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Originally posted by SWK at 2008-3-26 02:44 PM:

Occupation: 姑離佬
Originally posted by 怪人米不多 at 2008-3-26 14:45:
to all:
首先, 我要澄清我冇放水
其實我博第8分都係有原因 (因覺得2-7and7-2都係eqhigh輸)
因為睇倒話overall winning percentage雖然兩個都係50%(假設係2-7同7-2), 但唔知係咪真係打和計第兩個item
到winning percentage in week21, 我開頭諗倒o既係兩個方向...
feu 0.5x, eqhigh 0.4x -> feu win
feu上週8-1, eqhigh 4-5 -> feu win
所以先試下攞第8分, in case eqhigh得6分都仲有機
但尋日諗倒第3個方向, 可能%in week21係指feu輸eqhigh嬴就係eqhigh嬴, 依個可能性反而大d
但因為o個時reb同blk都冇問題, 我o個日都一定唔會出ft寫得最好o個個oneal(7-9), 所以結果都會係6-3
在此亦向feuosma致謙, 因為雖然我冇放水, 但我咁排陣係想睇倒奇蹟生還者
其實我博第8分都係有原因 (因覺得2-7and7-2都係eqhigh輸)
因為睇倒話overall winning percentage雖然兩個都係50%(假設係2-7同7-2), 但唔知係咪真係打和計第兩個item
到winning percentage in week21, 我開頭諗倒o既係兩個方向...
feu 0.5x, eqhigh 0.4x -> feu win
feu上週8-1, eqhigh 4-5 -> feu win
所以先試下攞第8分, in case eqhigh得6分都仲有機
但尋日諗倒第3個方向, 可能%in week21係指feu輸eqhigh嬴就係eqhigh嬴, 依個可能性反而大d
但因為o個時reb同blk都冇問題, 我o個日都一定唔會出ft寫得最好o個個oneal(7-9), 所以結果都會係6-3
在此亦向feuosma致謙, 因為雖然我冇放水, 但我咁排陣係想睇倒奇蹟生還者
Originally posted by SWK at 2008-3-26 02:46 PM:

yeah, if my team performs, it can compete with others ...
it's just the inconsistencies and timing of injuries haunted me this year....

when i needed Bosh and AK for the playoff run, they got injured....
it's been fun this year, i do hope i can join you guys again next year...

now i can focus on fantasy baseball....
yeah, if my team performs, it can compete with others ...
it's just the inconsistencies and timing of injuries haunted me this year....

when i needed Bosh and AK for the playoff run, they got injured....
it's been fun this year, i do hope i can join you guys again next year...

now i can focus on fantasy baseball....
Originally posted by 怪人米不多 at 2008-3-26 14:48:

Originally posted by SWK at 2008-3-26 02:49 PM:

Originally posted by 怪人米不多 at 2008-3-26 14:45:
to all:
首先, 我要澄清我冇放水

你又放左水俾佢... 咁咪白費我地既心機...
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 港男俱樂部 » 洗版人不怪(無聊洗版用,交流免問)

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