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原帖由 kakeidevil 於 2008-9-2 11:29 PM 發表
即刻賣多幾件衫, 幫補下先~!
原帖由 kakeidevil 於 2008-9-2 11:29 PM 發表
其實今年註冊果時, 已經將d number排到密麻麻, 果時已經諗, 有新前鋒黎有咩號碼比人揀...

原來一早有賣走saha套現呢個plan, 唔怪之得...

值得一提係, 小弟曾經以為阿蘇既20號波衫會直接過戶manucho, 點知只係自己主觀願望...
最後20, 21係落入巴西法比奧兄弟手上....

仲有一點值得諗下, 早傳曼聯曾打亨利主意, 如果由d號碼編排黎睇, 係真有其事...
如果唔係想將14號空出黎留比亨利, 似乎解釋唔到點解排到密麻麻, 無啦啦空個14號出黎...
原帖由 filter-052fans 於 2008-9-3 09:17 AM 發表

其實今年註冊果時, 已經將d number排到密麻麻, 果時已經諗, 有新前鋒黎有咩號碼比人揀...

原來一早有賣走saha套現呢個plan, 唔怪之得...

值得一提係, 小弟曾經以為阿蘇既20號波衫會直接過戶manucho, 點知只係自 ...
or you can think of the oterh way...No.14 in man Utd is the most unlucky number..

its previous owner: Diublin, Kanchelskis, Cruff, Smith, Henize(assigned to him days before he sold to Real Madrid)

all the No.14 owners were either seriously injuried or had a clash with SAF...maybe that's the reason no one wants to take 14 at Man Utd~
原帖由 arthur8088 於 2008-9-3 02:11 PM 發表

or you can think of the oterh way...No.14 in man Utd is the most unlucky number..

its previous owner: Diublin, Kanchelskis, Cruff, Smith, Henize(assigned to him days before he sold to Real Madrid)
man utd~~~CARRICK

Cyndi Wang
作為曼聯球迷, 假如曼城真係肯出 1億3千萬買C朗...你贊唔贊成賣!?

理智叫我一定要賣, 但傳統叫我拒絕, 尊嚴叫我唔好屈服, 點算!?
原帖由 iknow 於 2008-9-3 11:01 PM 發表

yes...true..and tim howard~~
原帖由 處處吻 於 2008-9-5 10:32 AM 發表
作為曼聯球迷, 假如曼城真係肯出 1億3千萬買C朗...你贊唔贊成賣!?

理智叫我一定要賣, 但傳統叫我拒絕, 尊嚴叫我唔好屈服, 點算!?
賣佢真係有得諗, 條友仔上季尾攞完歐冠之後, 好閃縮咁暗示想去皇馬, 攞完個歐洲最大既錦標, 都可以即刻想走既人, 佢對mu真係無物忠心可言,
原帖由 tonykwl 於 2008-9-5 02:19 PM 發表

賣佢真係有得諗, 條友仔上季尾攞完歐冠之後, 好閃縮咁暗示想去皇馬, 攞完個歐洲最大既錦標, 都可以即刻想走既人, 佢對mu真係無物忠心可言,
he was very very obviously expressing his willingness to join Real Madrid during the whole summer..or i should say form 2006~~, he had never hided this fact behind everyone~~
SAF has not found his successor yet...if SAF has found the right person, C7 will defintely be kicked out of Man Utd ~~~and the price will not be this high~~like some cut-down price...30-40Mill~~i'm pretty sure...

at this stage..SAF still keeps slient because he needs to rely on C7~~and sort of the whole team needs him~~~SAF still wants him to pay 120% effort to man utd~~

he's like Beckham in the past~~after Man utd captured trible champions~~~got distracted by his wife and his entertainment career~~and Real madrid..didnt pay attention  towards Man Utd at all~~~~
why this man united forum become inactive?
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » 【奧脫福茶餐廳】--- 再見C朗,野獸出走...

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