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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » The hockey thread
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the hard thing for goalies is the resizing of their equirpments....small pads, smaller blocker...less allowable outside the crease movement....

Poor folks...

guys like arturs irbe and j.s. giguerre used to have bulky equipments are gonna have hard time blocking pucks now lol.

there was a while when nhl's proposing this weird oval shape net, are they gonna use it in the near future or it's just part of the proposal that got rejected?
i think the goalies are the ones that suffer the most for the "NewEra" of the nhl

well...but i guess more goals are more entertaining for many

just like bball and baseball (especially baseball, for a no hitter game is very....boring)
Originally posted by Windowpane at 2005-10-18 05:28 PM:
guys like arturs irbe and j.s. gigu...
The league (or should I say Gary Bettman) was never good at enforcing any regulations others than the suspensions. The 'No trap' rule was introduced after the 95 lockout and the game didn't change a bit.

The only good thing about the year long strike is changes are necessary to lure fans back so they have no choice but to hammer on them.

I personally like the elimination of the goal line....it is not just the goals, but free-wheeling hockey!

the more free wheeling hockey does give hockey fans (or spectators in general) a more pleasant game to watch. But I think a good game doesn't necessarily mean high scoring, the stellar defense that prevents each team to score constitutes a good game too, tho some might say it's boring to watch. I think the fun of hockey doesn't limit to just scoring, but also the ups and downs like the excitement to see a player almost scores but then either the goalie making the save/a dman blk-ing the shot. Now offence's kinda like > than def take for examples no 2 line pass and the shootout, so it's offensive oriented game now. I wonder if goalies can have a GAA under 2.00 this year. Maybe I'm reminiscing the older rules but I guess hockey's moving forward now.

But I think hockey's a very fluid game comparing to like football. God all those 5 mins breaks between each play. Why the Americans like to watch a sports that doesn't flow. This is the sports that really needs changes.
btw nucks are playing the hawks rite now ... on ppv (sucks). Are we turning this thread into a canucks thread? lol

anyone noticed nashville's having a good start?
nucks 6 hawks 2
nucks have improved to 5-1-1

mo - 1G 2A
bert - 1G 2A
nazzi - 1G

oh yea bert
Nashville is hot...so as the surprising Dallas and Rangers!

Coffey's # retires tonight...Gretz is there to witness!

Guys...I will be away for a day (gonna have a backcountry trip to Vanc Island)...no access to the net...will see you guys in a couple of days....

Go Cards Go!

cards as cardinals in baseball???
no more lu...

i think i'm really gonna start watching hockey tho
coz the funny goals that they make these days
the goalies dont' know where to stand for most of the time
and sooo many defecting goals off teamates
good comedy for mei

and the leafs are winning
"always home team first"
Don't know if the Leafs are for real.. sorry...

Tie Domi isn't going to carry them for a playoff sport....

I wonder when Lindros will hit his head again....

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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » The hockey thread

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