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Originally posted by catbert at 2005-3-21 10:52 PM:

Yes, the Wizards  ...
u r right, but it's actually tough for any team to play against Heat...... coz they got a crazy guy called Shaq....................
and they got some backup called Alanzo Mourning............... *headache*
maybe Mourning play 10 mins, but he could kill you in blk shot and Shaq could rest......
*bad headache*
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Originally posted by brightlee at 2005-3-21 10:54 PM:
yes, their big men  ...
Agreed.  Got a q though.  Is Wade playing PG or SG (or both) now?  It seems that they are now using Damon Jones as a PG and Wade as SG.
they are both 2 guards,.
so it's not abnormal for this situation


in 96 Magic, sometimes they have 2 2 guards on field, Penny+Brian Shaw.
this lineup could frustrated so many teams cos they don't know how to guard them.....
We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
so be happy!
yeah, that's like what Kings do with Bibby and Bobby..

Heat is really troublesome!!!!!!

maybe it will result as what NBA.com predicted when Shaq got traded, that the team got a former MVP center will champ that year...........
no one knows... maybe Suns crashes them in finals?!
We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
so be happy!
Spurs without TD =>   a team that can battle for the 8th seed of Western Conference
Originally posted by timduncan at 2005-3-22 12:14 AM:
Spurs without TD =>   a team that can battle for the 8th seed of Western Conference
hi tim~
how far do u think the Spurs can go this year then?
they may slide down to 3rd seeds in this case, as they get the playoff berth already, they wouldn't be that bad...
see how Gregg will use Nazr Mohammed nowadays
We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
so be happy!
Originally posted by brightlee at 2005-3-22 07:35 AM:
they may slide down to 3rd seeds in this case, as they get the playoff berth already, they wouldn't be that bad...
see how Gregg will use Nazr Mohammed nowadays
Spurs put TD on the IL earlier today and he's expected to miss at least two weeks.  There's a chance that he might miss the rest of the regular season.  In this case, I agree that Spurs might drop to the 3rd seed and I think that would be the lowest they could get.  Don't think that would be an issue for them for the first round of playoff - assuming that TD is back for the playoff.

However, they might not have the homecourt advantage for the second round (if they are no.3 seed) and conference finals (if they are no.2 or no.3 seed) then.  Do you think that would be an issue for them?  Personally, I do.  While they have been playing really well at home, the Spurs have not been playing that well on the road this season.  So TD's injury could potentially cost Spurs' chance of getting championship this year.

Just my humble opinion ...

[ Last edited by catbert on 2005-3-22 at 10:02 AM ]
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » Duncan severly sprains ankle shortly after opening tip

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