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本帖最後由 brightlee 於 2009-11-1 08:21 AM 編輯

Seemed Lee Mason, ref from Fulham's match in week 11, disagreed to what Graham Poll said....He sent Carragher off with the 99% similar foul~~~

and Philip Degen's foul was not a striaght red ...
arthur8088 發表於 2009-11-1 06:10 AM
Let me try to find any chance to see this match
You know iinet couldn't give this match for reply .....

Seemed Lee Mason, ref from Fulham's match in week 11, disagreed to what Graham Poll said....He sent Carragher off with the 99% similar foul~~~

and Philip Degen's foul was not a striaght red ...
arthur8088 發表於 2009-11-1 06:10 AM
Finally I saw both incidents, I couldn't see 100% for different angles for Degen's foul so I couldn't have conclusion for that Red card incident
however, I think referee Lee Mason was right that he should sent off Carragher when he fouled Bobby Zamora.

If you could remember what I said in previous post,

the major different between both incidents, Michael Owen wasn't running towards goal, but Bobby Zamora was running toward goal. That's why referee Lee Mason got no option to send off Jamie Carragher due to: "denying obvious goal scoring opportunties"
9# arthur8088

哈哈, 我回得太慢又懶睇英文, 我正想係星期6加歷查紅牌之後差能廚 bright, 比你快左一步!!
12# brightlee

你一定有解釋去撐球證, 基本上次次你好少會話球證錯, 可能係你都係一份子既原故....

老實講我作為紅魔fans, 聽完你講都係有d唔順氣, 但我唔識你識, 只可尊重你地既專業...

我只能夠講, 食飽飯唔做野既FIFA, 實在留下太多灰色地帶, 包括越位, 龍門界線, 單刀被從後攔截等, 比人去衝擊球證既執法...

BTW, 你有無睇番foy吹韋斯咸果場波? 上星期佢又出事, 攪錯左曼聯既拉菲爾係法比奧....
14# filter-052fans

please forgive the wrong yellow card incident...they just look 99% the same~~~especially for awhite ppl look at other skin colour person~~~
Bright, any comments about the ref on Chelsea Vs Man utd game???...The EPL ref has been on hot water about their decisions...

like i'm not talking about the offside decision in Terry's goal or Ronney's disallowed one, that's not the ref job, it's the lineman job, although lineman was controversial as well~~~

SAF was complaining about the ref standing in a ridiculous position where he had no chance to the whole incident at all...from a registered ref point of view, do you agree? like from the instruction guide line, is there any suggestion for it?

and for the Evan's Karate kick, that's a striaght red material, wasnt it..?
Bright, any comments about the ref on Chelsea Vs Man utd game???...The EPL ref has been on hot water about their decisions...

like i'm not talking about the offside decision in Terry's goal ...
arthur8088 發表於 2009-11-9 10:35 PM
I have watched about 40 mins only,
so far Mr Martin Atkinson was doing ok up to that moment.
I hope I will watch whole game on Thursday night and give you comment

I head Mr Atkinson didn't do proper job... I will watch it carefully
12# brightlee

你一定有解釋去撐球證, 基本上次次你好少會話球證錯, 可能係你都係一份子既原故....

老實講我作為紅魔fans, 聽完你講都係有d唔順氣, 但我唔識你識, 只可尊重你地既專業...

我只能夠講, 食飽 ...
filter-052fans 發表於 2009-11-5 12:10 PM
Something if that's right, that's right.. if that's wrong, there must be wrong.

I didn't think Mr Mark Clattenburg was doing great job when Arsenal vs Tottenham.. he should show at least a yellow card to David Benalty in those incidents.

Yes, Chris Foy was making an honest mistake.. Man Utd did it right to appeal that yellow card and FA "tranfers" that yellow card to the right person
Finally I watched the whole game.

1) Yes, referee was in bad angle for Drogba vs Evans, that's why he gave a yellow card to Drogba for "player acting" instead of sending off Johnny Evans "Violent conduct". (He must regret for his decision when he watched the replay)
2) The freekick that cos Chelsea scored the winning goal, there could be debatable, cos Fletcher got the ball. But if I were Martin Atkinson, I could have given the same decision cos Darren was blocking Ashley Cole.
3) That's NO OFFSIDE for Drogba, under the new rule in FIFA instructed 2 years ago. If an attacker stayed in offside position, and couldn't deflected the block of views of defending Goal Keeper, that's NOT OFFSIDE. So a goal should be allowed in this case. If you want to "BLAME" someone, BLAME FIFA!!!! Referee just applied what's under the law book.
4) As I told before, if a referee gives 5 mins add-in time, he could give between 4 mins 30 seconds and up to 5 mins 30 seconds add in time. That's why even Chelsea got subsitution during add-in time, referee didn't give an extra 30 seconds for that. The game was finished exactly 5 mins. Of cos a lot of people may not know about this (and also I don't think that's good idea the game should be ended exactly 95 mins)
5) Mr Martin Atkinson was handling JUST OK for that game. The critical point was Johnny Evans didn't send off for his foul against Drogba, that caused players in both team heating up.
EPL refree is always no good
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » 英超第10周兩大爛球證

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