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I only watch this program in StarWorld.....In my opinion, it might be too boring....especially for non-US people...
can't believe someone's actually interested in wrestling here
WWF (i like the old name over WWE)
it shouldn't be refer as kiddy
for they told u in the beginning it's not real wrestling
if u wanna watch real wrestling...it's more boring
(2 gay Lo's in a circle...hugging each other)

wwe has high flying, combos, trunt!!! (the rock)
and most importantly STORYLINE
有故事情節gar (我本人認為好睇過好多千遍一律geiTVB老士運動series, 四條草遇上人妖打排球時...頂)
雖然有時佢地會好誇, 不過佢地係北美嘅受歡level is 2nd, next to NFL (American Football)
($$$ making business)
they make more than nba...haha...hard to believe huh....haha

仲有, 佢哋嘅時事awareness好強, 敢言!!! (well...sometimes they are little 過火, but ...it's entertainment...so it's...like that...)

for kids...nah...
it's more like for kids that doesn't speak/know enough english
then...no fun for those =p
it's all language!

to me "一叮" is more offenisive and low B
so it's all subjective
Originally posted by herothree at 2005-3-1 05:09 AM:
can't believe someone's actually interested in wrestling here
WWF (i like the old name over WWE)
it shouldn't be refer as kiddy
for they told u in the beginning it's not real wrestling
i ...
so... do u watch wwe? (now, not in the past)

people who don't like wwe just because they didn't watch, and keep saying what other people said.. "it's fake".. but those people who said "its fake" because they didn't watch

the storyline is fake, but the damage all real
i just want to tell those people, if u don't want fake stuff, then STOP watching any movies or tv programs, they are all FAKE.

anyway, which wrestler do u like?
now i like jbl, i like his speech so much.
i still watch now

as i mentioned b4, it's all fake(storyline and the girls breastsss)(haha)...but the standard of calling whether something's fake or not is very subjective, you're right...all movies are fake...i think that's why they changed the name to WWE instead of WWF...coz the E stands for entertainment
(haha, i still remember when they first change the name...they kept on saying get the "F" out)

JBL??? haha
can't believe he actually gets a chinese fan
(remember his old looks??? yrs ago??? can't believe he looks like this now)

my fav...umm...Chris Benoit (since they splite raw and smackdown...they're like in their own league...i dont' like that...i wanna them to fight everyone...but i guess it's easier to handle that way) i personallly like the raw superstars more...more old school...and the "world title" looks betta than the wwe title (i think)

Comment/Question some:
John Cena - the next "Rock" (but his arms looks...fake...lots of drugs)
Randy Orton RKO - his finishing move is copy stone cold stunner...Legend killer my a**
RVD - where he go???
Originally posted by herothree at 2005-3-2 12:37 AM:
i still watch now

as i mentioned b4, it's all fake(storyline and the girls breastsss)(haha)...but the standard of calling whether something's fake or not is very subjective, you're right. ...
no, Randy Orton RKO is not copy from Stunner, it is from Diamond Cutter of the former WCW champ DDP.

RVD got injury, so he suddenly disappeared.

John Cena... yeah they are pushing him hard, but I don't think he will beat JBL at WM, JBL will still be the champ, "In JBL We Trust".

Chris Benoit, yeah me too, I also like him so much, last year I watch WM20 PPV, when he finally beated HHH, I want to cry too. But I am so disappointed about his role recently, WWE don't give him a storyline, and just let him crash with Muhammed Hassan, too bad.

In fact, JBL is not that bad, his talk keep improving since he become champion, and I think he will still be champ for few months more, and lose in SummerSlam.
u must be a hardcore fan
follow since wcw
(well...close enough...there not much rooms for new moves now...for it's all taken or it's too dangerous)

i know
that muhammed ...so dumb...i'm glad he's not chinese tho...or else it's like another will hung
benoit's good (just little under sized)

do u play video games???
have u tried the raw vs. smackdown
looks good
raw vs smackdown, is that for ps2?
i don't have it

only got xbox, try RAW2 before
but don't like it... don't know how to do finishing move

so do u watch raw and sd every week?
i heard that spike tv will not boardcast raw anymore, their contract is over soon
too bad...
raw is on tsn/sportsnet (not sure)
so no worries

it's on ps2
i loved the older ones
and heard that this one is the craziest
with most legends (including my all time fav. Brad Heart - Hitman)
haha, it seems you like playing tv game more than watching
anyway, its good to know someone who also like wwe
as the matter of fact
JBL is giving speeches on my tv at the moment

u're dam* right
i do like games more than watching
especially when they introduce the story elements in games
hey, what's betta they creating your own champions out of no where

actually there was a period of time i stopped watching wwf (still f back then)
4got his name
the guy with a guitar
he always hits women with it...
i found it really distrubing
so i stopped

then later on
the dunley's boys...sigh...
table slam the women again...then i stopped for awhile again

but now
with stacy...what is there not to like...haha...

most brothers are right
the story and the moves are all fake
so are the boobs of most of those girls
but...lucky, there's stacy...haha
here this is for the brothers that don't like wwe
u might change your mind after this
(not nude, sorry guys, i respect sportboard and women too much to post such)
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » 唔知呢度有冇人睇 WWE ?

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