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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » [鎖貼]版友傾訴熱線第二輯經已播放完畢,多謝大家支持
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Originally posted by michael86 at 2005-7-2 12:12 AM:
9 `6 }1 u/ f0 I2 w# P( O嘩~asu 有相睇la !正呀~
2 `5 b2 b( ]( J9 J
  ?: M, b7 S" O4 ^1 K, Y其實我有時行街都見到d model想影架...
/ t0 e/ L( W( h+ a4 N( E不過如果我咁做肯定會即場死於非命...
! W, x( b9 A2 }& v# R5 v& ?

/ }+ R0 h" W8 U1 B
Originally posted by singgeihot at 2005-7-2 12:09 AM:/ p9 C2 e5 Q' u" D1 w+ @! F) }( l

2 x. a" t5 i/ W等緊 Charlie 同 蟹妹.... to declare independence3 m+ c$ t: Q* ^! n, H* _5 r
你個 intro 寫成點呀? Need elaboration??
' |" \0 V* A$ t2 ojeeez.........this is so hard. i need some guidance. how about you write the intro in chinese and then i translate it? or vice versa, i.e you write english and i translate. i was never good at creative writing. Anyway, will discuss in english thread later on.
Originally posted by crap at 2005-7-2 12:12 AM:" m( _: V6 V& H, C5 d  {
& ], B' m7 x4 ^& Z
2 r2 i; W* H( I8 m& ^6 R* \' b' A7 i
which of you are going to write the description for the topic?0 l* B3 M' p5 a# G
# q' M7 X, f- Q* B2 U" D6 ]
after u finished, we may come together and modify a lil bit and then give CEO to have a look, if he approve, then we can launch~
, D. \* }% X! {0 A8 h+ Y
* P# K' M# ^0 i9 h6 m3 c2 li can translate it to chinese, or write a completely separate one in chinese.
最可靠嘅終生伴侶係.... 面油紙, 鼻貼<-- 答案   ^_^ '
Originally posted by srfqt1 at 2005-7-2 02:07 AM:  V0 t# X" g2 Y" s4 {: t

3 ~4 T8 C/ _) m% k8 Q( m
" Z& z7 r1 ]5 I% Q. V; E成晚狂press 手製only
) n0 `$ B& H" z目的好像等時間過) _( v9 M4 P; C
完全feel唔到育成8 m6 ~) M7 p: E9 k/ ~
冇啦啦又搞咩拍拖,生仔果d3 p7 u- L+ t7 w! C) S3 M
. _# U$ o3 F) {/ v- X6 J. n
# p# p- j4 Y- n& n' L: @育成正好多
5 i2 J, L) G: T7 A8 b. Lbut loading非常慢
. G. r$ o( W3 K+ }5 H9 W
# Y. z' W1 W6 G5 s2 K9 w* L: L# j# f; [0 s1 n4 z* ?% N) z
唔好嚇我喎=.="; v. `; Z. U, b* `  g( I$ h& ~) g
0 C5 B3 T. H& S4 k9 [+ b
育成真係好慢, d秘書又好kawai
ok, i will wait then asu, lol
Originally posted by vivienna at 2005-7-2 12:14 AM:' Q+ ~& ^- l( W
) J! [, k& W! a$ X2 j# P
jeeez.........this is so hard. i ...
! L, {# b6 s! i8 J, Y

+ A& E% s- h: A3 s$ w我哋鬥懶
最可靠嘅終生伴侶係.... 面油紙, 鼻貼<-- 答案   ^_^ '
Originally posted by 樂壇渣Fit人 at 2005-7-2 12:12 AM:
0 n. H% C1 ]- w+ i9 e6 p" i
0 w. w3 {8 T3 a- q$ K, C細firm競爭心細d
: k* V$ E6 ]8 Y( d' d, }) X+ o大firm人事鬥爭好...
" Q! S7 t9 {8 s8 I* R+ g: \/ P

" W" s- K# P0 T5 m8 ^" l# |6 S我會架啦9 ~! ]( ]1 ?0 R! L/ n3 l( d
多謝你既意見5 A4 W) |* r) u+ i- u
. G, v- T1 i. s- s) g如果唔係好易跌死
Originally posted by tenmadio at 2005-7-2 02:10 AM:; T, m3 F9 v3 g! a" u7 ]

: X! d7 Q) w( b2 y+ F: w6 T  U. S- R: P. h2 v

& l' X2 V0 V+ Syes ar, i must become a good writer in ur forum
7 J+ B- m4 P! P! J- Z0 d

, q& i, M8 C* ~- r; Z; b/ Z" khahahhaa, what grade?
1 `2 v9 V/ Y4 a- _( l9 e; g. b4 L* p/ d7 C3 \$ c3 F
do u study Chinese at school?
Originally posted by crap at 2005-7-2 12:12 AM:
7 Y6 z# `5 {& I- I
9 Z. B8 e# s1 l$ b9 W$ ]
) a# J2 O, H' i8 Z% ?which of you are going to write the description for the topic?
* z5 D) {- r  f" Y* @1 }: M+ i7 I. D
after u finished, we may come together and modify a lil bit and then give CEO to have a look, if he approve, then we can launch~
8 ]  n4 a( N$ ?
we sorta did a REALLY REALLY ROUGH one last night. just about 3 sentences....
Originally posted by singgeihot at 2005-7-2 02:12 AM:/ c3 i6 B# l. d

$ M7 ]0 I, r( U. R) X5 g6 O  V" V) q5 r
呢個 case 用 "駛" 会好 d ; W4 ~; q, N  H- [4 `: p
7 T  X( \( T+ i# N+ {
Quote:3 X4 I5 F% K3 I- T7 L+ |
: F! ~3 k. @$ N! K; l- X/ j0 P6 @, ?7 }3 U' m5 v
" v1 ^$ M$ f) s" gwhahahahahhahahahhaaa
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » [鎖貼]版友傾訴熱線第二輯經已播放完畢,多謝大家支持

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