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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » [4/7吹水加分題]【妙想天開】 26FUN 响 n 年後會變成點呢?
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7 m& Y4 R1 C  f# T$ u2 T! n* `/ }3 Y有更多0既會長同埋唔同0既板...% x  l1 F9 g& G6 D# G
7 @5 Q' E3 w5 T; {' Z
不過最好就有個板係用泥回味番N 年前(即係宜家) 0既明星
3 Q  D) [( ]( M新同舊0既雙管齊下,咁就正喇
5 S  `2 F0 M$ M( U+ j# Q9 ]一齊網上炒股,一邊炒一邊傾下偈.人人一得閒就上26FUN,到時可能仲有網上足球,籃球,等一班member可以互相切磋,大戰數百個回合.再者到時d明星都變成公公婆婆,咁我地就可以一齊回味下以前佢地花邊新聞,都幾得意
I think 26FUN will be the biggest forum in the world after n years. A lot of people come to looks for news, photoes, friends, many many thing.... It just like a second world - computer network world.
Originally posted by RahXephon at 2005-7-4 10:25 PM:; o1 q0 Q6 r5 |" e
! q. ?3 O1 t% E, R( F3 A! r
如果那样的话,设想确实够大胆的...2 k9 S) t0 L0 E5 u) [
, o7 Z7 n; F5 w1 g- w5 B至于20年后,我就希望自己的偶像(jessica hsuan)能够站在汪阿姐现在的位置上,无论是在TVB或者北京去开会的说...那时候,我相信到时候的年轻人,对于我们现在的偶像可能完全不知道,但我也完全不认识那时候的明星了。& }2 \5 b" R# z
Originally posted by hayatokasami at 2005-7-5 01:30 AM:
" n5 k+ j: s9 x  w8 Z& yn年後26FUN上左市,成為世界十大企業...
' }; B3 `& F: q( f! c+ W& Y希望26fun到时候如现在的google啦,人人买26fun的股票,个个衣食无忧- M. K1 g0 U6 p

[4/7吹水加分題]【妙想天開】 26FUN 响 n 年後會變成點呢?


[4/7吹水加分題]【妙想天開】 26FUN 响 n 年後會變成點呢?

n年後,全世界所有黑社會,恐怖份子,極瑞組織,都全部成為enfun會員,他們全部改邪歸正,唔知拉登同侯賽因會係新手上路,定係版主!再過nn年後,enfun會發展至太陽系,所有滿1000000分嘅會員,可以去其他星球做訪問,將整個宇宙連結一齊,統治成個宇宙,唔再有star war!咁就世界和平,宇宙安定啦!
事出頭,三思為妙!              怒上心,一忍最高!
n 年後
# ]2 L! G! s  @0 b; i  _3 `2 U& j4 ]- |4 V
* j, C# U. V4 M) J) y0 ~" y我都仲係睇唔到 積分 5 以上的 正片 -.-"
2 \( O. {; @4 @& t$ [! p: D8 ~4 S! h. q8 R& C5 C6 v7 l: z0 Y8 `
不過 n 呢個數唔會好大: o' s" e9 R' y5 L4 c: S$ P
! e* ]& ?) X& f  ?  h
因為咁樣局法 好快會死 -0-
In the 12th month of December, 2005.....EF will undergo a major warfare with  Mr. XXX-like villians.  CEO and all moderators will have to unit all their power to combat the Axis of Evil (composed of the many Mr. XXX). The  leader of the Axis of Evil comes from one (or more?) prominent member from EF. This leader(s) will recruit many cd-roms and start a coup to dismantle the foundations of EF. In the beginning, the heavily armed defactors will strike EF with several huge blows and wound all the  major moderators like CEO, Crap, toro, Leftie, irisG, 鳥 , Asu and Godofcar. Just as most of us think this spells the end of the great cyber communion, ADMIN finally flashes his powerful muscles and deliver the biggest hit in cyber warfare history. The result was devastating, most rebels were 'taken' care of (by hitmen) within 24 hours. With the heavy loss in leadership, ADMIN has no choice but to promote a few members to fill the gap of the wounded moderators. Sing, vivi, preston, Duk Duk (yes, even 篤篤) , simen022787, 小鳳姊,亨九利, and JohnWu gladly took the honor to guard the territories of the battered EF. Old members slowly returns as well as new recruits. Meanwhile, Discuz! has upgraded to 3.0 and chat rooms are now in virtual reality (thanks to the hardwork of Sky and John). * d' p. x. s! z5 m
5 @2 ?6 x) L3 h7 E5 a7 a; d
But the Axis of Evil refuse to give up! The only remaining member of the clan managed to gather some power and kidnapped all the new moderators while they are at the board meeting. WHO'S GOING TO SAVE EF NOW?
* A3 M" M% q( u3 N  B( K* K
! a# C/ ~( N- a0 X# sJust as we thought evil will overcome righteousness, the long retired Grand masters like Obie wan bonbonbon, markk, Beachboy, Mad-Skillz, kwoktatsing suddenly surface at the battlefield! Along with the regenerated CEO and his troops, we strike down the evil force once in for all. And  finally, peace at last in the Kingdom of EF.6 H7 I6 @+ n# J2 [" M! F4 N

/ c" T* P/ f9 K[ Last edited by Gretzky on 2005-7-5 at 12:17 PM ]

5 年後 , 會員人數高達 99...9 , post 量達 99...9 TB 容量,# ^6 [- y+ M8 L% ?/ H5 a
成為全港最多人最多post 既forum
1 }4 P2 E1 o3 E10 年後, 26fun 宣佈上市 , 集資十九幾萬億 ,
6 H; _# R) f1 U! T' i每股作價 1.0, 超額認購 20000 倍 , 於上市當日 , + V7 c- M% S) |9 j& C( d
市場熱烈高開 , 報 999.9 新高位,5 Y1 F6 P- n0 ?$ w1 m
8 b8 F$ g2 I0 m+ Y. ]! B20 年後, 由於香港市場基礎已穩 , 更向全球發展 ,
/ [' g% K* O8 A" f. P' ^7 C於多國建設伺服器, 廣納更多會員和外國資訊 ,, {4 f6 O3 V' c
同時在當地上市, 收購其他網絡股8 Q8 d2 |) o5 ?9 P" w
50 年後 , 網絡已覆蓋至太陽系九大行星 , ; c4 Y. u8 A" E' G- y, O
更於太陽系中心恆星 -- 太陽 , 建立總伺服器,
# N( L& G2 b0 h( F而資訊已包括各大行星的娛樂資訊, 有外星最熱歌曲,視訊推介1 N* `1 H6 e. ^
而我就可以睇到外星最 hit 樂隊 W.T.F. 既最新相同歌0 J/ Z# ^( x1 h, L  ]0 u! ]

2 R' \4 R6 m! P7 g" D2 c幻想完畢
' T* ~$ D/ }3 k' H4 I! v# I* `9 ]* i/ T3 k5 v7 @# R
n 年後 , 應該會有新一批 idol , 新一批 fans 上來討論,! h; w% c3 V# M" C6 x
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » [4/7吹水加分題]【妙想天開】 26FUN 响 n 年後會變成點呢?

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