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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » [鎖貼]版友傾訴熱線第二輯經已播放完畢,多謝大家支持
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Originally posted by jublio at 2005-7-1 02:57 AM:5 C9 Q$ x8 g$ _

: o2 {2 `9 e, F1 F( s* _, xthey are so low b~~
+ i, R" L8 e' ?$ F  n* N* ^( h9 d8 _7 o! S& h
and i can't even understand a word that they say.... which makes the viewers even more low b.
最可靠嘅終生伴侶係.... 面油紙, 鼻貼<-- 答案   ^_^ '
Originally posted by jublio at 2005-7-1 02:57 AM:/ H: D5 W% n6 p0 G9 n: m5 L

( E& V+ t& L- t7 I+ `8 bthey are so low b~~
. @- S/ O* y: ^9 j2 D5 F

6 b- N1 w: O6 S3 Pyeah..but that's how babies learn.....low b and effective...(in a sense the unwillingness to go low b has cost dearly for adults like us)...
. q# o) g- C6 I) f* D3 [* `
$ w% \, S8 o: }& D# h9 S+ p$ P$ ?you guys know my temperment....point and shoot.... but I'll say this time we get crap's attention first...

Originally posted by johnwu at 2005-7-1 02:59 AM:
' d' O" j* l4 Q: ?2 U+ T
/ y6 p3 p5 c! j$ P/ zit's for baby's , you're not suppose to watch   But I hate the sound they make...
6 F. \. r: ^" u& [' Z0 C
they sound very annoying.... and i was forced to watch it when i worked as a babysitter.
最可靠嘅終生伴侶係.... 面油紙, 鼻貼<-- 答案   ^_^ '
Originally posted by singgeihot at 2005-7-1 02:59 AM:
* g; }  x/ ?) p$ g  B. d5 G! f- n  d0 Y2 {# x% d! ~8 ]7 k; Z
" s3 j1 v" q2 t8 r
and i can't even understand a word that they say.... which makes the viewers even more low b.
+ l) u9 u2 ~+ O  O) ljust like the program 《放學ICU》in hong kong
% J& ~9 {( Q( N( e: ]
* f: Z7 \  ^8 i( x
#1  專家指兒童節目《放學ICU》使兒童智商下降
; R# _% Y9 s7 o' J
0 l8 B! k: S: f& m* {6 W蘋果日報的報導:) T- p( V" s$ j! l* S) T5 y

3 N% j6 {! `( F【本報訊】 播出不足三個月的兒童節目《放學ICU》深受大人小朋友歡迎。近來卻有研究指出收看該節目會令智商下降。
5 V0 E) _+ }1 \* M+ ^$ L5 C1 t6 o6 F8 E/ k
「聰聰」行徑無聊 教壞小朋友
; q1 M$ Z1 ^# J《放》內有一隻洋蔥頭形公仔名為「蔥蔥」,節目內隨一眾演員主持節目,卻只會發出「BABALU」聲音及短句回應,一眾主持亦隨之而變得幼稚。專家指此類節目不適宜各年齡小朋友觀看,年紀太小的不明白節目內容,甚至七八歲小童亦感無聊,表示寧於深夜收看《惠子時尚坊》。
3 ?7 e9 t) q; \! l2 S! L, J
" R& Z1 N" n& q! C: r1 D" {每看一集下降三點
. C. d+ E- K5 ]% E( n* W研究指出小童每收看一集《放》平均智商便下降一點。即一正常小童(智商110)一個星期收看五集,三個月便會變成智商50的弱智兒童。研究結果發現兒童經常收看《放》容易情緒不穩而作出奇異舉動,例如氣溫高於26度便會脾氣暴躁到處破壞。不過不會自殘身體,專家呼籲家長不必過份擔心,應盡快偕同子女前?@智力檢查。
/ B2 g# x, i2 Y) @3 |0 z" n, M- O/ c+ m6 @  y
「節目並無問題 暫不會抽起」' E2 I! V) ?5 Y- L
Originally posted by vivienna at 2005-7-1 02:59 AM:( W, Y6 h) x# |% H4 H2 n
should the intro be very formal?
  ]- L3 Y+ s! ]' }/ o6 z7 [
3 U% s& N/ O. X, U7 S4 ^- u6 L  yi don't see the need to go formal." |  V4 ^4 g$ s8 w) Q
What do you think, Charlie?
最可靠嘅終生伴侶係.... 面油紙, 鼻貼<-- 答案   ^_^ '
The pink one is Tinky-winky, yellow one is Laa Laa, green one is Dipsy, and the purple one is Po...' L. C7 z; H1 _2 l' v

# _9 l" U, W% tOh O!

Originally posted by Gretzky at 2005-7-1 03:00 AM:& O9 H5 R' @. A
1 J7 l* e" A+ o: F
yeah..but that's how babies lea...
# T; a* Q7 s7 ^5 ?8 A
gretz is gettin' kinky....
see how drunk you are....
% F) W) W# H# _http://www.dumpalink.com/media/1119000874
最可靠嘅終生伴侶係.... 面油紙, 鼻貼<-- 答案   ^_^ '
Originally posted by singgeihot at 2005-7-1 03:00:
6 T5 Y% |7 B" s* o- B4 r  d
8 T  [, _& \5 ^% K+ ^they sound very annoying.... and i was forced to watch it when i worked as a babysitter.
* x+ |# O1 D' K* L$ w8 f+ H# a3 A! [# `' q2 j
poor u....
Originally posted by singgeihot at 2005-7-1 03:00 AM:
. a8 ~8 R) W$ F+ K) V% d0 }" o$ A( i# ~+ P, @
they sound very annoying.... and i was forced to watch it when i worked as a babysitter.
8 c9 k- [! L1 N% o* s& F2 e" D
: f: X, Q" ]0 u9 K2 l+ C7 J6 [
You? babysit? can imagine ....
真真假假,花色香皆看化    【大學選科搵工Hotline】
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » [鎖貼]版友傾訴熱線第二輯經已播放完畢,多謝大家支持

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