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first of all
thx brother rider for such gr8 dream team 1992...wow...
it's truly the "dream" team...i think the bench players are good as well

i don't agree with the saying "nba isn't popular after jordan's"
just no actual "Dynasty"
i personally strongly dislike dynasty...it's nasty
all the players other then couple of stars are...treated as no body
also...it's boring to see the same team or same guy keep on winning
yet i have to say
unlike jordan, there's isn't ONE ICON for basketball
but what is wrong with that
more options
pl4s for all the north american brother would agree with me when i say it's always hometeam first
no matter how stupid your hometeam is (managment) or how bad your home team is doing
u'll still want them to win for...for the seek of being in the city
u wanna betta "face"
without an super icon
that let fan like their hometeam more
which i totally don't see the problem with that
(i really hated to go in to a stadium that all wears Bulls jersey when it's a Raptor home game)
(that happens all the time when the NY Yankee come to toronto to play the blue jays)(baseball)
i really dont' like that
well...i guess many brothers are use to that
when man.united go to hk
all hk ppl wear man.'s uniform...haha
Originally posted by herothree at 2005-3-22 01:56 AM:
....(i really hated to go in to a stadium that all wears Bulls jersey when it's a Raptor home game)
(that happens all the time when the NY Yankee come to toronto to play the blue jays)(baseball)
i really dont' like that....
um... that doesn't feel good... does it?

we could do nthg about it, many ppl are supporting the 'best team at the moment' instead of a constant one....

if u say HK ppl wearing MU's shirts, well..... 90% of people who watch soccer in HK prefer supporting Man U than HKSAR team.......
it's a place which doesn't have strong 民族意識
that shouldn't be the case...
but...can't expect anything...
can't depend on LeeKenWor and AuWanLan
Originally posted by herothree at 2005-3-23 02:14 AM:
that shouldn't be the case...
but...can't expect anything...
can't depend on LeeKenWor and AuWanLan
wahahahhaaa, well..
i like 和仔, but not Mr. dead fire.....
u see since 和仔 'quit' HK team, there's no one trying(remember, it's try only...) to cross the ball, no one just run to the base line and send the ball in...
well... i know like 1/3 of 和仔's crosses end up the wrong side of the base line...
but at least the rest are useful...

well... Mr. Dead Fire... he can simply go to bed....

[ Last edited by crap on 2005-3-23 at 04:18 AM ]
still remember when i was little
go to "Big Soccer Field" with dad to watch leeKenWor play (he was on the green team...EastFong)
and "SouthWa" has SanDoasts back then

when i was little
i took a coarse taught by SanDoasts
i have many pics

i have not touch soccer for yrsssss lor
only baseball/softball/and little bit of bball now
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » NBA after Jordan-Bulls Dynasty

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