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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » 請問有邊個網係直播阿仙奴vs曼聯場波?
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Originally posted by 月月鳥 at 2005-5-22 01:15 AM:

哈哈,燈神今日失準= ="
Originally posted by 改造人08 at 2005-5-22 03:11:
唔係有一球係阿仙奴球員hand ball咩?
itwon't be a penalty in that situation
I am not protecting Arsenal.... please understand it...
nowadays, most of the referees won't give the penalty in that case, cos it's clearly that's "ball hand" situation.
We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
so be happy!
Originally posted by brightlee at 2005-5-22 01:18 AM:

itwon't be a penalty in that si...
This I agree. If not, many games will be decided by referees, not players.
最可靠嘅終生伴侶係.... 面油紙, 鼻貼<-- 答案   ^_^ '
亨利都冇出, 你傻GA....
而且FA CUP唔係單場計GEI..阿記晉級得好好啊...點會唔值丫..
Originally posted by kiki12345 at 2005-5-22 01:07 AM:
but in truth.. Sir Alex..was having bad behaviours
yes, they lost the game in badly (if you think of his feelings, that's truth)
but he didn't walk up to get the medal..
really "unprofessional" behaviours.
We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
so be happy!
Originally posted by michaelui1 at 2005-5-22 01:24 AM:
亨利都冇出, 你傻GA....
1. henry 係咩人... 好多人都知...
2. 唔該你尊重下曼聯<-- 個名... 呢個係我對你人格既最低要求..
3. 講進級.. arsenal 同 man utd 冇得比... 你自己睇下information先晒料...
講都最後... 都係覺得man utd 唔低... 人之常情... 唔係有心向 arsenal fans 串乜...你係識體面既.. 可以學好多arsenal fans學下.. 佢地係度講d野好中立...  請你自重下...

Thanks for your co-operation.... +5

[ Last edited by brightlee on 2005-5-22 at 09:38 AM ]


不過要你誤會~~我都講聲"sorry" ~~^^

Special thanks for u!

[ Last edited by brightlee on 2005-5-22 at 09:38 AM ]
Originally posted by brightlee at 2005-5-22 01:30 AM:
but in truth.. Sir Alex..was having...
rofl... you played fm so much??
anyway.. old people is stubborn... especially those who achieved great things in their past.. so .. just let it be... haha
Originally posted by Kev at 2005-5-22 01:31 AM:

哈哈......同意你最後尾果句,如果阿記d fans同曼聯果d一樣就激的話,罵戰一早發生左= ="
Originally posted by Kev at 2005-5-22 03:35:

rofl... you played fm so much??
anyway.. old people is stubborn... especially those who achieved great things in their past.. so .. just let it be... haha
I watched FA Cup since 1985, yes, that year, Kevin Moran was sent off, and Man Utd won 1-0 vs Everton!!

I watch the teams that get the medals nearly all years......
that's why I noticed about it.....
We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
so be happy!
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » 請問有邊個網係直播阿仙奴vs曼聯場波?

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