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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » 比盧普斯披露布朗施暴行為 03年榜眼遭老帥摧殘
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Originally posted by yan_dbof at 2005-9-4 04:54 AM:
In fact, I didn't know why Larry Br...
when u see how he play in the game, u will know......

i was so LUCKY that i could watch him played for few mins once, he is a good player but playing not hard enuf, i mean he could always be a starter in any team but when u r talking about pistons, a team that major in defence, he could be a big hole of the team

i also think he already lost his confidence, there r two ways in front of him:

- learn how to become a defender in terms to stay in the team
- go to europe, or ABA to get back the confidence that needed for a game

else......throw him the garbage bin
hi everyone,

i believe this has something to do with the "old-school-coach-mindset", i.e. coaches from the early 80's (or coaches with a long history of basketball coaching) tend not to use rookies as their first or second team options. rather, they will bench these young guys for most of the time. one of the more obvious example is pat riley (if you could recall how he transformed the whole miami heat when he took over the team back in the early 90's. the hear's roster at that time was full of vets - tim hardaway, morning, mashburn, pj. brown etc).

the reason behind this "benching rookies" is simple, these "old school" coaches don't want to see their offence or defence ruined by rookies who just come to the league to experience professional basketball. they are paid by their employers to get instant impact (say, getting a 60-win season). instead of trying to play rookies and let them develop their game, these "old school" coaches simply stick to veterans who've been in this league long enough to know how to "play safe and win".

another explanation is that these coaches are trying to help the rookies to develope in the best possible way. early exposure to the pro game may sometimes be devastating, e.g. ed o'bannon who was a lottery draft pick by the nets, played for something like 2 seasons and gone! just look how many minutes kobe, garnett, dirk, petra played in the first few seasons. for yao, i'm pretty sure the rockets wanted to do the same. but for the economic benefits it was really stupid not to play yao when he first came in.

so, it's not so weird when the new season starts and larry brown benches rookies the knicks has got this year. ^_^
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » 比盧普斯披露布朗施暴行為 03年榜眼遭老帥摧殘

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