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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 手機版 » Nokia 3230 專頁
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本人只有兩隻n-gage game

Bomberman.part01.rar (1.4 MB)

Bomberman.part02.rar (1.4 MB)

Bomberman.part03.rar (1.4 MB)

Bomberman.part04.rar (1.4 MB)

Bomberman.part05.rar (1.4 MB)

Bomberman.part06.rar (1.3 MB)

" "加分是王道" "
fifa 2004

fifa2004.rar (4 MB)

" "加分是王道" "

MP3Player 3.02


OggPlay 1.65


進入OggPlay之後,按Options>Find new Files 程式便會自動搜索手機內的所有支援的音樂檔案,然後按Files,便會顯示所有檔案,再按Play便可。

OggPlayS60_1_65.zip (197.9 KB)

MP3 Player 3.02.rar (338.7 KB)

" "加分是王道" "
hi it's me again
thz for providing informations about 3230

i download the games from here
and one of the couldnt install
as well as i cant open it althoought i installed
is there any special method for the installation?

and about the Full Screen Caller 3.02 ENG and AlarmManager 1.3
are they trail version?
or do u have any method to extend the trail period?

thz for your help
opes i m sorry
i downloaded those 2 games from other place
but i forget from where tho
but wht i wanna know is that i just install the games same as installing application?
我冇試過 Full Screen Caller 3.02 ENG and AlarmManager 1.3, 唔知佢地係tried verison, 我只係用舊version only, and all can work properly. if you really want to use these two application, i can post it here.

至於n-gage game, 係唔同你install application 咁架,

p.s. 如果你唔太熟識symbain os 入面啲folder, 請用"Fileman 60 102" 去manage 啲位置, uninstall method 如下:

del 啲file 就得架喇
\libs\GAMECOMMS.DLL share
\libs\GAMEUTILS.DLL share
\libs\LIGHTDRV.DLL share



Fileman 60 102.rar (84.8 KB)

Alarm Manager 1.0.rar (7.3 KB)

Full Screen Caller 3.01 CHT.rar (75.6 KB)

" "加分是王道" "
thz very much!!!^^
one more question that was raised to me that where can i find these kind of n-gage game to download?
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 手機版 » Nokia 3230 專頁

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