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娛樂滿紛 26FUN» Sports討論版 » 北京奧運2008 » 中國連奪8金,金牌數目遠勝美國
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今屆中國的金牌從第2日就已是第一, 美國在今屆失掉很多的金牌, 例如在女子游泳多項賽事都失利, 今屆中國要攞最多金牌; 問題應該唔大, 但國家是希望今屆以主辦國(主人家身份)能奪取最多的獎牌, 成為運動大國, 運動強國, 以顯國力. 雖然現時美國總獎牌數有65面(19金21銀25銅), 而中國則61面(35金21銀25銅), 但好大機會是超前美國, 最終成為最多獎牌的國家, 世界第一.
若不喜, 仲鬧人唔識中文, 又話係某人喎, 仲要人慎入才回喎, 邊有噤惡架.

有會員跟尾狗話, 相比之下我D所謂既HDTVCAP 質素差好多, 謹慎諗了還是唔識回??? [img]http://www.26fun.com/bbs/viewthr ... p;page=1#pid3877072[/img]

原帖由 奪命老妖 於 2008-8-17 10:28 PM 發表
原帖由 hllee 於 2008-8-17 10:31 PM 發表

原帖由 奪命老妖 於 2008-8-17 10:28 PM 發表
Athletics is not really asia n 's Strength....For short explosive events, lke 100M or 200M, you cant beat those blacks becuase of neutral born muscle fibers..they are born to have a more Type IIB, which is more white fibers..

For long distance events, like 10000m, you can't beat those blacks from Africa countries...as due to the enviroment, they are born with more Type I and Type IIA fibers, which are red fibers...they have longer endurance than asia ns....

馬家軍 has been proven that they used restricted medicines in training...it's not their training schedule making them to be the top~~it's the medicine...

Asia ns are kind of race that good at more technique events, like 110 hurdles, or like jpn, the top swimmer in Breaststroke...both of these two events require certain lvl of skills involved + speed, and we are good at develop some advantage from the skills to compensate the weaker body strength and speed~~

you will defintely see one or two filter-074 top sprinters in coming years..but it's very unlikely that asia ns will dominate Athletics events~~

[ 本帖最後由 arthur8088 於 2008-8-17 10:51 PM 編輯 ]
雖然現時美國總獎牌數有65面(19金21銀25銅), 而中國則61面(35金21銀25銅)

.......I didn't pay too much attention to the Olympic games...but if the information above is correct...
China already has 81 medals.....
原帖由 slwong3 於 2008-8-17 11:48 PM 發表
雖然現時美國總獎牌數有65面(19金21銀25銅), 而中國則61面(35金21銀25銅)

.......I didn't pay too much attention to the Olympic games...but if the information above is correct...
China already has 81 med ...
8.18 12:00am最新獎牌榜

1中国   35 13 13 61
2美国   19 21 25 65
3英国   11 6 8 25
4德国   9 6 6 21
5澳大利亚   8 10 11 29

原帖由 infjlam 於 2008-8-17 11:59 PM 發表

8.18 12:00am最新獎牌榜

详细奖牌榜http://results.beijing2008.cn/WRM/CHI/frags/images/mg2.gif" border="0">http://results.beijing2008.cn/WRM/CHI/frags/imag ...
then at least China has more gold medals than US
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN» Sports討論版 » 北京奧運2008 » 中國連奪8金,金牌數目遠勝美國

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