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braves 就咁就輸咗GAME 1 >.<
bro srfqt1
suen la
your jones brothers hit a pair of HRs
so ok gum la
sigh...next match..."the rocket" vs smoltz
should be an interesting game (defence-wise) as bro gretzky said
Well, guess what?

Clements screwed up so badly (5 earned runs) and Smoltz really smoked the Astro boyz! Chipper did it with his glove (and hands) and Jones did it with his bat!

I liked the comment made by Smoltz by the end of the game...he said whatever people said about this Atlanta team...at least today they are the best. And indeed this is so true. If Smoltz pitches like that...who knows.

I still think Astros will win the series (3-1) but this game is worth saving it in our memory.

St. Louis vs. SD
-this one is pretty much over...the Cardinals totally dominated the game...and they are not even at their peak. (Sweep)

Boston vs. Chicago
-Red Sox will rebound in game 3, but the bullpen may not be able to hold the lead. You have to pray that the starting pitching will go to the distance at least in Game 3 or Game 4.
(ChiSox in 4)

Yankees vs. Angels
-this is more like October baseball, close game and lots of drama....hard to call at this point. But with A Rod's bat sleeping...the Yankees better wake him up or....
(Angels in 5)

bro srfqt1
your braves did pretty well last night
heck of a ball game
very very entertaining
i sure hope that it's gonna be a close series
but...but...astro still saving up an ace...does Oswalt ring a bell for anyone

STL vs SD :  oh...it's not over yet...oops...

RSox vs Wsox:  
wakefield will be pitching for redsox...his knucklecurve is freaky...BUT his game is like ur bat disappear OR it jack after jack after jack, coz wakefield doesnt' have a 90+ 4seam fast ball in his arsenal

Yank vs Angels:
i would have to say it's pretty interesting over there, the only unpredictable out come
but randy johnson is on the mount tonight, the "big unit" dont' take 16 millions for nth...
we'll see we'll see

by the way
where are u guys from
get more of your 26fun buddies or real friends in here man
our post is getting kicked down, almost out of the first page (o^.^o)

do u guys play???

[ Last edited by herothree on 2005-10-7 at 10:53 AM ]
just a little update bosox got swept by the white sox
damon was sobbing during the interview that's too embarrassing anyway

and yanks are on the verge of losing as they are down 2-1
i'd be happy if they lose but something tells me that yanks are gonna crawl back but i hope i'm wrong. I think the angels are a pretty solid team that deserves to be in the next round.

i'm from vancouver btw, i don't play real baseball, just catch and throw type of thing but i'm trying to learn the grips of different pitches just for fun ... but never really worked out.
hey windowpane bro
welcome to our clan
it's good to know that u watch

as for playing
this is a very very tricky sport to start
coz u'll need to have enough ppl to run a team
otherwise u can't really learn
last yr, i was done with the days with only catch, so i put a team together
with a bunch of newbies
didn't do very well in the regular season, but won the championship in the 2 days tournament

so if u really wanna to learn the sport
get 4, 5 of experienced friends (this is tricky for chinese brothers)
then try to run a team with friend that don't know
teach them the sport
so they'll be your practice buddies (o^.^o)
the yankees and angels game was crazy last night
it was packed with hits and good baserunning
i was impressed
(go angels go, my AL pick)

the Cardinals are leading by 7-2 at the moment at bottom 6th
Padres have no chance
sorri for the fans
williams gave up like 2-3 runs in the 1st 2 innings...sigh...
no flame

and the yanks game got rained out this afternoon
which is good for the angels
for last game they really worked their bullpen abit
now they got more rest

missed the astro braves game this afternoon
but on papwer
as i predicted...oswalt....7.1 inning pitched, 7 ks, 6H only, 3ER
andruw jones' hot bat wasn't enough
and it was biggios 3 doubles that stole the thunder
Padres are hitting HR over HR
7-4 now
Well guys,

Seems like the pictures are clearer now...
1. St. Louis swept (as expected)
2. ChiSox killed BoSox (a little surprised)
3. Astros one win away (but I say the Braves will bite back to force game 5 extra innings)
4. Angels 2-1 over Yanks (the rain delay yesterday gave the Yanks some advantage...it took the momentum away from the Angels...hope the Westcoast boys can take it away though)

I never played baseball. My experience are pretty much with the recreational leagues. I can only throw a 60mile fast ball and a slider....since my arm isn't that strong  I am limited to pitching and infield work.

Astros 班 PITCHERS實在太強啦>.<
唯有希望game 4 Hudson會有番正常既表演啦
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