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Originally posted by 甘國武 at 2005-3-26 12:28 AM:

都有道理0既, 況且而家都唔係 T-MAC 肯夾明哥,
他真係未必肯咁遷就O'NEAL, 正如當日唔想係表哥陰影下打波咁。
冇錯 (only for 紅色o個 D), but MJ 只會話 pippen 係佢好兄弟, pippen 先係 team leader, O'neal 係今季大部份時間都會讓 Wade 去發揮, 以 team 為重, how's kobe?? 佢係好勁, 可以 score, reb, ast, stl ....., but can't win 就系 can't win,  very support what herothree say, 重有, laker 除咗 kobe 仲有其他有實力嘅人,  Lamar Odom  去季就有 17.1 pts, 9.7 reb, 4.1 ast, 1 stl 嘅成績, 不比 89 - 91 年嘅 pippen 差, 而 Chucky Atkins 同 Caron Butler  都有雙位 avg pts, 當年除了 MJ 同 pippen 之外就好似只有 grant 有 double figure, BJ close 雙位 avg pts. 咁你又點可以話 kobe 係度 'single hand carry the team' 呢!! 佢根本就發揮唔到隊友嘅長處, 係 MJ 時代, BJ 勁到可以入 all star (雖然嗰年真係冇乜 star), 重 1 換 5 去 golden state (記得好似係), 之後点無人知, coz 好快就唔見咗, 仲有好多其他公牛球員都有 similar case. team leader 好重要, MJ 係, O'neal 係, Magic 係, bird 係, (in fact I think pippen, kidd 都係), ...... But...佢.... kobe....依家絕對 唔係

好想知 kobe 係 may to june 會唔會同我吔一齊睇 espn 吖拿

p.s. 由 MJ last all star 開始就憎 kobe 嘅人上

yes...thats true...but you can't just look at the stats...coz in a game, you need ppl to score to grab rebounds to do the assists and all the rest...so the stats won't tell how good someone actually is, but it just say how important he is in the team...

you can use any 5 players and someone must have score 17 or 18 pts a game, even he is not good at all, becoz there should be a go to guy in the team

therefore, of coz there are still someone in the Lakers filling the stats sheet beside Kobe, but that doesnt mean he is really that good

and the Lakers are missing some team chemisty and coaching change, that will hurt how the team performs too...
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » 五年四次總決賽已成往事 43分難阻高比遠離季後賽

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