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SCM 發表於 2009-11-11 10:38 PM
Widow reveals Enke's struggles with depression

Germany goalkeeper Robert Enke, who committed suicide on Tuesday evening, had been battling depression and was first treated for the illness in 2003, his widow has revealed.

The 32-year-old Hannover stopper was struck by a regional train travelling between Norddeich and Hanover at a railway crossing in Neustadt am Rubenberge and died at the scene and tributes have poured in for him. Germany have also called off their friendly with Chile in Cologne on Saturday as a mark of respect.

Enke's widow Teresa and his psychologist Dr Valentin Markser appeared at a press conference at Hannover's AWD-Arena to explain the background to his death.

Enke was first treated for depression during his time at Barcelona, for whom he made only one Primera Division appearance. His widow revealed he feared that their adopted daughter Leila would be taken away if the illness became public knowledge.

The couple adopted the eight-month-old in May. They lost their biological daughter Lara in 2006 when she died of a rare heart condition at the age of just two.

''When he was acutely depressive it was a very difficult time because he lacked motivation and any hope of improvement," Teresa Enke said. ''I tried to be there for him, said that football is not everything. There are many beautiful things in life. It is not hopeless. We had Lara, we have Leila. I always wanted to help him to get through it. He didn't want it to come out because of fear. He was scared of losing Leila.

"It is crazy because now it is coming out anyway. We thought we could do everything and we could do it with love but you can't always do it.

''Football was everything. It was his life. The team gave him security. When he started to get better again he said it's so nice to be part of the team again. Training was his security. That he could drive to training every time was the most important thing for him.''

Dr Markser said he had been treating Enke since 2003, during a turbulent time when the goalkeeper had several unsuccessful transfers to clubs in Spain and Turkey.

"I had been treating him since 2003. He suffered from depression and fear of failure," he told reporters. Markser also said the player refused to be treated on the day of his suicide, saying he was feeling well.


於 2003 年開始接受治療
加上佢年僅 2 歲既愛女係 2006 年因為心臟病逝世

R.I.P. 安基
人生有幾多個十年? 不如坐底飲杯茶食個包啦!
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » 德國首席門將安基被火車撞死, 懷疑自殺身亡

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