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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 港男俱樂部 » [真‧頑童俱樂部2006](保存愛藏版)
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they don't have the new players yet wor
"The only thing that goes with the flow is a dead fish"
Originally posted by harvey22 at 8-9-2006 16:26:
就係right now picking~~
pick 完好比我知喇......
nolan fletcher~ maybe will change tmr~
"The only thing that goes with the flow is a dead fish"
J. Jaaskelainen, T. Howard  who u think is better??

bolton vs walford   , everton vs liverpool
"The only thing that goes with the flow is a dead fish"
Originally posted by harvey22 at 8-9-2006 16:26:
they don't have the new players yet wor
算吧啦.....Yahoo is useless .... /3\
連簡奴 + 泰維斯都無 = =
this yr they seems better wor, coz they update points faster haha~ last year i remember i can take them up to 2 weeks to update the game points, and they always get the points wrong.
"The only thing that goes with the flow is a dead fish"
Originally posted by harvey22 at 8-9-2006 16:29:
nolan fletcher~ maybe will change tmr~
I don't think this guy will be better than Carrick .....
have to safe up ar, i want henry for 1 week~~
"The only thing that goes with the flow is a dead fish"
Originally posted by harvey22 at 8-9-2006 16:31:
J. Jaaskelainen, T. Howard  who u think is better??

bolton vs walford   , everton vs liverpool
Given from Newcastle Utd.

1. 紐卡素 vs. 富咸 !!! ( Just think how poor are Fulham's away games )
2. I love Newcastle Utd. !!!!
Originally posted by harvey22 at 8-9-2006 16:34:
this yr they seems better wor, coz they update points faster haha~ last year i remember i can take them up to 2 weeks to update the game points, and they always get the points wrong.
I think they are still bad this yr.....
Their workers are not enough.......
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 港男俱樂部 » [真‧頑童俱樂部2006](保存愛藏版)

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