. (Mirror)

最近傳阿仙奴會用 £15m 羅致既艾邦拉賀想同維拉續約
Aston Villa's Gabriel Agbonlahor, who has been linked with a £15m transfer to Arsenal, wants to sign a new contract at the Midlands club. (Mirror)

新特蘭考慮出 £2.5m 洽購韋斯咸前鋒森莫拉
Sunderland are poised to bid £2.5m for West Ham's Bobby Zamora. (Daily Star)

Arsenal's out-of-favour goalkeeper Jens Lehmann is wanted by German side Wolfsburg. (various)

Crystal Palace want to sign Sheffield United's Chris Morgan. (Daily Star)

些路迪既傳奇人物拿臣, 與瑞典超聯球會希爾星堡既合約即將完結, 將會掛靴
Celtic legend Henrik Larsson, who is coming to the end of his contract at Helsingborgs, is set to call time on his playing career. (Mirror)

AC 米蘭既克羅地亞後衛史米唔去英超, 想加盟莫斯科火車頭
AC Milan's Croatian defender Dario Simic has snubbed a move to the Premier League and instead wants to join Lokomotiv Moscow. (Mirror)

雷丁主席馬迪斯基聲言會出多 D 錢於 1 月買新球員
Reading chairman John Madejski has pledged to provide the funds for major investment in new players during the January transfer window. (Express)

哈利列納想於 1 月借 3 至 4 個球員, 以免有幾名主將去左踢非洲盃而影響實力
Portsmouth boss Harry Redknapp wants to make three or four loan signings to cover for the players he will lose to international duty when the African Cup of Nations starts in January. (The Times)

鴨巴甸領隊占美卡達活獲保証有 £1.4m 增兵之後, 考慮同球會簽新約
Jimmy Calderwood is poised to sign a new contract as Aberdeen manager after being promised £1.4m to strengthen his squad. (Daily Record)

里昂總經理法斯奧利話, 蘇超聯決定將基特拿對格流既聯賽延期, 令格流於歐聯對佢地果陣會有優勢
Lyon general manager Marino Faccioli says the SPL's decision to postpone Rangers' game against Gretna gives the Ibrox club an advantage for their Champions League tie. (Sun)

Setanta 喳弗人大衛遜話, 將基特拿對格流既蘇超聯賽延期係訂立左一個危險既先例
Setanta boss Colin Davidson says postponing Rangers' match against Gretna sets a dangerous precedent. (Sun)


Google 出左一些 C. 朗拿度既負面新聞, 特別係佢同朗尼於 2006 世界盃既衝突事宜. 而 "I hate Ronaldo" 仲成為呢個網上搜尋器於 2007 年既人氣榜首位
Google have delivered some not-so-great news for Manchester United's Cristiano Ronaldo, who has worked hard to turn around public bad feeling after his spat with Wayne Rooney in the 2006 World Cup. The internet search engine revealed "I hate Ronaldo" was one of the most popular searches in 2007. (The Sun)

車仔翼鋒馬路達聲稱, 隊中容許球員吃零食, 但係仍能於球場上有好表現
Chelsea winger Florent Malouda claims the players are allowed to eat junk food at Stamford Bridge, as long as they still produce good performances on the pitch. (Daily Mirror)

In Rafa We Trust !!!

[ Last edited by terencey on 2007-12-5 at 12:19 AM ]
You'll Never Walk Alone


前車仔球星蘇拿同迪馬堤奧撐卡比路執教英格蘭. 蘇拿話:"卡比路既資歷相當好, 呢個世界上好似佢咁有質素同經驗嘅教頭實在唔多."
Fabio Capello has been backed by former Chelsea stars Gianfranco Zola and Roberto Di Matteo for the England job. Zola said: "Capello's pedigree is unbelievable and fantastic. Not many coaches in the world have the experience and the qualities that he's got." (The Sun)

英格蘭嘅另一選擇可能係荷蘭教頭雲巴士頓, 佢會於 2008 年歐國盃決賽周後離隊
Another option for England could be Holland boss Marco van Basten who will quit after Euro 2008. (The Sun)

如果英格蘭想要摩連奴既話就要快 D 行動喇, 因為傳緊摩連奴會取代列卡特執教巴塞
England will need to act quickly if they want to recruit former Chelsea manager Jose Mourinho as he is been lined up by Barcelona to replace Frank Rijkaard at the Nou Camp. (The Sun)

Zenit St Petersburg coach Dick Advocaat has ruled out managing England or Scotland. (Various)


熱刺領隊桑迪拉莫斯打算羅致士砵亭新星 A. 施華, £3m  
Tottenham boss Juande Ramos is planning a move for £3m rated Sporting Lisbon starlet Adrien Silva. (The Sun)

利物浦同西維爾睇中本身係葡萄牙 U19 國家隊隊長既 A. 施華
The Portugal under-19 captain is also been watched by Liverpool and Sevilla. (The Sun)

車仔打算於 1 月羅致皇馬翼衛迪倫菲同阿仙奴前鋒賓特拿
Chelsea are planning a double January swoop for Real Madrid wing back Royston Drenthe and Arsenal striker Nicklas Bendtner. (Daily Express)

However, Real Madrid would be more interested in a swap deal for Drenthe involving Florent Malouda. (The Sun)

傳卡比路可能接替大 SAM 執教紐卡素
Former AC Milan and Real Madrid manager Fabio Capello is being sounded out as a possible replacement for Sam Allardyce at Newcastle. (Daily Star)

Bolton manager Gary Megson wants to make midfielder Danny Guthrie's loan deal from Liverpool a permanent one. (The Times).

樸茅準備於 1 月接受其他球會洽購馬菲泰萊
Portsmouth are prepared to listen to offers for left back Matthew Taylor in January. (The Times)

曼城準備出 £17m 買馬斯查蘭奴, 因為利物浦仲未有洽購行動 (死美國佬, 咪再拖啦, 水浸眼眉喇!!!!!! )
Manchester City are prepared to pay £17m for Javier Mascherano as Liverpool stall over making a bid for the Argentine midfielder. (Various)

Manager Sven-Goran Eriksson has also been linked with strikers Afonso Alves and Obafemi Martins. (The Independent)

如果有球會出 £5m , 就可以買森莫拉, 現時富咸最有機買到佢
Bobby Zamora will be allowed to leave West Ham in January if their £5m valuation is met, with Fulham leading the chase for the striker. (The Independent)

朗拿甸奴可能以 "跳樓價" 加盟車仔
Ronaldinho could use a little-known Fifa rule allowing him to resign from Barcelona and join Chelsea at a knock down price. (Daily Mail)

愛華頓昅實 30 歲嘅挪威前鋒希斯達, 大約 £1.5m
Everton are monitoring 30-year-old Norwegian striker Thorstein Helstad who will be available for about £1.5m. (Daily Mail)

保頓及韋根想要西布朗後衛兼隊長保羅羅賓遜, 大約 £2m
Both Bolton and Wigan are chasing West Brom defender Paul Robinson and can expect to land the Baggies skipper for around £2m. (Daily Star)

Former Everton manager Howard Kendall has put himself forward for the vacant Republic of Ireland job. (Various)

需進行膝部手術嘅些路迪門將保路錫, 目標係新年對格流時復出
Celtic goalkeeper Artur Boruc has targeted the New Year meeting with Rangers for his return after knee surgery. (Various)

Dunfermline are poised to move for ex-manager Dick Campbell and Aberdeen defender Jackie McNamara after sacking boss Stephen Kenny. (Sun)

Former Celtic midfielder Lubo Moravcik and Derry City boss John Robertson are in the frame for the Dunfermline manager's job. (The Guardian)


C. 朗拿度話, 佢媽媽會對於球証史泰奧斯令佢未能在對富咸既聯賽中大演帽子戲法而感到憤怒. 當時被判插水嘅 C. 朗拿度話:"有時我媽媽會問我點解從未試過大演帽子戲法, 我同佢講話對於自己保持有兩球波入感到高興."
Cristiano Ronaldo says his mum will be angry with Rob Styles after the referee denied the Manchester United winger a chance of a hat-trick against Fulham on Monday. He was instead booked for diving and Ronaldo said: "My mum sometimes says to me 'Why do you never score a hat-trick?' But I tell her I'm happy to keep scoring two goals." (The Sun)

自從領隊堅尼同史杜基斯講, 流連夜店會摧毁其事業之後, 一間位於新特蘭嘅夜店唔俾佢入去. 位於新特蘭嘅夜店 Glass Spider 老闆話:"因為堅尼認為 Glass Spider 會令史杜基斯對足球事業缺乏專注, 所以我地決定唔俾佢入去直至今季完結, 以便令佢專心踢波."
A Sunderland night club has banned Black Cats teenager Anthony Stokes after manager Roy Keane said it could ruin his career. The owners of the Glass Spider said: "As Roy Keane thinks the Glass Spider is a distraction we have decided to bar Anthony until the end of the season so he can concentrate on his game." (Daily Star)

最近為一隻新嘅足球遊戲宣傳既高治透露, 佢現時唯一既對手 -- 前利物浦隊友比拿美玩 game 嘅時候係咁對住部電現機大嗌, 就好似佢平時晌球場上同球証嘈既次數一樣咁頻密
Peter Crouch, who is promoting a new football video game, has revealed that his only opponent so far, former Liverpool team-mate Craig Bellamy, shouts at the TV as much as he does at the referee on the pitch. (The Times)

In Rafa We Trust !!!

[ Last edited by terencey on 2007-12-5 at 05:54 PM ]
You'll Never Walk Alone
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